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Ext JS 4 Preview Release 4发布

2011-03-16 11:25 393 查看
Release Notes for Ext JS 4 Preview Release 4

Release Notes: March 15, 2011

Version Number: 4.0.0pr4

Download: here

Release Notes

New In This Release

New Examples


Grid/Form/Chart Combo

Rich tooltips (Chart/Grid)

Accessible Feed Viewer using keyboard navigation

Key Nav

Drag and Drop

Grid to form DnD

Field to grid cell DnD

Grid to Grid DnD

DataView to grid DnD


A common "contact us" popup form

A shopping cart checkout form

Advanced validations


Simple toolbar with menus

Reorderable toolbar items


Accordion layout example

VBox layout manager examples


Simple generic Direct example

Form submission using Direct

General Bug Fixes

Fix error in slideIn/slideOut when optional duration is not specified

Fix and issue that can happen if only a single axis point is used in a bar chart

Ensure lastFocused is reset when refreshing the selection model

Fix EventManager issues with mouseenter/mouseleave events

Fix {memberExpression} selector parsing

Fix up alias for ArrayStore

Fix currency function to accept and convert a numeric String input value

Fix an issue where legend items don't remember their state between reload

Fix up allowEl option for within, it should be used as a fallback if the element isn't contained within the parent

Fix a highlighting issues with Pie

Correct use of "float" keyword as object property name

Fix buttons with noLinearGradients

Change how field layout handles horizontal sizing when no set width is specified It now uses the shrink-wrapped natural size of its body content plus label, rather than the width of the outermost element. This fixes layout issues when fields are used as hbox items, since the outer element has zero width during initial layout. It also prevents fields from expanding to the full width of their container by default, which is more consistent with the Ext3 behavior

Fix Box layout for when margins are specified in object for, but without all 4 properties. Default to zero

Remove extraneous quote in GroupingFeature template

Fix an issue when using autoHide and delegate with ToolTip

Fix Combo hiding when using the scroller in FireFox

Fix specificity of .x-form-invalid-field selector for textareas so the proper styling is shown

Fixed width of slider tips, and tips in general, in IE quirks mode. Switches tips to use the table framing so they don't expand to full viewport width. Removes the bad width-setting logic from Ext.slider.Tip so it is properly handled by the layout class

Fix box layout to correctly calculate middle alignment

Correctly autosize the innerCt according to max component size (now takes innerCt's borders into account)

Fix an issue when using a defaultValue with Boolean fields

Fix an issue when saving/loading a model and the request fails

Fix for improper font measurement in VML. Vertical header text should display more reliably. Still some work to do on adjusting for the font baseline.

Ensure button does not show mouseover when disabled

Fix call to cloneNode so it happens on the raw HTMLELement

Fix up a typo in the RemotingProvider

Fix an issue with form submissions with uploads

Fix typo that caused file uploads to fail

An autosized Panel which has been collapsed should now expand back properly

Fix an issue where the store would not reload when filters are cleared while using remoteFilter

Fix an issue where Model.setProxy would not accept a Proxy instance

Fix a problem in the ZIndexManager where if a modal Window showed another floating Component (such as the BoundList of a Picker Field), the modal mask is hidden during the period that the Window is not at the topmost position in the z-index stack. Now the modal mask is only hidden when there are no Modal floating Components (usually modal Windows) displayed

Fixed some IE 6/7/8 styles in Menu. IE6 had a "slit" in the item separator that is no longer there. Browsers without linear gradient support now use a nice looking background image for active items

Fix for Menu in Opera 10, which does not report an element's width if it is not a part of a render box. We have to temporarily add it to the body to perform a measurement

Change ReloadChart example to bind to the correct (left) axis

Fix issue where the bounding box cache in VML was not getting cleared when it's path changes

Fix toolbar button spacing in IE7 strict mode

Fix an issue with split buttons where the arrow wasn't completely clickable

Fix some issues with state track in Model

Fix Box Layout calculation effecting margins

Fix endDrag call to afterBoxReflow

Fix an issue rendering bar chart categories in the wrong order

Fix an issue when trying to position a floating component at 0,0

Fix a chart display issue when using a single series in a vertical legend

Fix an issue where the chart legend would move on redraw when using position: float

Ensure hidden fields don't have any effect on form display

Fix vertical alignment of paging toolbar number field

Fix a problem where Windows do no display an icon when configured with a valid iconCls

Fix bug in ComponentQuery, when using {expression} matching. Only the first {expression} used would ever be matched resulting in incorrect results.

Fix styling of fieldset legends

Fix height of text/trigger fields in IE quirks mode

Fix spinner button sprite states when field is focused

Fix an issue where viewports in IE6/7 would show a scrollbar by default

Fix dependencies for Border Layout and Splitter classes

Fix an issue when using non-string values in combo

Fix an issue when using a belongsTo association and loading the parent object

Fix an issue where RestProxy requests were being batched

Fix sizes of Buttons in ButtonGroup

Fix an issue when using an itemId in a border layout region

Fix an issue where space was being reserved in IE7 for side error icon when there is no error

Fix typo in throw error message in initframe

General Enhancements

Introduced a TreePanel capable of supporting multiple headers. Abstracted shared logic between the Tree and Grid into a TablePanel class.

