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堆排序 [Algorithm]

2010-12-07 19:35 197 查看


      插入排序最坏情况O(n2), 其内循环比较紧凑,对于小规模输入是一个快速的原地(数组中某个局部)排序算法。归并排序有着渐进运行时间nlgn时间,merge不在原地操作(merge最用在整个数组中)。堆排序正是前面两者优点的整合,在nlgn时间,对n个数进行原地排序[1]



      n/2(隐式下取整)+1 开始是叶子节点。证明:对于任意下标为i(从0开始)的非叶子节点,有性质:2*i+1, 2*i+2为其左右孩子,有2*i+1 <= n  and  2*i+2 <= n, 则最后一个非叶子结点为(int)n/2。下一个n/2+1为叶子节点。 





      有了脚手架的代码,看上去就不那么整齐,就像去工地一样,布满工装,肯定没有装修好的高楼大厦整洁干净~ 下面是整个代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

void swap(int& a, int& b)
typedef int type;

type temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;

/** 调节第i个结点,使保存最大堆特性
@param ptr 数组指针
@param range 堆调整的作用范围[0, range-1]
@param i 当前被调节的结点
void max_heapify(int* ptr, int range, int i)
typedef int type;
typedef type* ptr_type;

int left = i*2+1;
int right = i*2+2;

int largest;		//记录left, i, right中最大元素下标

//if ( left <= length && ptr[left] > ptr[i] )
if ( left < range && ptr[left] > ptr[i] )
largest = left;
largest = i;

//if ( right <= length && ptr[right] > ptr[largest] )
//if ( right <= length && ptr[right] > ptr[i] )
if ( right < range && ptr[right] > ptr[largest] )
largest = right;

if (largest!=i)
swap(ptr[i], ptr[largest]);

max_heapify(ptr, range, largest);

void build_max_heap(int* ptr, int length)
typedef int type;
typedef type* ptr_type;

int end = length/2;	//end+1: first leaf position

//for (int i(0); i<end; i++)
for (int i=end-1; i>=0; i--)
max_heapify(ptr, length, i);

void heap_sort(int* ptr, int length)
typedef int type;
typedef type* ptr_type;

build_max_heap(ptr, length);

#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "The max heap is: " << endl;
for (int t(0); t<length; t++) cout << ptr[t] << " ";
cout << endl;

cout << "Heap sort process: " << endl;

for (int lastId(length-1); lastId; lastId--)
swap(ptr[0], ptr[lastId]);

#ifdef _DEBUG
for (int t(0); t<lastId; t++) cout << ptr[t] << " ";
cout << "--";
max_heapify(ptr, lastId, 0);		//adjust [0, lastId-1].

#ifdef _DEBUG
for (int t(lastId); t<length; t++) cout << ptr[t] << " ";
cout << endl;

bool larger(int left, int right)
return left < right;

int main ()
#define P_2

#ifdef P_1
int myints[] = {10,20,30,5,15};
vector<int> v(myints,myints+5);
vector<int>::iterator it;

make_heap (v.begin(),v.end());
sort_heap (v.begin(),v.end());

cout << "final sorted range :";
for (unsigned i=0; i<v.size(); i++) cout << " " << v[i];
cout << endl;
#endif // P_1

#ifdef P_2
const int test_num = 10000000;	// 1 million

cout << "Test number " << "/t:/t/t" << test_num << std::endl;

int* testPtr = new int[test_num];
int* testPtr1 = new int[test_num];

for(int idx=0; idx<test_num; idx++)
testPtr1[idx] = testPtr[idx] = rand();

clock_t t = clock();
//build_max_heap(testPtr, test_num);
heap_sort(testPtr, test_num);
cout << "heap_sort " << "/t:/t/t" << clock() - t << std::endl;

t = clock();
make_heap(testPtr1, testPtr1+test_num, larger);
std::sort_heap(testPtr1, testPtr1+test_num, larger);
cout << "std::sort_heap " << "/t:/t/t" << clock() - t << std::endl;

// Test the result validity
for(int idx=0; idx<test_num; idx++)
if (testPtr[idx]!=testPtr1[idx])
cout << "wrong";

delete[] testPtr;	testPtr = 0;
delete[] testPtr1;	testPtr1 = 0;
#endif // P_2

#ifdef P_3
int myints[] = {5,2,4,7,1,3,6};
int length = sizeof(myints)/sizeof(myints[0]);

heap_sort(myints, length);
cout << endl;
for (int i(0); i<length; i++) cout << myints[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
#endif // P_3


return 0;



Test number     :               10000000
heap_sort       :               7734
std::sort_heap  :               5556



始终有个疑问,这种插入法建立的堆是否是唯一的?测试结果:对于一堆相同的输入,插入法建堆,调整方式建堆,和STL建堆 结果都不一样~


void heap_increase_key(int* ptr, int pos, int key)
ptr[pos] = key;

int parent = (pos-1)/2;
while( pos>=0 && ptr[parent]<ptr[pos] )
swap(ptr[pos], ptr[parent]);
pos = parent;

parent = (pos-1)/2;

// pos is 0 ==> parent is 0
// ptr[parent]==ptr[pos]
// exit the while loop

void heap_insert_key(int* ptr, int& lastId, int key)

int imin = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
ptr[lastId] = imin;

heap_increase_key(ptr, lastId, key);

void insert_build_max_heap(int* ptr, int length)
typedef int type;
typedef type* ptr_type;

for (int i=1; i<length; i++)
heap_insert_key(ptr, i, ptr[i]);

add - 2010/12/8 p.m


[1] 算法导论 - 堆排序

[2] 编程珠玑 - 程序员的忏悔

[3] 百度百科 - 工装 http://baike.baidu.com/view/907594.htm

add - 2011/9/21 p.m


用前K[0 - k-1]个元素,建立小顶堆K-Min-Heap;

遍历K - N-1元素,和堆顶元素比较:



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