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2010-12-07 10:09 453 查看

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function MultiByteToWideChar Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal CodePage As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByRef lpMultiByteStr As Any, ByVal cchMultiByte As Long, ByVal lpWideCharStr As Long, ByVal cchWideChar As Long) As Long
Private Const UTF8FT As Long = 65001 '代码页

Public Function SubtitlesFileAnalysis(ByVal SubtitlesFilesName As String) As Long

Dim GetFileExtendName As String '取得文件的扩展名
Dim FileByte() As Byte '存放字幕文件字节
Dim strBuffer As String, UTF8Size As Long, BufferSize As Long, UTF8Result As Long
Dim LineCount As Long, FileNumber As Long, TimeLenth As Long, TimeNumber As Long
Dim Stitle As String, TimeLabel(1 To 2) As String, St As String, StC As String
Dim Fbyte() As Byte, Temp() As String, sTime() As String, TT() As String, sTT() As String '临时数组
Dim tStyle() As String, sStyle() As String '缺省的字幕信息和自定义字幕信息
Dim V4StyleFormat As String, EventsFormat As String '缺省的字幕格式和对话事件格式
Dim sName As String, sFontname As String, sFontsize As String, sPrimaryColour As String, sBold As String, sItalic As String, sUnderline As String '从V4+Styles中取出的字体信息
Dim DefaultFontIfo As String '缺省的字体信息
Dim StartPosition As Long ', EndPo As Long, StylePo As Long, TextPo As Long '记录开始时间,结束时间,样式,字幕文本起始位置
Dim sHour As Long, sMunite As Long, sSecond As Long, s1 As Long, s2 As Long, s3 As Long, s4 As Long
Dim GotTime As Boolean

On Error Resume Next

DefaultFontIfo = "[fn=黑体][fs=24][fc=&HFFFFFF][fp=2][fi=0][fu=0][fb=0] "
sUnderline = "0"
If Dir(SubtitlesFilesName) = "" Or FileLen(SubtitlesFilesName) = 0 Then SubtitlesFileAnalysis = 0: Exit Function '字幕不存在即退出
GetFileExtendName = Mid$(SubtitlesFilesName, 1 + InStrRev(SubtitlesFilesName, "."), Len(SubtitlesFilesName) - InStrRev(SubtitlesFilesName, "."))
Debug.Print GetFileExtendName
FileNumber = FreeFile
Open SubtitlesFilesName For Binary As #FileNumber
ReDim FileByte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1), Fbyte(LOF(FileNumber) - 1)
Get #FileNumber, , FileByte
Close #FileNumber
If (Hex$(FileByte(0)) = "FF" And Hex$(FileByte(1)) = "FE") Or (Hex$(FileByte(0)) = "FE" And Hex$(FileByte(1)) = "FF") Then
If Hex$(FileByte(0)) = "FF" Then
'字幕文件为Unicode(Little Endian)编码
Stitle = StrConv(FileByte, vbNarrow)
End If
If Hex$(FileByte(0)) = "FE" Then
'字幕文件为Unicode Big Endian编码
For s1 = 0 To UBound(FileByte)
If s1 Mod 2 = 0 Then
Fbyte(s1) = FileByte(s1 + 1)
Fbyte(s1) = FileByte(s1 - 1)
End If
Stitle = StrConv(Fbyte, vbNarrow)
End If
Mid$(Stitle, 1, 1) = " ": Stitle = Trim(Stitle)
If (Hex$(FileByte(0)) = "EF" And Hex$(FileByte(1)) = "BB" And Hex$(FileByte(2)) = "BF") Then
UTF8Size = UBound(FileByte) + 1
BufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar(UTF8FT, 0&, FileByte(0), UTF8Size, 0&, 0&)
strBuffer = String$(BufferSize, vbNullChar)
UTF8Result = MultiByteToWideChar(UTF8FT, 0&, FileByte(0), UTF8Size, StrPtr(strBuffer), BufferSize)
If UTF8Result > 0 Then
Stitle = Left$(strBuffer, UTF8Result)
Mid$(Stitle, 1, 1) = " ": Stitle = Trim(Stitle)
Exit Function
End If
Stitle = StrConv(FileByte, vbUnicode)
End If
End If
Erase FileByte, Fbyte '释放动态数组所使用的内存
Temp = Split(Stitle, vbCrLf) '导出的全部字幕文本