Tab overflow implemented

Menu overflow implemented

Drag and Drop for Dataviews implemented

Implemented Tree and Grid drag and drop

FocusManager implemented (Jarred ELABORATE)

HTMLEditor implemented

Ext Direct implemented, with a new DirectProxy

Add support to ComponentQuery to accept member expression selectors in pseudo-class selectors

Support member expression selectors for ComponentQuery in the same way as attribute selectors, by allowing them to occur anywhere within a single selector chain to further filter the working group of items

Added inheritable statics for Classes

Refactor cleanup for Scatter Series

Ensure doLayout doesn't run a layout that is already in progress

Implement pruneRemoved for Ext.selection.Model

Ensure selection model is refreshed when DataView is refreshed or records are added

Create a reference to the Ext sandbox instance in generated functions

Increment snap ends `to` argument properly

Add feed viewer icon

Box layout. Correct allocation of spare space to non-flexed items after a shortfall has caused a reduction to minSize

Button layout: Now sets the outer element width if a numeric width passed

Added "focusable: false" to menu & toolbar separators so they are not candidates for gaining focus

Updated Ext.menu.* to play nicely with Ext.FocusManager when enabled

Menu: Constrain to within browser viewport and use box layout scroll overflow handler

Implement disabled style for horizontal scroller

Implement Ext.tree.SelectionModel handling for left/right in the flattreeview. Turn it on in the TreePanel

Enforce that user clicks expander to toggle a record

Ensure that collapsed region placeholders are z-indexed above slide-ins

Border layout now honors the floatable: false config

Menus no longer access elements that are not rendered

MenuManager now uses Ext.Array.remove instead of calling remove on the Array instance

Ensure a region isn't floated if floatable: false is specified.

DataView now ensures the selections get refreshed when the view does

Implemented button as a link when an href/url is configured

Implementes initial collapse state to collapse when the outermost Container (usually a Viewport) has been layed out, or, if no Container, on first component layout

Removed legacy images file

The framing method for non-CSS3 browsers which uses a table is necessary for proper width of floated components in IE quirks mode. Some floated components, such as Tip, have Dock layout which requires being able to insert docked items directly into the outermost element; this was failing when the outermost element was the table element. Changed to have a div as the outermost element with the table as an immediate child

Prevent validation when initializing the field value, rather than validating but then clearing errors

Apply correct CSS classes to Panel headers within collapsed Panels so that bordering can be kept consistent

Add rule for column layout child items. They must float:left

Implement 3.x style Column layout where child items float across the Container (Note this API is not finalized and may change)

Labels for vertical axis are now hidden when they're too close to each other (or overlapping)

Implemented weighting on docked items by returning a sorted array based on a weight property in AbstractPanel's getDockedItems method. Default weight is 0

Addition code to ensure the data proxy gets its params correctly

A parent menu's hide timer (on mouse leave) will be cancelled when hovering over a submenu

Add x-quirks to when we're in quirks mode (!Ext.isStrict), useful for CSS that must know whether or not in quirks mode, as x-border-box is applied on all browsers that aren't IE6/7 in both quirks and strict modes

Implemented hideHeaders and provide backwards compat layer for preventHeaders

Implement fill:false in Accordion layout which means that expanded child Panels are not fitted within the accordion Container, but assume their natural height. Implement multi:true which allows multiple items to be opened at once when using fill:true. The opened Panels share available space by using the Box layout flex config

Implement a Component click event in Header. This is for use by Panel's titleCollapse configuration

Accordion layout now propagates its Panel-specific configurations to child Panels

Implement titleCollapse for Panel

Added writeAllFields method to the data writers

Add beforeselect event to DataViewModel

Restored original fonts and font-weights in the default theme to be the same as of 3.3

Class.override now adds an owner reference to methods that didn't exist in the superclass yet

Users can now override the sortParam used when sorting a particular Header

Ensure we use the browser normalized array methods for DataView

Add a findLayoutController method which goes up the ownerCt chain to find the highest currently active layout so that afterlayout events may be tracked to fire when a final size has been arrived at

Card layout now calls afterLayout on the card Container after card activation

Refactor getWidth, getHeight, and getViewSize to account for IE quirks mode measurement issues when a container is overflowed

TabBar now scrolls the active tab into view upon set of active tab

Added new isIEQuirks flag

Tweak bar/column chart starting points so they don't overlap the axis

Ensure box layout takes border space of the innerCt into account when centering

Tooltips no longer get focus when they call toFront()

Users may now provide their own CSS rules for enabling overflow on other box layout Containers. Currently we support Menu, Toolbar and TabBar overflowing.

