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2011-02-21 10:47 197 查看

Select 1 as Type,A.Name as tName,'表名' as Col1,'中文标题' as Col2,'说明' as Col3,
'' as Col4,'' as Col5,'' as Col6,'' as Col7,'' as Col8,'' as Col9 Into #t
From SysObjects A Where A.xtype='U'
Select 2 as Type,A.Name as tName,A.Name as Col1,null as Col2,C.Value as Col3,
'' as Col4,'' as Col5,'' as Col6,'' as Col7,'' as Col8,'' as Col9
From SysObjects A Left join sysproperties C on A.id=C.id and C.smallid=0 and C.Type=3
Where A.xtype='U'
Select 3 as Type,A.Name as tName,'字段' as Col1,'中文标题' as Col2,'顺序' as Col3,
'字段类型' as Col4,'字段长度' as Col5,'允许为空' as Col6,'字段说明' as Col7,'自动增量' as Col8,
'主键' as Col9
From SysObjects A Where A.xtype='U'
Select 4 as Type,A.Name as tName,B.Name as Col1,'' as Col2,Convert(Nvarchar,B.ColOrder) as Col3,
D.Name+Case When D.Name in ('Numeric','Decimal') then '('+Convert(Nvarchar,B.xprec)+','+Convert(Nvarchar,B.xscale)+')'
else '' end as Col4,Convert(Nvarchar,B.Length) as Col5,
Case When B.isnullable=1 then '是' else '否' end as Col6,
C.Value as Col7,Case When B.autoval is not null then '是' else '' end as Col8,
Case When S.tName is null then '' else '是' end as Col9
From SysObjects A Inner join SysColumns B on A.id=b.id
Left join sysproperties C on A.id=C.id and B.colid=C.smallid and C.type=4
Left join systypes D on B.xtype=D.xtype and B.xUserType=D.xusertype
Left join (Select A.Name as tName,B.Name as ColName
From SysObjects A Inner join SysColumns B on A.id=b.id
Inner join SysObjects D on A.id=D.Parent_Obj and D.Xtype='PK'
Inner join sysindexes C on A.id=C.id and D.Name=C.Name
Inner join sysindexkeys S on C.id=S.id and C.indid=S.indid and B.colid=S.colid
Where A.Xtype='U') S on A.Name=S.tName and B.Name=S.ColName
Where A.xtype='U'
Order By tName,Type,Col3

Select Type,tName,Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col8,Col9 From #t Order By tName,Type,Case When Type=4 then Convert(int,Col3) else 0 End

drop table #t
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