LineCount = 1: s2 = 0
If LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "srt" Then
For s1 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
If InStr(1, Temp(s1), "-->") > 0 Then LineCount = LineCount + 1
SubtitlesFileAnalysis = LineCount - 1 '确定srt字幕个数
ReDim Subtitles(1 To LineCount - 1) '定义srt字幕数组
End If
If LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "ssa" Or LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "ass" Then
For s1 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
If InStr(1, Temp(s1), "Dialogue:") > 0 Then LineCount = LineCount + 1
If InStr(1, Temp(s1), "Style:") > 0 Then s2 = s2 + 1
If InStr(1, Temp(s1), "Format:") > 0 Then
If InStr(1, Temp(s1), "Encoding") > 0 Then
V4StyleFormat = Trim(Replace(Temp(s1), "Format:", Space(7)))
End If
If InStr(1, Temp(s1), "Marked") > 0 Or InStr(1, Temp(s1), "Layer") > 0 Then
EventsFormat = Temp(s1)
End If
End If
SubtitlesFileAnalysis = LineCount - 1 '确定ssa,ass字幕个数
ReDim Subtitles(1 To LineCount - 1) '定义ssa,ass字幕数组
ReDim sStyle(1 To s2)  '定义style预设样式的个数
ReDim tStyle(1 To LineCount - 1) '字幕中使用的预设样式名
End If

If SubtitlesFileAnalysis = 0 Then Exit Function

s2 = 0
If LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "ssa" Or LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "ass" Then
For s1 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
If InStr(1, Temp(s1), "Style:") > 0 Then s2 = s2 + 1: sStyle(s2) = Trim(Replace(Temp(s1), "Style:", Space(6)))
If InStr(1, Temp(s1), "[Events]") > 0 Then Exit For
End If

If LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "srt" Then
LineCount = 1: GotTime = False
For s1 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
Stitle = Trim(Temp(s1)) '提取srt字幕标签
If GotTime Then '取到一个时间标签后,记录当前时间标签下的所有字幕文本
If Len(Stitle) = 0 Or IsNumeric(Stitle) = True Then '碰到一空行或代表字幕个数的数字时
GotTime = False '已经提取完第LineCount个字幕
If Len(St) = 0 Then St = Space(10) ': Debug.Print Stitle
Subtitles(LineCount) = TimeLabel(1) & " [StartTime] " & TimeLabel(2) & " [EndTime] " & St '加上时间标签头
Subtitles(LineCount) = Trim(Left(Subtitles(LineCount), Len(Subtitles(LineCount)) - 6)) '去掉最后一个“-CRLF-”
St = "": LineCount = LineCount + 1 '记录字幕序号
If Len(Stitle) <> 0 Then St = St & (Stitle & "-CRLF-") 'CRLF回车换行
End If
End If

TimeLenth = InStr(1, Stitle, "-->")
If TimeLenth > 0 Then
TT = Split(Stitle, "-->")
TimeLabel(1) = TT(0) '字幕显示开始时间
sTime = Split(TimeLabel(1), ":")
sHour = CLng(sTime(0)) * 3600000
sMunite = CLng(sTime(1)) * 60000
sSecond = CLng(sTime(2))
TimeLabel(1) = CStr(sHour + sMunite + sSecond)

TimeLabel(2) = TT(1) '字幕显示结束时间
sTime = Split(TimeLabel(2), ":")
sHour = CLng(sTime(0)) * 3600000
sMunite = CLng(sTime(1)) * 60000
sSecond = CLng(sTime(2))
TimeLabel(2) = CStr(sHour + sMunite + sSecond)

GotTime = True '已经取到一个时间标签
End If
Subtitles(LineCount) = TimeLabel(1) & " [StartTime] " & TimeLabel(2) & " [EndTime] " & Subtitles(LineCount) & St '加上时间标签头
Subtitles(LineCount) = Trim(Left(Subtitles(LineCount), Len(Subtitles(LineCount)) - 6))
End If

If LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "ssa" Or LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "ass" Then
TT = Split(EventsFormat, ",")
LineCount = 0
For s1 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
If InStr(1, Temp(s1), "Dialogue:") > 0 Then
LineCount = LineCount + 1
sTT = Split(Temp(s1), ",")
For s2 = 0 To UBound(TT)
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "Start" Then
TimeLabel(1) = Trim(sTT(s2)) '字幕显示开始时间
sTime = Split(TimeLabel(1), ":")
sHour = CLng(sTime(0)) * 3600000
sMunite = CLng(sTime(1)) * 60000
sSecond = CLng(Val(sTime(2)) * 1000)
TimeLabel(1) = CStr(sHour + sMunite + sSecond)
End If
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "End" Then
TimeLabel(2) = Trim(sTT(s2)) '字幕显示结束时间
sTime = Split(TimeLabel(2), ":")
sHour = CLng(sTime(0)) * 3600000
sMunite = CLng(sTime(1)) * 60000
sSecond = CLng(Val(sTime(2)) * 1000)
TimeLabel(2) = CStr(sHour + sMunite + sSecond)
End If
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "Style" Then
tStyle(LineCount) = Trim(sTT(s2)) '字幕预设样式
End If
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "Text" Then
St = Temp(s1)
Mid$(St, 1, InStr(1, Temp(s1), sTT(s2)) - 1) = Space(InStr(1, Temp(s1), sTT(s2)) - 1)
St = Trim(St)
End If
Subtitles(LineCount) = tStyle(LineCount) & " [Style] " & TimeLabel(1) & " [StartTime] " & TimeLabel(2) & " [EndTime] " & St '加上时间标签头
End If
End If
Erase Temp, sTime, TT, sTT, tStyle '释放动态数组所使用的内存

For LineCount = 1 To UBound(Subtitles)
St = ""
s1 = InStr(1, Subtitles(LineCount), "/N")
If s1 > 0 Then
Temp = Split(Subtitles(LineCount), "/N")
For s2 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
If Len(Trim(Temp(s2))) <> 0 Then St = St & (Temp(s2) & "-CRLF-")
Subtitles(LineCount) = St
Subtitles(LineCount) = Trim(Left(Subtitles(LineCount), Len(Subtitles(LineCount)) - 6)) '去掉最后一个“-CRLF-”
End If
St = ""
s1 = InStr(1, Subtitles(LineCount), "<br>")
If s1 > 0 Then
Temp = Split(Subtitles(LineCount), "<br>")
For s2 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
If Len(Trim(Temp(s2))) <> 0 Then St = St & (Temp(s2) & "-CRLF-")
Subtitles(LineCount) = St
Subtitles(LineCount) = Trim(Left(Subtitles(LineCount), Len(Subtitles(LineCount)) - 6)) '去掉最后一个“-CRLF-”
End If
St = ""
s1 = InStr(1, Subtitles(LineCount), "/n")
If s1 > 0 Then
Temp = Split(Subtitles(LineCount), "/n")
For s2 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
If Len(Trim(Temp(s2))) <> 0 Then St = St & Temp(s2)
Subtitles(LineCount) = Trim(St)
End If
St = ""
s1 = InStr(1, Subtitles(LineCount), "/h")
If s1 > 0 Then
Temp = Split(Subtitles(LineCount), "/h")
For s2 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
If Len(Trim(Temp(s2))) <> 0 Then St = St & Temp(s2)
Subtitles(LineCount) = Trim(St)
End If
Erase Temp '释放动态数组所使用的内存

