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* @(#)PerformanceTest .java        2008/01/16
* Copyright 2008 li haiyang. All rights reserved.

import java.io.PrintWriter;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import java.sql.Time;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

* @author li haiyang
public abstract class PerformanceTest {
* @param methodName
* @param args
* @param threadNum
* @param loops
* @return
* @see #run(String, List, int, int, int, boolean, boolean)
public LoopsStatistics run(String methodName, List args, final int threadNum, final int loops) {
return run(methodName, args, threadNum, 0, loops, true, true);

* @param methodNames
* @param args
* @param threadNum
* @param loops
* @return
* @see #run(String, List, int, int, int, boolean, boolean)
public LoopsStatistics run(List methodNames, List args, final int threadNum, final int loops) {
return run(methodNames, args, threadNum, 0, loops, true, true);

* @param methodName
* @param args
* @param threadNum
* @param threadDelay
* @param loops
* @param loopSetUpAndTearDown
* @param callSetUpAndTearDown
* @return
* @see #run(List, List, int, int, int, boolean, boolean)
public LoopsStatistics run(String methodName, List args, final int threadNum,
final int threadDelay, final int loops, final boolean loopSetUpAndTearDown,
final boolean callSetUpAndTearDown) {
List methodNames = new ArrayList();

return run(methodNames, args, threadNum, threadDelay, loops, loopSetUpAndTearDown,

* <br>The test method must have following format:
* <br><code>Object testMethod(Object arg)</code>
* <br>The input parameter <code>arg</code> is come from the previous method returned value,
* <br> or from this loop argument if this test method is the first test method.
* <br>The <code>returned value</code> is the initial method argument for next test method if this test method is not the last one.
* <br>The last test method returned value is not signed as next loop initial argument.
* <br>
* <br>
* <b>The argument flow:</b>
* <br>(0) --> loop initial argument = thread initial argument
* <br>(1) --> loop initial argument = loopSetup(loop initial argument) // if callLoopSetUpAndTearDown == true
* <br>(2) --> method initial argument = loop initial argument
* <br>(3) --> method initial argument = methodSetUp(method initial argument) // if callMethodSetUpAndTearDown == true.
* <br>(4) --> method initial argument = testMethod(method initial argument) // if the test method doesn't throw exception.
* <br>(5) --> method initial argument = methodTearDown(method initial argument) // if callMethodSetUpAndTearDown == true.
* <br>(6) --> go to (3) for each method.
* <br>(7) --> loop initial argument = loopTearDown(loop initial argument) // if callLoopSetUpAndTearDown == true
* <br>(8) --> go to (1) for each loop.
* @param methodNames
* @param args initial parameters for each test thread. Each thread has one parameter.
*                           <br>So the <code>args</code>'s size must  be equals with <code>threadNum</code>.
* @param threadNum
* @param threadDelay waiting time to start next thread. Start next thread right now if <code>threadDelay==0</code>.
* @param loops loop times for each thread.
* @param callLoopSetUpAndTearDown run <code>loopSetUp</code> before each loop
*                           <br> and run <code>loopTearDown</code> after loop if <code>true</code>
* @param callMethodSetUpAndTearDown  run <code>methodSetUp</code> before each test method
*                           <br> and run <code>methodTearDown</code> after test method if <code>true</code>
* @return
public LoopsStatistics run(List methodNames, final List args, final int threadNum,
final int threadDelay, final int loops, final boolean callLoopSetUpAndTearDown,
final boolean callMethodSetUpAndTearDown) {
final Method[] methods = getMethodByName(methodNames);
final Counter threadCounter = new Counter();

final List loopStatisticsList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

if (threadNum == 0) {
} else if (threadNum == 1) {
runLoop(methods, args.get(0), loops, callLoopSetUpAndTearDown,
callMethodSetUpAndTearDown, loopStatisticsList);
} else {
for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threadNum; threadIndex++) {
final Object threadArg = args.get(threadIndex);
Thread th = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
runLoop(methods, threadArg, loops, callLoopSetUpAndTearDown,
callMethodSetUpAndTearDown, loopStatisticsList);
} finally {

public synchronized void start() {


if (threadDelay > 0) {

while (threadCounter.getActiveThreadNum() > 0) {

long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

return new LoopsStatistics(startTime, endTime, threadNum, loopStatisticsList);

protected void runLoop(final Method[] methods, final Object threadArg, final int loops,
final boolean callLoopSetUpAndTearDown, final boolean callMethodSetUpAndTearDown,
final List loopStatisticsList) {
Object loopArg = threadArg;

for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < loops; loopIndex++) {
if (callLoopSetUpAndTearDown) {
try {
loopArg = loopSetUp(threadArg);
} catch (Exception e) {

