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参考手册MySQL 以及MySQL下载网址:

2011-02-04 14:34 543 查看
转载请标明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/aizhengyf 本文来自 CSDN 博客。x

中文版的 MySQL 5.1 参考手册 :
英文版本的 MySQL 5.1 Refer Manual :
英文版的 MySQL 5.0 Refer Manual :
英文版的 MySQL 6.0 Refer Manual :
4.0, 英文版的 MySQL 3.23. 4.1 Refer Manual
下载网址 :
与 Oracl 和 SQL Server 2000 一样 MySQL 著名的数据库软件 ..

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MySQL 5.1 Refer Manual

Copyright 1997-2008 MySQL AB

except if you distribut the document in a manner similar to how MySQL dissemin it that is,Thi document is NOT distribut under a GPL license. Use of thi document is subject to the follow terms: You mai creat a print copi of thi document sole for your own person use. Convers to other format is allow as long as the actual content is not alter or edit in ani way. You shall not publish or distribut thi document in ani form or on ani media. electron for download on a Web site with the softwar or on a CD-ROM or similar medium, provid howev that the document is dissemin togeth with the softwar on the same medium. Any other use, such as ani dissemin of print copi or us of thi documentation, in whole or in part, in anoth publication, requir the prior written consent from an author repres of MySQL AB. MySQL AB reserv ani and all right to thi document not expressli grant above.

for detail on how the MySQL document is built and produced,For more inform on the term of thi license. or if you ar interest in do a translation, pleas contact us at <docs@mysql.com>.

pleas visit either the MySQL Forum or MySQL Mail List where you can discuss your issu with other MySQL users. If you want help with us MySQL.

includ translat of the document into other languages,For addit document on MySQL products. and download version in varieti of formats, includ HTML, CHM and PDF formats, see MySQL Document Library.

A bstract

Thi is the MySQL Refer Manual. It document MySQL 5.1 through 5.1.23-rc.

Document gener on: 2008-01-12 revision: 9569
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