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lwIP(V1.3.0) RAW API函数源码分析2----tcp_bind()函数

2011-02-16 16:21 435 查看
位于: 位于:lwip-x.x.x/src/core/tcp.c
原型: err_t tcp_bind(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct ip_addr *ipaddr, u16_t port)
 * Binds the connection to a local port number and IP address. If the
 * IP address is not given (i.e., ipaddr == NULL), the IP address of
 * the outgoing network interface is used instead.
 * @param pcb the tcp_pcb to bind (no check is done whether this pcb is
 *        already bound!)
 * @param ipaddr the local ip address to bind to (use IP_ADDR_ANY to bind
 *        to any local address
 * @param port the local port to bind to
 * @return ERR_USE if the port is already in use
 *         ERR_OK if bound 成功绑定
tcp_bind(struct tcp_pcb *pcb, struct ip_addr *ipaddr, u16_t port)
  struct tcp_pcb *cpcb;

  LWIP_ERROR("tcp_connect: can only bind in state CLOSED", pcb->state == CLOSED, return ERR_ISCONN);	

  if (port == 0) {
    port = tcp_new_port();	//返回一个新的(自由的)本地TCP端口号
  /* Check if the address already is in use. */
  /* Check the listen pcbs. */
/* 检查*/
  for(cpcb = (struct tcp_pcb *)tcp_listen_pcbs.pcbs;/*注1 */
      cpcb != NULL; cpcb = cpcb->next) {
    if (cpcb->local_port == port) {
      if (ip_addr_isany (&(cpcb->local_ip)) /*已监听pcb列表中IP地址全为0或没有分配IP地址,则函数返回1*/||
          ip_addr_isany(ipaddr) /*检验参数IP地址*/||
          ip_addr_cmp(&(cpcb->local_ip), ipaddr)) /*检验参数IP和已监听pcb列表中IP地址是否相同*/{
        return ERR_USE;	//返回端口已被使用信息
  /* Check the connected pcbs. 检查当前连接的pcbs*/
  for(cpcb = tcp_active_pcbs;
      cpcb != NULL; cpcb = cpcb->next) {
    if (cpcb->local_port == port) {
      if (ip_addr_isany(&(cpcb->local_ip)) ||
          ip_addr_isany(ipaddr) ||
          ip_addr_cmp(&(cpcb->local_ip), ipaddr)) {
        return ERR_USE;
  /* Check the bound, not yet connected pcbs.检查已绑定的还没有连接的pcbs */
  for(cpcb = tcp_bound_pcbs; cpcb != NULL; cpcb = cpcb->next) {
    if (cpcb->local_port == port) {
      if (ip_addr_isany(&(cpcb->local_ip)) ||
          ip_addr_isany(ipaddr) ||
          ip_addr_cmp(&(cpcb->local_ip), ipaddr)) {
        return ERR_USE;
  /* @todo: until SO_REUSEADDR is implemented (see task #6995 on savannah),
   * we have to check the pcbs in TIME-WAIT state, also: */
  for(cpcb = tcp_tw_pcbs; cpcb != NULL; cpcb = cpcb->next) {
    if (cpcb->local_port == port) {
      if (ip_addr_cmp(&(cpcb->local_ip), ipaddr)) {
        return ERR_USE;

  if (!ip_addr_isany(ipaddr)) {
    pcb->local_ip = *ipaddr;	//IP地址给当前连接的pcb 
  pcb->local_port = port;
  TCP_REG(&tcp_bound_pcbs, pcb);	//将当前pcb放入已绑定tcp_pcb列表
  LWIP_DEBUGF(TCP_DEBUG, ("tcp_bind: bind to port %"U16_F"/n", port));
  return ERR_OK;


#define IP_ADDR_ANY ((struct ip_addr *)&ip_addr_any)
#define IP_ADDR_ANY_VALUE 0x00000000UL
const struct ip_addr ip_addr_any = { IP_ADDR_ANY_VALUE };
所以, IP_ADDR_ANY是等于0x00000000UL的. 在IP地址上规定为广播地址,也就是任意地址的意思.

/* The TCP PCB lists. TCP PCB列表*/
union tcp_listen_pcbs_t { /* List of all TCP PCBs in LISTEN state. 进入监听状态的所有TCP PCB列表*/
struct tcp_pcb_listen *listen_pcbs;
struct tcp_pcb *pcbs;
extern union tcp_listen_pcbs_t tcp_listen_pcbs;
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