// ignore;

long loopStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

List methodStatisticsList = new ArrayList();
Object methodArg = loopArg;

for (int methodIndex = 0; methodIndex < methods.length; methodIndex++) {
if (callMethodSetUpAndTearDown) {
try {
methodArg = methodSetUp(methodArg);
} catch (Exception e) {

// ignore;

Object result = null;
long methodStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

try {
result = invokeMethod(methods[methodIndex], methodArg);
methodArg = result;
} catch (Exception e) {
result = e;

// ignore;

long methodEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

if (callMethodSetUpAndTearDown) {
try {
methodArg = methodTearDown(methodArg);
} catch (Exception e) {

// ignore;

MethodStatistics methodStatistics = new MethodStatistics(methods[methodIndex]
.getName(), methodStartTime, methodEndTime, result);

long loopEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

if (callLoopSetUpAndTearDown) {
try {
loopArg = loopTearDown(loopArg);
} catch (Exception e) {

// ignore;

Loop loopStatistics = new LoopStatistics(loopStartTime, loopEndTime,


protected Object loopSetUp(Object arg) {
return arg;

protected Object loopTearDown(Object arg) {
return arg;

protected Object methodSetUp(Object arg) {
return arg;

protected Object methodTearDown(Object arg) {
return arg;

protected Method getMethodByName(String methodName) {
try {
return this.getClass().getMethod(methodName, new Class[0]);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

protected Method[] getMethodByName(List methodNames) {
try {
Method[] result = new Method[methodNames.size()];

for (int index = 0; index < methodNames.size(); index++) {
result[index] = this.getClass()
.getMethod((String) methodNames.get(index),
new Class[] { Object.class });

return result;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

protected Object invokeMethod(Method method, Object arg) {
try {
return method.invoke(this, new Object[] { arg });
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

protected void sleep(long time) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

public interface Loop {
List getMethodNames();

MethodStatistics getSpendMinTimeMethod();

MethodStatistics getSpendMaxTimeMethod();

long getTotalMethodSpendedTime();

List getFailedMethodList();

public long getMethodSpendedTotalTime(String methodName);

public long getMethodSpendedMaxTime(String methodName);

public long getMethodSpendedMinTime(String methodName);

public float getMethodSpendedAvgTime(String methodName);

public List getMethodFailed(String methodName);

public int getMethodSize(String methodName);

public static class Statistics {
private Object result;
private long startTime;
private long endTime;

public Statistics() {
this.startTime = 0;
this.endTime = 0;

public Statistics(long startTime, long endTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
this.endTime = endTime;

public Object getResult() {
return result;

public void setResult(Object result) {
this.result = result;

public long getSpendedTime() {
return endTime - startTime;

public long getStartTime() {
return startTime;

public void setStartTime(long startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;

public long getEndTime() {
return endTime;

public void setEndTime(long endTime) {
this.endTime = endTime;

public static class LoopStatistics extends Statistics implements Loop {
private List methodStatisticsList;

public LoopStatistics() {

public LoopStatistics(long startTime, long endTime) {
super(startTime, endTime);

public LoopStatistics(long startTime, long endTime, List methodStatisticsList) {
super(startTime, endTime);
this.methodStatisticsList = methodStatisticsList;

public List getMethodNames() {
List result = new ArrayList();

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

return result;

public List getMethodStatisticsList() {
if (methodStatisticsList == null) {
methodStatisticsList = new ArrayList();

return methodStatisticsList;

public void setMethodStatisticsList(List methodStatisticsList) {
this.methodStatisticsList = methodStatisticsList;

public void addMethodStatisticsList(MethodStatistics methodStatistics) {

public long getTotalMethodSpendedTime() {
long result = 0;

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);
result += methodStatistics.getSpendedTime();

return result;

public MethodStatistics getSpendMaxTimeMethod() {
MethodStatistics result = null;

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

if ((result == null)
|| (methodStatistics.getSpendedTime() > result.getSpendedTime())) {
result = methodStatistics;

return result;

public MethodStatistics getSpendMinTimeMethod() {
MethodStatistics result = null;

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

if ((result == null)
|| (methodStatistics.getSpendedTime() < result.getSpendedTime())) {
result = methodStatistics;

return result;

public List getFailedMethodList() {
List result = new ArrayList();