Window will now force the header creation if draggable is set to true

Added a new Body Component layout for Components which maintain an inner body element which must synchronize its size with the encapsulating element

FieldSet now uses a Component layout to synchronize the size of its body element with the size available within its main, encapsulating element

Due to the use of the descendant selector for setting float/etc on field labels, fields nested within a FieldContainer would always get the styles corresponding to the container's labelAlign, even if their own labelAlign was different. Changed it so the label alignment className is now given directly to the label element rather than the parent, so the CSS no longer has to use descendant selectors

The Trigger component layout was setting the height of the input field based on the incoming requested height; single-line input fields should always get their height from the CSS and ignore the layout's height

Made AbstractDataView less strict in the type of parameter it accepts as a target for getRecord. It may now be an HtmlElement or an Ext.Element

Added a frameHeader config which turns on/off framing on the Panel Header

Added a ComponentLayout for Editor

Ensure formBind is updated when the form is first created & when items are added/removed

Added the ability to assign a custom reader for reading associations

API Changes

Added destroy method to Model

Move getItemForPoint up to Series and implement isItemInPoint in each series

Added static methods for DataView

Containers calls to doLayout will call ComponentLayout instead of ContainerLayout when they don't have dimensions (autosized)

Change ComponentQuery's member expression filter function to use an "items" argument rather then accessing arguments.callee.caller.arguments, to be ES5/strict compliant and more straightforward

Remove the use of arguments.callee from EventManager.createListenerWrap, and instead give a named reference to the return function. ES5/strict compliant, and works in all browsers

Ensure DataView uses getItemSelector() when firing events

Changed $prefix in scss to include `x-` not just `x`

Remove box scroller subclasses. There's only one now which handles perpendicular/parallel

Box layouts: new properties for use by box layout overflow handlers

All box layout overflow scrolling is handled by a single class: Scroller

TabBar now removes header text item and tool spacer. Use scroller overflow handler

Added a new preventDefault option to button

Remove HorizontalMenu class. There is only one Menu overflow handler

Move scroll-specific methods out of overflow handler base class into the Scroll handler

Added extra menu-active cls with btn.ui into menuShow

Added menu-active cls to css

Add slider layout class as dependency

Not all floating components should be automatically focused when they are brought to the front; this adds a focusOnToFront config to control that behavior on a class or instance basis. Defaults to true, but is overridden to false in Tip and in the BoundList instances created by ComboBox and Time fields, to prevent losing field focus

Ext.grid.View renamed to Ext.view.TableView

Throw an error message when trying to bind to an event handler that doesn't exist

Add a border to collapsed panel headers depending on their docked position

Renamed the legacySortMode config to simpleSortMode

Added new API config for Server proxy and subclasses

Removed Class.extend method (not to be confused with Ext.extend)

Removed unused getHead method from Ext.data

Ext.util.Date.parseDate changed to Ext.util.Date.parse. Add deprecaton for the older parseDate API.

Unified Element and Element.static addUnits method which checks for a valid number or unitized String and throws a wraning message if a NaN is passed

Changed "operation-complete" event in Batch to "operationcomplete"

Compatibility Changes

Added Ext.lib.Ajax compat

Added Ext.reg / ComponentMgr.regiserType aliases

Fixed editor example's Panel.header reference

Include css for message box example

Alias Ext.lib.Dom.* to Element

Fixed registerType/reg aliases, added registerPlugin/preg

Moved legacy-only fx methods to compat file

Moved Component overrides from core-compat to compat

Added console msg about setting showErrors flag

Compat fix for loading stores with an inline data object

Moved xtype aliases from core-compat to compat

Added additional non-Core JS object prototype aliases

Ext.util.Date compat overrides

Additional msg for instance methods becoming statics

Added Ext.extend to the compat file, fixed a null error if members arg is not passed

Added Store.setDefaultSort compat override

Added GridPanel and Model compat overrides

Added applyTo message to Ext.Component

Added Ext.Compat.breaking() to show breaking changes

Added appropriate messaging for most of the compat configs

Moved compat items from combobox into the compat file

Renamed Ext.Base.extend -> Ext.Base.addStatics, deprecated Ext.Base.implement for Ext.Base.extend. In short, from now on, use MyClass.addStatics for statics members, MyClass.extend for prototype members

Fixed tpl alias to implement the getInnerTpl method correctly

Added isDef checks where needed to log messages only for defined configs

Add compatibility for overriding Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget

Add compatibility handler for old implicit column containers in the CheckboxGroup/RadioGroup items

AbstractStore and Store overrides for reconfiguring reader/proxy config if needed

Aliased store.url support

Reader support for optional recordType 2nd arg to constructor

XmlReader constructor override to alias configs

Known Issues

Portal example not correct in IE6

Toolbar menu overflow not styled in IE6

Charts do not render properly in Safari 3.2

Minor styling issues with forms/tabs/buttons (primarily in IE6/7)

Menu links still need styling

Minor clipping of panel header text in Opera and IE6/7
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