If InStr(1, Subtitles(LineCount), "-CRLF-") > 0 Then
Temp = Split(Subtitles(LineCount), "-CRLF-")
s2 = InStr(1, Temp(0), "[EndTime]")
St = Left$(Temp(0), s2 + 8) & DefaultFontIfo & Right$(Temp(0), Len(Temp(0)) - s2 - 8)
For s1 = 1 To UBound(Temp)
St = St & (" -CRLF- " & DefaultFontIfo & Temp(s1)) '& " -CRLF- ")
s2 = InStr(1, Subtitles(LineCount), "[EndTime]")
If Len(Subtitles(LineCount)) - s2 - 8 >= 0 Then
St = Left$(Subtitles(LineCount), s2 + 8) & DefaultFontIfo & Right$(Subtitles(LineCount), Len(Subtitles(LineCount)) - s2 - 8)
End If
End If
Subtitles(LineCount) = St: Erase Temp '初始化完毕Subtitles(LineCount),'释放动态数组Temp所使用的内存
If LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "ssa" Or LCase(GetFileExtendName) = "ass" Then
TT = Split(V4StyleFormat, ",")
For s1 = 1 To UBound(sStyle)
sTT = Split(sStyle(s1), ",")
For s2 = 0 To UBound(TT)
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "Name" Then sName = Trim(sTT(s2)) '取出样式名称
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "Fontname" Then sFontname = Trim(sTT(s2)) '取出字体名称
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "Fontsize" Then sFontsize = Trim(sTT(s2)) '取出字体大小
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "PrimaryColour" Then sPrimaryColour = "&H" & Hex$(CLng(sTT(s2))) '取出主体字体颜色
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "Bold" Then sBold = CStr(Abs(sTT(s2))) '取出字体粗体设置
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "Italic" Then sItalic = CStr(Abs(sTT(s2))) '取出字体斜体设置
If Trim(TT(s2)) = "Underline" Then sUnderline = CStr(Abs(sTT(s2)))  '取出字体下划线设置
StartPosition = InStr(1, Subtitles(LineCount), "[Style]")
St = Mid$(Subtitles(LineCount), 1, StartPosition - 1)
If (sName Like St) = True Or (InStr(1, St, sName) > 0) Then
Subtitles(LineCount) = Inifontifo(Subtitles(LineCount), DefaultFontIfo, "[fn=", sFontname)
Subtitles(LineCount) = Inifontifo(Subtitles(LineCount), DefaultFontIfo, "[fs=", sFontsize)
Subtitles(LineCount) = Inifontifo(Subtitles(LineCount), DefaultFontIfo, "[fc=", sPrimaryColour)
Subtitles(LineCount) = Inifontifo(Subtitles(LineCount), DefaultFontIfo, "[fb=", sBold)
Subtitles(LineCount) = Inifontifo(Subtitles(LineCount), DefaultFontIfo, "[fi=", sItalic)
Subtitles(LineCount) = Inifontifo(Subtitles(LineCount), DefaultFontIfo, "[fu=", sUnderline)
Mid$(Subtitles(LineCount), 1, StartPosition + 7) = Space(StartPosition + 7)
'Debug.Print "Subtitles(" & LineCount & ") =" & Trim(Subtitles(LineCount))
End If
End If

For LineCount = 1 To UBound(Subtitles)
If InStr(1, Subtitles(LineCount), "-CRLF-") > 0 Then
Temp = Split(Subtitles(LineCount), "-CRLF-")
For s1 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
St = "/fn": StC = "[fn="
Temp(s1) = Insert_String(Temp(s1), St, StC, 5)

St = "/fs": StC = "[fs="
Temp(s1) = Insert_String(Temp(s1), St, StC, 5)

St = "/c": StC = "[fc="
Temp(s1) = Insert_String(Temp(s1), St, StC, 11)

St = "/a": StC = "[fp="
Temp(s1) = Insert_String(Temp(s1), St, StC, 4)

St = "/i": StC = "[fi="
Temp(s1) = Insert_String(Temp(s1), St, StC, 4)

St = "/u": StC = "[fu="
Temp(s1) = Insert_String(Temp(s1), St, StC, 4)

St = "/b": StC = "[fb="
Temp(s1) = Insert_String(Temp(s1), St, StC, 4)
For s1 = 0 To UBound(Temp)
St = Temp(0)
For s3 = 1 To UBound(Temp) '合并字幕
St = St & (" -CRLF- " & Temp(s3))
Subtitles(LineCount) = St
St = "/fn": StC = "[fn="
Subtitles(LineCount) = Insert_String(Subtitles(LineCount), St, StC, 5)

St = "/fs": StC = "[fs="
Subtitles(LineCount) = Insert_String(Subtitles(LineCount), St, StC, 5)

St = "/c": StC = "[fc="
Subtitles(LineCount) = Insert_String(Subtitles(LineCount), St, StC, 11)

St = "/a": StC = "[fp="
Subtitles(LineCount) = Insert_String(Subtitles(LineCount), St, StC, 4)

St = "/i": StC = "[fi="
Subtitles(LineCount) = Insert_String(Subtitles(LineCount), St, StC, 4)

St = "/u": StC = "[fu="
Subtitles(LineCount) = Insert_String(Subtitles(LineCount), St, StC, 4)

St = "/b": StC = "[fb="
Subtitles(LineCount) = Insert_String(Subtitles(LineCount), St, StC, 4)

End If
Erase Temp '释放动态数组所使用的内存
Subtitles(LineCount) = GetXMLCodeValue(Subtitles(LineCount), ByVal "<i>")
Subtitles(LineCount) = GetXMLCodeValue(Subtitles(LineCount), ByVal "<u>")
Subtitles(LineCount) = GetXMLCodeValue(Subtitles(LineCount), ByVal "<b>")
Subtitles(LineCount) = GetXMLCodeValue(Subtitles(LineCount), ByVal "color=")
Subtitles(LineCount) = DeleEffectCode(Subtitles(LineCount), ByVal "<", ByVal ">")
Subtitles(LineCount) = DeleEffectCode(Subtitles(LineCount), ByVal "{", ByVal "}")
Form1.List1.AddItem "Subtitles(" & LineCount & ")=" & Subtitles(LineCount)

