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PrintWordWarp & WordWarp[打印自动换行,字符串自动换行]

2011-03-09 23:06 465 查看

刚开始使用的代码编辑器不好看,结果想换一个,看到已经有这么多人浏览了,就没删除这篇文章重新上传,只是在live wirter上编辑好直接复制过来,但是没想到这个代码编辑器复制过来的没有了折叠功能,大家见谅。

private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
string strSource = "Welcome to the MSDN Library, an essential source of information "
+ "for developers using Microsoft® tools, products, technologies and services. "
+ "The MSDN Library includes how-to and reference documentation, sample code, "
+ "technical articles, and more. To find the content you need, browse the table of contents, "
+ "use search, or use a Quick Link to jump to some of the most popular areas of the library. "
+ "To get the latest MSDN headlines sent to you via e-mail. Sign up for the MSDN Flash Newsletter.";

float x = 33f;
float y = 280f;
Font printFont = new Font("Times New Roman", 10); ;
PrintWordWarp(e.Graphics, e.PageSettings, printFont, strSource, x, y);

public void PrintWordWarp(Graphics graphics, PageSettings pageSettings, Font printFont, string strSource, float x, float y)
float _x = x;
float _y = y;
IList<string> list = new List<string>();
string[] strArr = strSource.Split(' ');

float pWidth = pageSettings.PrintableArea.Width;
float cWidth;
for (int i = 0; i < strArr.Count(); i++)
cWidth = graphics.MeasureString(strArr[i], printFont).Width;
if (_x + cWidth > pWidth)
_y += graphics.MeasureString(strArr[i], printFont).Height;
_x = x;
graphics.DrawString(strArr[i], printFont, Brushes.Black, _x, _y, new StringFormat());
_x += cWidth;

string resultStr;
public void WordWarp(string strSource, int startIndex, int numPerLine)
int lastIndex = startIndex + numPerLine;
if (lastIndex > strSource.Length)
resultStr = strSource;
if (strSource.ElementAt(lastIndex) != ' ')
startIndex = strSource.LastIndexOf(' ', lastIndex, numPerLine);
startIndex += numPerLine;
strSource = strSource.Remove(startIndex, 1);
strSource = strSource.Insert(startIndex, "\n");
WordWarp(strSource, startIndex + 1, numPerLine);


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