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2010-12-28 10:43 537 查看
1. Beat about the bush
    Don't beat about the bush, come straight to the point.  不要绕圈子,直来直去。
2. Fight fire with fire
    I have no choice but to fight fire with fire. 我别无选择,只好以其人之道换其人之身了。
3. A bum  steer 
    It turned out to be a bum steer, just a rumor spread by one of our competitions to make trouble for us.
4. The boss blames John again; actually it’s a storm in a teacup.老板又责骂了约翰,其实他是小题大做。
5. Police appeal for witnesses to come forward.警察呼吁目击者挺身而出。
6. She is just one track-minded, not to be harmful.她就是一根筋,并无恶意。
7. Beat it is a very rude way. 走开是一种不礼貌的表达方式。
8. I have butterflies in my stomach in a job interview.我面试的时候很紧张。
   have butterflies in one’s stomach 很紧张
9. She is a thorn in his side.她让他头大。
   a thorn in one’s side让 头大
10.It was really scary. It gave me the creeps.太吓人了,我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。
    give sb. the creeps让浑身起鸡皮疙瘩
11.It's a bittersweet feeling when he heard the news.当他听到这个消息的时候感觉苦乐参半。
   a bittersweet feeling苦乐参半的感觉
12.That job isn’t bad, but that’s not my cup of tea.这工作不错,但我没有兴趣。
   it’s not one’s cup of tea谁没有兴趣,不是谁喜欢的类型
13.Can I have a doggy bag, please? 我可以打包么?
   have a doggy bag打包
14. As it doesn't concern principles, you should leave some leeway and shouldn't have said those determined words.
    又不是原则上的事, 别把话说得太决绝了, 要留有余地。
   leave some leeway表示留有余地。
15.She hailed a taxi and left in a great haste.她招了一辆出租车,匆匆忙忙的走了。
   in a great haste表示匆忙的,着急的。
16.My opponent's plan is nothing but smoke and mirrors.我那竞争对手的计划其实是一个骗局。
   商务用语:smoke and mirrors表示使用不真实的消息蒙混别人。
17.This matter shouldn't be left entirely to his discretion.这件事不能任凭他一人决定。
   商务用语:leave sth. to one’s discretion表示交给某人酌办,由某人自由决定。
19.After you did such a bad thing, do you think you can get away with that?你做了这样一件坏事后,你以为能逃脱惩罚?
   商务用语:get away with被放过,做坏事而不受到惩罚。
20.He took a running jump at stock exchange and made no money on it.他急急地炒股票,一点儿钱也没有赚到。
商务用语:take a running jump直译为:跑着跳过去,引申表示过于着急做。
21.He made progress in work by leaps and bounds.他的工作进步飞快。
商务用语:by leaps and bounds表示飞跃的,飞速的。
22.She was fired for cooking the books.她因做假账而被辞退。
商务用语:cook the books表示做假账。
23.I’m sorry, it slipped my mind. I’ll be right over.对不起,我忘了,我这就过去。
商务用语:it slipped one’s mind谁忘了
24.He’s surely a hard nut, nobody likes approaching him.他是一个冥顽不化的人,没有人愿意接近他。
商务用语:a hard nut冥顽不化的人
25.I struggle for words when asked a sudden question.当被突然提问时,我绞尽脑汁想出答案。
商务用语:struggle for words想答案
26.Tom changed his tune in a hurry when he learned he'll get a promotion soon.汤姆得知他晋升后迅速改变了决定。
商务用语:change one’s tune改变决定或主意
27.I like your design. Let's run with it and see how it works.我喜欢你的设计方案。我们就这么办吧,看看效果如何。
商务用语:let's run with (something) 表示我们就照(某方法)去做吧,主要用于意见基本达成一致时。
28.Let's grab a bite to eat at that hamburger joint near the theater.
商务用语:grab a bite表示忙的没有时间正规吃饭,随便找东西吃点、垫一下。
29.Don't throw that plastic bag away; it may come in handy someday/ you may find it useful in future.别把那个塑胶袋扔了,日后可能会用得着的。
商务用语:come in handy表示迟早会有用,派上用场,早晚会用得上。
30.I don't buy that kind of sweet talk so I guess he'll be disappointed.
商务用语:sweet talk表示拍马,过分的赞扬
31.David’s dad hit the ceiling when he got home at two in the morning.大卫凌晨两点回家,他爸爸大发雷霆。
商务用语:hit the ceiling勃然大怒,大发脾气
32.George realized the gravy train was over when he got fired.乔治到解雇时才意识到他的财源断了。
商务用语:gravy train美差,肥缺
33.This old method just doesn’t cut the mustard any more. 合乎要求
34.Money burns a hole in my wife’s pocket.我太太有钱就留不住。
商务用语:burn a hole in one’s pocket(钱等)在口袋留不住
35.Money burns a hole in my wife’s pocket.我太太有钱就留不住。
商务用语:burn a hole in one’s pocket(钱等)在口袋留不住
36.The thirty-story building is one of the most challenging engineering projects.
商务用语:thirty-story 30层
37.There’s something about her that rubs me the wrong way.她有些事让我很恼火。
商务用语:rub someone the wrong way触犯某人
38.You’re crying, what’s the cooking?你哭了,发生了什么事情?
商务用语:what’s the cooking?发生了什么事?(搞什么把戏?)
39.We just got back from tripping the light fantastic.我们刚刚跳舞回来。
商务用语:trip the light fantastic跳舞
40.We bite off more than one can chew when we started this project.这个项目开始的时候我们就没有量力而行。
商务用语:bite off more than one can chew力所不及,承担超过能力范围的事情
41.A change of pace will probably do you good.改变一下生活方式可能对你有好处。
商务用语:a change of pace为解乏、解闷而改变生活方式、习惯等
42.A young girl brought the house down with a ballet dance.一个年轻姑娘跳得芭蕾舞获得了全场喝彩。
商务用语:bring down the house获得全场喝彩
43.I wanted to shout it from the rooftops about the truth.我真想告诉每一个人真相。
商务用语:shout sth from the rooftops公开宣布某
44.He looks nice and fair, but beneath he’s really a nasty piece of work.
商务用语:nasty piece of work讨厌的家伙
45.I made a fool of myself at the meeting.我在会议上出了洋相。
商务用语:make a fool of出洋相
46.Keep cool, don’t hit the panic button.冷静点儿,不要惊慌失措。
商务用语:hit the panic button过于惊慌
47.Eric’s company gave him the boot.艾瑞克被公司开出了。
商务用语:give someone the boot解雇某人,开除某人
48.He’s a person of no account.他是个微不足道的人。
商务用语:no account无社会地位、微不足道的
49.Don’t be such a mother hen. I can take care of myself.别这么婆妈,我会自己照顾好自己的。
商务用语:mother hen婆妈的,絮叨的人
50.The new brooms should be more patient and diligent.新上任的官员应该更有耐心和智慧。
商务用语:new broom刚上任的新官、成员
51.Even though the bus makes good time, I have to leave a minute margin.
商务用语:make good time快速行驶
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