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

if (methodStatistics.isFailed()) {

return result;

public long getMethodSpendedTotalTime(String methodName) {
long result = 0;

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

if (methodStatistics.getMethodName().equals(methodName)) {
result += methodStatistics.getSpendedTime();

return result;

public long getMethodSpendedMaxTime(String methodName) {
long result = 0;

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

if (methodStatistics.getMethodName().equals(methodName)) {
if (methodStatistics.getSpendedTime() > result) {
result = methodStatistics.getSpendedTime();

return result;

public long getMethodSpendedMinTime(String methodName) {
long result = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

if (methodStatistics.getMethodName().equals(methodName)) {
if (methodStatistics.getSpendedTime() < result) {
result = methodStatistics.getSpendedTime();

return result;

public float getMethodSpendedAvgTime(String methodName) {
float totalTime = 0;
int methodNum = 0;

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

if (methodStatistics.getMethodName().equals(methodName)) {
totalTime += methodStatistics.getSpendedTime();

return (methodNum > 0) ? (totalTime / methodNum) : totalTime;

public List getMethodFailed(String methodName) {
List result = new ArrayList();

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

if (methodStatistics.isFailed() && methodStatistics.equals(methodName)) {

return result;

public int getMethodSize(String methodName) {
int methodSize = 0;

if (methodStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) methodStatisticsList.get(index);

if (methodStatistics.getMethodName().equals(methodName)) {

return methodSize;

public static class LoopsStatistics extends Statistics implements Loop {
private final int threadNum;
private List loopStatisticsList;

public LoopsStatistics(long startTime, long endTime, int threadNum) {
super(startTime, endTime);
this.threadNum = threadNum;

public LoopsStatistics(long startTime, long endTime, int threadNum, List loopStatisticsList) {
this(startTime, endTime, threadNum);
this.loopStatisticsList = loopStatisticsList;

public int getThreadNum() {
return threadNum;

public List getMethodNames() {
List result = null;

if (loopStatisticsList == null) {
result = new ArrayList();
} else {
result = ((Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(0)).getMethodNames();

return result;

public List getLoopStatisticsList() {
if (loopStatisticsList == null) {
loopStatisticsList = new ArrayList();

return loopStatisticsList;

public void setLoopStatisticsList(List loopStatisticsList) {
this.loopStatisticsList = loopStatisticsList;

public void addMethodStatisticsList(Loop loopStatistics) {

public long getTotalMethodSpendedTime() {
long result = 0;

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);
result += loopStatistics.getTotalMethodSpendedTime();

return result;

public MethodStatistics getSpendMaxTimeMethod() {
MethodStatistics result = null;

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = loopStatistics.getSpendMaxTimeMethod();

if ((result == null)
|| (methodStatistics.getSpendedTime() > result.getSpendedTime())) {
result = methodStatistics;

return result;

public MethodStatistics getSpendMinTimeMethod() {
MethodStatistics result = null;

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);
MethodStatistics methodStatistics = loopStatistics.getSpendMinTimeMethod();

if ((result == null)
|| (methodStatistics.getSpendedTime() < result.getSpendedTime())) {
result = methodStatistics;

return result;

public List getFailedMethodList() {
List result = new ArrayList();

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);

return result;

public long getMethodSpendedTotalTime(String methodName) {
long result = 0;

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);
result += loopStatistics.getMethodSpendedTotalTime(methodName);

return result;

public long getMethodSpendedMaxTime(String methodName) {
long result = 0;

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);
long loopMethodMaxTime = loopStatistics.getMethodSpendedMaxTime(methodName);

if (loopMethodMaxTime > result) {
result = loopMethodMaxTime;

return result;

public long getMethodSpendedMinTime(String methodName) {
long result = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);
long loopMethodMinTime = loopStatistics.getMethodSpendedMinTime(methodName);

if (loopMethodMinTime < result) {
result = loopMethodMinTime;

return result;

public float getMethodSpendedAvgTime(String methodName) {
float totalTime = 0;
int methodNum = 0;

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);
float loopMethodTotalTime = loopStatistics.getMethodSpendedTotalTime(methodName);
int loopMethodSize = loopStatistics.getMethodSize(methodName);
totalTime += loopMethodTotalTime;
methodNum += loopMethodSize;

return (methodNum > 0) ? (totalTime / methodNum) : totalTime;

public List getMethodFailed(String methodName) {
List result = new ArrayList();

