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HTML Help Workshop 工程文件格式解析

2011-01-25 20:37 423 查看

"window title",
"hhc file.hhc",
"hhk file.hhk",
"default page.html",
"home page.html",
"jump1 file.html",
"Jump1 caption",
"jump2 file.html",
"jump2 caption",
0x23520, /*
 0x100  Not Auto Sync
 0x40000       //Save user defined window position
 0x20    //window with navigate panel
 0x1   //auto show/hide navigate panel
 0x20000  //Navagate->Tabs->Advanced
 0x20400  //Navagate -> tabs-> Search Tab
 0x1000   //Favarite Tab
 0x2      // stay on top
 0x10000  // show msdn menu
 0x40000  // save window size and position
222,  //navigate panel width
0x1046, /*
 0x2  //show/hide buttons
 0x4  //back button
 0x8  //Forward button
 0x10  //Stop button
 0x20  //Refresh button
 0x40       //Home
 0x2000      //Print
 0x1000         //Locate
 0x40000  //Jump1
 0x80000  //Jump2
 0x100000  //Zoom
 0x800     //Sync
 0x200000  //Next step (need binary index)
 0x400000  //Prev step (need binary index)
0xb0000, /*
 0x20000 Maxmized box
0x0000, /* Extention style
 0x8   //Topmost
 0x400  // Context help
 0x80  // tool window
 0x200 //client edge
 0x20000  //static edge
 0x10  //accept files
 0x20   //transparent
1, //open with navigate panel close
, //Default Tab: NULL, Content tab; 1, Index tab; 2,Search tab; 3, Favarite tab;
, //Navigate panel position: NULL, Top; 1,Left;2,Bottom;
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