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VIDEO: Google's Self-Driving Car Channels Charlie Sheen And "Winning"

2011-03-08 13:33 330 查看
And he lives a bitchin' rockstar life. Moving along.

Now, onto Google's self-driving car that made waves months ago. We located a story showing an actual demonstration appearing to take place at a parking facility at the TED conference. Although one would expect the self-driving car to work its way around the course at a safe, meandering pace, the car did something a bit more unexpected.

As Popular Science put it, the Google car "...performs like a precise maniac." Or sort of like Charlie Sheen.

**To see what we're talking about, we suggest you take a peek at the video down below

Google's self-driving car project is ambitious at heart--working with DARPA, Google is aiming to cut the number of traffic-related fatalities by as much as half, saving fuel along the way. But the badassery of the project has been kept largely under wraps until now: This video comes from a demonstration at a TED conference, and we can see that Google's robot drivers have the cold, steel heart of a rally driver...

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