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2010-11-29 14:43 363 查看

'注意:本代码仅运行于VB 2005,不适用VB 2003

Public Class ClsoCRC
Public Shared ReadOnly Table As UInteger()

Shared Sub New()
ReDim Table(256)
For i As UInteger = 0 To 255
Dim r As UInteger = i
For j As Integer = 0 To 7
If (r And 1) <> 0 Then
r = (r >> 1) Xor 3988292384
r >>= 1
End If
Table(i) = r
End Sub

Private _value As UInteger = UInteger.MaxValue

''' <summary>初始化类,重新计算CRC前请先调用本过程。</summary>
Public Sub Init()
_value = UInt32.MaxValue
End Sub

''' <summary>更新并计算单个字节。(追加方式)</summary>
''' <param name="b">数据字节。</param>
Public Sub UpdateByte(ByVal b As Byte)
_value = Table(UInt32toByte(_value) Xor b) Xor (_value >> 8)
End Sub

''' <summary>更新类并开始计算CRC。</summary>
''' <param name="data">需要计算的数据组。</param>
''' <param name="offset">偏移,一般设为0。</param>
''' <param name="size">大小,一般设为数据组的Length。</param>
Public Sub Update(ByVal data As Byte(), ByVal offset As UInt32, ByVal size As UInt32)
For i As UInteger = 0 To size - 1
_value = Table(UInt32toByte(_value) Xor data(offset + i)) Xor (_value >> 8)
End Sub

''' <summary>获取CRC数据。</summary>
Public Function GetDigest() As UInt32
Return _value Xor UInt32.MaxValue
End Function

''' <summary>计算并获取CRC数据。(利用静态实例化实现)</summary>
''' <param name="data">需要计算的数据组。</param>
''' <param name="offset">偏移,一般设为0。</param>
''' <param name="size">大小,一般设为数据组的Length。</param>
Public Shared Function CalculateDigest(ByVal data As Byte(), ByVal offset As UInt32, ByVal size As UInt32) As UInt32
Dim crc As New ClsoCRC
crc.Update(data, offset, size)
Return crc.GetDigest
End Function

''' <summary>校验摘要</summary>
''' <param name="digest">摘要</param>
''' <param name="data">数据组</param>
''' <param name="offset">偏移</param>
''' <param name="size">大小</param>
Private Shared Function VerifyDigest(ByVal digest As UInt32, ByVal data As Byte(), ByVal offset As UInt32, ByVal size As UInt32) As Boolean
Return CalculateDigest(data, offset, size) = digest
End Function

''' <summary>返回BYTE (CLE添加)</summary>
Private Shared Function UInt32toByte(ByVal UInt32Value As UInteger) As Byte
Return UInt32Value Mod 256
End Function

End Class
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