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WCF error "No end point listening at net.pipe://server name:port/service name that could accept the message

2010-12-14 11:49 801 查看
Often, While having client and server communication via WCF, there are
some errors that one get quiet frequently. I am blogging the error and
resolution for the benefits of all blog readers


: There was
no endpoint listening at net.pipe://servername:portnumber/ that could
accept the message.This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP
action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.


If you get above error, ensure to follow
the below steps

Step 1. Ensure you are pinging the server only
if it is started. Normally, this is a typical issue while accessing the
service, client pings the server even if it is not started.

Step 2.
Ensure that config file in both client and server does not have
different address.

Step 3. netpipe/named pipe only works if client
and server resides in same machine.Use netTcp binding incase they are
not in same machine or if there is any chances in future that both of
them does not resides in same machine.

Also, ensure that your IP
is been correctly accesed via the client. Normally, this does not happen
if you are using load Balancing techniques provider the hardware
components. If still the problems does not solve, email me :)

Read the complete post at http://dotnetpathak.blogspot.com/2009/09/wcf-error-no-end-point-listening-at.html
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