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【转载】Suse 11.3 Manually Change/Configure Resolution:手工设置分辨率

2011-03-14 22:24 295 查看
http://vrcats.wordpress.com/2010/09/26/suse-11-3-manually-changeconfigure-resolution:手工设置分辨率/ Suse 11.3 很脑残地弄掉了Sax2,又很秘密地删掉了/etc/X11/xorg.conf,如果你的显卡驱动不对,哪怕你再知道自己的显示器是什么分辨率,也不知道怎么设置上去。咱先不提显卡的事儿,装个Linux显卡驱动不是一下就能搞定的。我就说说在用VESA驱动的时候怎么设置自己想要的分辨率。 首先用cvt计算自己想要的分辨率参数,比如我想要1280×1024/60Hz的,我就这么干: cvt 1280 1024 60 返回值: # 1280×1024 59.89 Hz (CVT 1.31M4) hsync: 63.67 kHz; pclk: 109.00 MHz
Modeline "1280x1024_60.00" 109.00 1280 1368 1496 1712 1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync 这个Modeline就是我们需要的。 然后运行: xrandr –newmode "1280x1024_60.00" 109.00 1280 1368 1496 1712 1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync
xrandr –addmode VGA1 "1280x1024_60.00"
xrandr -s 1280x1024_60.00 第一条命令给系统添加一个新的显示模式,后面跟的参数就是上一步拿到的Modeline的值。
第三条命令真正切换到新增加的模式。屏幕一黑,你的心咯噔一下,紧接着系统回来了,还变美了,心情多么的开朗,天空多么的辽阔~ 具体的东西我就不往深了讲了,因为其实我自己也不怎么懂。你可以把这套东西做成一个脚本,加到启动文件里,省得每次都得调来调去的。总而言之这也是一个无奈的办法,最终的问题在于显卡驱动没有正确安装。装好显卡驱动才是正事儿,否则你弄得再漂亮速度也上不来。 因为我在网上还没有搜到这个问题的解决方法,我这恐怕是头一份儿,所以写一份英文的方便搜索引擎和不懂中文的小白,没有任何实质内容。 Suse 11.3 don’t have Sax2 neither /etc/X11/xorg.conf. So in case you are using VESA there is no convenient way to manually configure/change the resolution. However there is a not so complex work around as below. Say I would like to add display mode 1280×1024/60Hz to the system, first step is to determine necessary parameters with command cvt: cvt 1280 1024 60 it retuns: # 1280×1024 59.89 Hz (CVT 1.31M4) hsync: 63.67 kHz; pclk: 109.00
Modeline "1280x1024_60.00" 109.00 1280 1368 1496 1712 1024 1027 1034
1063 -hsync +vsync The "Modeline" is to be used in the next step. Now run: xrandr –newmode "1280x1024_60.00" 109.00 1280 1368 1496 1712 1024 1027
1034 1063 -hsync +vsync
xrandr –addmode VGA1 "1280x1024_60.00"
xrandr -s 1280x1024_60.00 The first command create a new display mode with the mode line retrieved with cvt.
The second command add the created mode to VGA1. You might be using DVI or something else, find it by running xrandr with no argument.
The third line switches to the new display mode just added. After a short blackout hopefully you see what you want. Suse developers: please fix this nasty problem asap. Your Suse is not as intellegent as you expected.
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