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);

return result;

public int getMethodSize(String methodName) {
int result = 0;

if (loopStatisticsList != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < loopStatisticsList.size(); index++) {
Loop loopStatistics = (Loop) loopStatisticsList.get(index);
result += loopStatistics.getMethodSize(methodName);

return result;

public void printResult() {

writeResult(new PrintWriter(System.out));


public void writeResult(PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("threadNum=" + threadNum + "; totalLoops=" + loopStatisticsList.size()
+ ".");
writer.println("<startTime>: " + getStartTime() + "(" + new Time(getStartTime())
+ ")");
writer.println("<endTime>: " + getEndTime() + "(" + new Time(getEndTime()) + ")");
writer.println("<totalSpendedTime>: " + getSpendedTime() + "ms");
writer.write("<eachLoopSpendedTime>: "
+ (((float) getSpendedTime()) / loopStatisticsList.size()) + "ms");

MethodStatistics methodStatistics = getSpendMaxTimeMethod();

if (methodStatistics != null) {
writer.println("<singleMethodSpendedMaxTime>: method="
+ methodStatistics.getMethodName() + ", spendedTime="
+ methodStatistics.getSpendedTime() + "ms");

methodStatistics = getSpendMinTimeMethod();

if (methodStatistics != null) {
writer.println("<singleMethodSpendedMinTime>: method="
+ methodStatistics.getMethodName() + ", spendedTime="
+ methodStatistics.getSpendedTime() + "ms");

String methodNameTitil = "<method name>,  ";
List methodNameList = getMethodNames();
int maxMethodNameLength = methodNameTitil.length();

if (methodNameList.size() > 0) {
for (int index = 0; index < methodNameList.size(); index++) {
String methodName = (String) methodNameList.get(index);

if ((methodName.length() + 3) > maxMethodNameLength) {
maxMethodNameLength = methodName.length() + 3;

writer.println(fillSpace(methodNameTitil, maxMethodNameLength)
+ "<arg time>, <max time>, <min time>, <total time>");

for (int index = 0; index < methodNameList.size(); index++) {
String methodName = (String) methodNameList.get(index);
float avgTime = getMethodSpendedAvgTime(methodName);

String st = String.valueOf(avgTime);
int periodIndex = st.indexOf('.');

if ((periodIndex > 0) && ((st.length() - periodIndex) > 3)) {
st = st.substring(0, periodIndex + 3);
avgTime = Float.valueOf(st).floatValue();

long maxTime = getMethodSpendedMaxTime(methodName);
long minTime = getMethodSpendedMinTime(methodName);
long totalTime = getMethodSpendedTotalTime(methodName);

writer.println(fillSpace(methodName + ",  ", maxMethodNameLength)
+ fillSpace(" " + avgTime + ",  ", 12) + fillSpace(" " + maxTime + ",  ", 12)
+ fillSpace(" " + minTime + ",  ", 12) + fillSpace(" " + totalTime + ",  ", 11));

writer.println("(unit: millisecond)");



protected void writeError(PrintWriter writer) {
MethodStatistics methodStatistics;
List failedMethodList = getFailedMethodList();

if (failedMethodList.size() > 0) {
writer.println("Errors: ");

for (int index = 0; index < failedMethodList.size(); index++) {
methodStatistics = (MethodStatistics) failedMethodList.get(index);

// Exception e = (Exception) methodStatistics.getResult();
// e.printStackTrace();

private String fillSpace(String st, int length) {
while (st.length() < length) {
st += " ";

return st;

public static class MethodStatistics extends Statistics {
private String methodName;
private Object result;

public MethodStatistics(String methodName) {
this.methodName = methodName;

public MethodStatistics(String methodName, long startTime, long endTime) {
super(startTime, endTime);
this.methodName = methodName;

public MethodStatistics(String methodName, long startTime, long endTime, Object result) {
super(startTime, endTime);
this.methodName = methodName;
this.result = result;

public String getMethodName() {
return methodName;

public Object getResult() {
return result;

public void setResult(Object result) {
this.result = result;

public boolean isFailed() {
return (result != null) && result instanceof Exception;

public String toString() {
return "method=" + methodName + ", startTime=" + getStartTime() + ", endTime="
+ getEndTime() + ", result=" + result + ". ";

public static class Counter {
private volatile int value = 0;

public synchronized int getActiveThreadNum() {
return value;

public synchronized int increaseAndGet() {
return ++value;

public synchronized int getAndIncrease() {
return value++;

public synchronized int decreaseAndGet() {
return --value;

public synchronized int getAndDecrease() {
return value--;
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