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Android 可视化开发工具GUI Kits, Icons, Fonts and Tools

2010-11-23 00:37 585 查看

Android App Developers GUI Kits, Icons, Fonts and Tools

Android visual develop tools 可视化开发工具,包括设计GUI,图标ICON,VISIO设计,字体等的工具集合,从国外网站发现的。

上这些网记得翻Qiang哦。不会翻墙的请参照本站(www.j2megame.com)的Android 翻Qiang文章:/html/xwzx/ty/1003.html

Android UI设计指南:http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/index.html

Android Icon图标设计指南:http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design.html

Android Widget设计指南:http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/widget_design.html


DroidDraw : Graphical User Interface Editor for Android (DroidDraw Android GUI编辑器)


AnDroidDraw 是DroidDraw的一款内嵌插件,让你设计的UI能直接运行在模拟器上:


Android Wireframe Templates :Android模拟器模板设计,用来设计不同分辨率,不同虚拟键盘的手机用的,能让你的应用程序的测试环境更加贴近真机。


Android GUI PSD Vector Kit:Android 1.5 矢量化的GUI设计工具,所有的按钮均可放大缩小。


Google Android GUI PSD:矢量化的GUI设计工具


Fireworks Template for Android : Android Fireworks模板,界面图像都被重绘,而且文件夹也加上了Android的独有元素


Google Android Stencil for Omnigfaffle


Android Sketch Stencil Version 1.0 for Omnigfaffle


Android GUI Prototyping Stencil for Visio:Android Visio界面设计器



Android GUI Icon-Sets

Android Developers Icon Template Pack

The Android Icon Templates Pack is a collection of template designs, filters, and settings that make it easier for you to create icons that conform to the general specifications given in the Android design guidelines. The icon templates are in both Photoshop (.psd) and Illustrator (.ai) file formats.
There are three icon-sets included in the download package, Standard Launcher Icons, Standard Menu Icons and Standard Status Bar Icons.
You can preview the icon-sets below.

Standard Launcher Icons

Android Developers Icon Template Pack »

Standard Menu Icons

Android Developers Icon Template Pack »

Standard Status Bar Icons

Android Developers Icon Template Pack »

Android Developer Common Icon Set

The design and style of these icons have been based on some of the icons that are contained within the Android SDK. In total there are 24 .png Glyphs with the option of the following sizes: 16×16, 24×24, 32×32 and 48×48 pixels.
Android Developer Common Icon Set »

Android Developer Common Icon Set II

This icon set contains icons designed for use in the Menu, Lists, Tabs (selected and unselected) or Dialogs, with the correct sizing sorted into appropriately labelled folders.
In total there are 15 glyphs and all in .png format.
Android Developer Common Icon Set II »

Android Icons

This Android developer icon set includes 30 .png menu icons plus the additional source files (.eps) for further customization.
Android Icons »


The Glyphish icon set have designed and carefully optimized specifically for use on toolbars and tab bars in iPhone apps, but would also be perfect for Android Development.
The 130 icons are 24-bit .png images are about 30×30 pixels for tab bar icons and about 20×20 pixels for toolbar and navigation icons.
Glyphish »

Android Application Icons Set

Android Application Icons Set »

iDroid icons for Android

iDroid icons for Android »

Android Breathe Icon Set

Android Breathe Icon Set »

Android Icon Templates

Android Icon Templates »

Android Icons Set II

Android Icons Set II »

Switcher Icon Set

Switcher Icon Set »

Gesturecons – Multi-Touch Icons

These vector based icons have been created to help in the design, development, implementation and promotion of multi-touch interfaces. You can use Gesturecons inside of your applications in order to demonstrate to users how to complete actions or prompt them to interact with an application when they approach it. You can scale them to any size and alter them in any way you wish.
Within the download package there are 52 high resolution vector icons entirely scalable and alterable (.pdf, .ai, .eps file types.).
Gesturecons – Multi-Touch Icons »

Android Fonts

@font-face Package for the Droid Font Family

This is an
download package for Droid fonts. A series of official fonts that have been designed and optimized for use in application menus, web browsers and for other screen text for the Android OS. Also included in the package are the
files with the CSS3
You can see a preview of the Droid fonts below:

Droid Sans Regular & Bold Fonts Preview

@font-face Package for the Droid Font Family »

Droid Sans Mono Preview

@font-face Package for the Droid Font Family »

Droid Serif Preview

@font-face Package for the Droid Font Family »

Free Font Droid Serif by Google Android @fontsquirrel

Free Font Droid Serif by Google Android @fontsquirrel »

Android GUI PSD Templates

Google Nexus One v2 Templates

Google Nexus One v2 Templates »

Google Nexus One Template

Google Nexus One Template »

Google Nexus One

Google Nexus One »

HTC Dream Android .PSD

HTC Dream Android .PSD »


HTC Dream PSD »


HTC Hero PSD »

Android Search Toolbar PSD

Android Search Toolbar PSD »

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