'Form1.Text1.Text = "用时:" & Format$((CDbl(t2 - t1) / 1000), "0.000") & "秒"
End Function

Private Function Inifontifo(ByVal TitleText As String, ByVal DefaultFontIfo As String, ByVal Font1 As String, ByVal Font2 As String) As String

Dim i As Long, p1 As Long, p2 As Long, St As String, Temp() As String
If Len(TitleText) = 0 Then Inifontifo = "": Exit Function
p1 = InStr(1, DefaultFontIfo, Font1): p2 = InStr(p1 + 1, DefaultFontIfo, "]")
St = Mid$(DefaultFontIfo, p1, p2 - p1 + 1)
Temp = Split(TitleText, St): Inifontifo = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(Temp)
If i <> UBound(Temp) Then
Inifontifo = Inifontifo & (Temp(i) & Font1 & Font2 & "]")
Inifontifo = Inifontifo & Temp(i)
End If
End Function

Private Function Insert_String(ByVal SourceSubtitles As String, ByVal SrtEffectCode As String, ByVal SrtCode As String, ByVal LEffect As Long) As String
Dim s1 As Long, s2 As Long, s3 As Long, St As String, S As String, Temp() As String
Dim p1 As Long, p2 As Long
If Len(Trim(SourceSubtitles)) = 0 Then Insert_String = Space(10): Exit Function
s1 = 0
On Error Resume Next
s1 = InStr(s1 + 1, SourceSubtitles, SrtEffectCode)
If SrtEffectCode = "/b" And s1 > 0 Then
If Mid$(SourceSubtitles, s1, 3) = "/be" Or Mid$(SourceSubtitles, s1, 5) = "/bord" Then GoTo Cjl
End If
If SrtEffectCode = "/fs" And s1 > 0 Then
If Mid$(SourceSubtitles, s1, 4) = "/fsc" Or Mid$(SourceSubtitles, s1, 4) = "/fsp" Then GoTo Cjl
End If
If SrtEffectCode = "/a" And s1 > 0 Then
If Mid$(SourceSubtitles, s1, 6) = "/alpha" Then GoTo Cjl
End If
s3 = Len(SrtEffectCode)
If s1 > 0 Then
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1, SourceSubtitles, "/") 's2是紧接SrtEffectCode下一个"/"的位置
If s2 > 0 Then
St = Mid$(SourceSubtitles, s1 + s3, s2 - s1 - s3)
If InStr(1, St, "{") > 0 Then Mid$(St, InStr(1, St, "{"), 1) = " "
If InStr(1, St, "}") > 0 Then Mid$(St, InStr(1, St, "}"), 1) = " "
St = Trim(St)
s2 = InStr(s1 + 1, SourceSubtitles, "}")
If s2 > 0 Then
St = Mid$(SourceSubtitles, s1 + s3, s2 - s1 - s3)
End If
End If
p1 = InStr(1, SourceSubtitles, SrtCode)
p2 = InStr(p1 + 1, SourceSubtitles, "]")
S = Mid$(SourceSubtitles, p1, p2 - p1 + 1)
Temp = Split(SourceSubtitles, S)
Insert_String = Temp(0) & SrtCode & St & "]" & Temp(1)
Insert_String = SourceSubtitles
End If
End Function

Private Function GetXMLCodeValue(ByVal SourceSubtitles As String, ByVal SrtXMLcode As String) As String
Dim LineCount As Long, sSrt() As String
Dim p1 As Long, p2 As Long, P3 As Long, CO As String, St As String
Dim Pc1 As Long, Pc2 As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, K As Long

On Error Resume Next

If InStr(1, SourceSubtitles, "-CRLF-") > 0 Then
If InStr(1, SourceSubtitles, SrtXMLcode) > 0 Then
sSrt = Split(SourceSubtitles, "-CRLF-")
'ReDim sSrt_1(UBound(sSrt))
For LineCount = 0 To UBound(sSrt)
p1 = InStr(1, sSrt(LineCount), SrtXMLcode)
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode), 2, 1): p2 = InStr(1, sSrt(LineCount), "</" & St & ">")
If LCase(SrtXMLcode) = "color=" Then
p2 = InStr(1, sSrt(LineCount), "</font>")
If InStr(1, sSrt(LineCount), "color=") > 0 Then
Pc1 = InStr(1, sSrt(LineCount), "color="): Pc2 = InStr(Pc1 + 6, sSrt(LineCount), ">")
CO = Mid$(sSrt(LineCount), Pc1 + 6, Pc2 - Pc1 - 6)
If InStr(1, CO, Chr$(34)) > 0 Then CO = "&H" & Mid$(CO, 2, Len(CO) - 2)
If InStr(1, CO, "#") > 0 Then CO = "&H" & Right$(CO, Len(CO) - InStr(1, CO, "#"))
End If
End If
K = LineCount
If p1 > 0 Then
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode), 2, 1): P3 = InStr(1, sSrt(K), "f" & St & "="): Mid$(sSrt(K), P3 + 3, 1) = "1"
If LCase(SrtXMLcode) = "color=" Then
Pc1 = InStr(1, sSrt(K), "fc="): Pc2 = InStr(1, sSrt(K), "][fp")
sSrt(K) = Left$(sSrt(K), Pc1 + 2) & CO & Right$(sSrt(K), Len(sSrt(K)) - Pc2 + 1)
End If
If p2 > 0 Then
GoTo Cjl
For i = LineCount + 1 To UBound(sSrt)
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode), 2, 1): j = InStr(1, sSrt(i), "</" & St & ">")
If LCase(SrtXMLcode) = "color=" Then j = InStr(1, sSrt(i), "</font>")
K = i
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode), 2, 1): P3 = InStr(1, sSrt(K), "f" & St & "="): Mid$(sSrt(K), P3 + 3, 1) = "1"
If LCase(SrtXMLcode) = "color=" Then
Pc1 = InStr(1, sSrt(K), "fc="): Pc2 = InStr(1, sSrt(K), "][fp")
sSrt(K) = Left$(sSrt(K), Pc1 + 2) & CO & Right$(sSrt(K), Len(sSrt(K)) - Pc2 + 1)
End If
If j > 0 Then Exit For
End If
End If
Cjl:          '执行下一次循环

St = sSrt(0)
For i = 1 To UBound(sSrt) '合并字幕
St = St & (" -CRLF- " & sSrt(i))
Erase sSrt
GetXMLCodeValue = St
GetXMLCodeValue = SourceSubtitles
End If

If InStr(1, SourceSubtitles, SrtXMLcode) > 0 Then
St = Mid$(LCase(SrtXMLcode), 2, 1): p1 = InStr(1, SourceSubtitles, "f" & St & "="): Mid$(SourceSubtitles, p1 + 3, 1) = "1"
If LCase(SrtXMLcode) = "color=" Then
p1 = InStr(1, SourceSubtitles, "color="): p2 = InStr(p1 + 6, SourceSubtitles, ">")
CO = Mid$(SourceSubtitles, p1 + 6, p2 - p1 - 6)
If InStr(1, CO, Chr$(34)) > 0 Then CO = "&H" & Mid$(CO, 2, Len(CO) - 2)
If InStr(1, CO, "#") > 0 Then CO = "&H" & Right$(CO, Len(CO) - InStr(1, CO, "#"))
p1 = InStr(1, SourceSubtitles, "fc="): p2 = InStr(1, SourceSubtitles, "][fp")
SourceSubtitles = Left$(SourceSubtitles, p1 + 2) & CO & Right$(SourceSubtitles, Len(SourceSubtitles) - p2 + 1)
End If
GetXMLCodeValue = SourceSubtitles
GetXMLCodeValue = SourceSubtitles
End If
End If

End Function

Private Function DeleEffectCode(ByVal SourceSubtitles As String, ByVal StartCh As String, ByVal EndCh As String) As String

Dim p1 As Long, p2 As Long, PS As Long
Dim S As String, St As String, L As Long, aTT() As String
On Error Resume Next

PS = 1
Do While InStr(PS, SourceSubtitles, StartCh) > 0
p1 = InStr(PS, SourceSubtitles, StartCh)
p2 = InStr(p1 + 1, SourceSubtitles, EndCh)
Mid$(SourceSubtitles, p1, p2 - p1 + 1) = String(p2 - p1 + 1, "^")
PS = p2 + 1
aTT = Split(SourceSubtitles, "^")
For L = 0 To UBound(aTT)
If Len(Trim(aTT(L))) <> 0 Then St = St & aTT(L)
DeleEffectCode = Trim(St)

End Function
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