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2010-10-23 18:15 387 查看

// 抽一特定品牌的香烟,养一特定的宠物;没有任意两个人在抽相同品牌的香烟,或喝相同品牌的饮料,或养相同的宠物。

//6.抽 Pall Mall 牌香烟的人养鸟;
//7.黄色房子裏的人抽 Dunhill 牌香烟;
//10.抽 Blends 香烟的人和养猫的人相邻;
//11.养马的人和抽 Dunhill 牌香烟的人相邻;
//12.抽 BlueMaster 牌香烟的人喝啤酒;
//13.德国人抽 Prince 牌香烟;
//15.抽Blends 香烟的人和喝矿泉水的人相邻;


enum Color

enum Nation
Britain,Norway,Danmark, Sweden,Germany

enum Pet

enum Drink
Tea, Beer, Coffee, Water,Milk

enum Smoke
Blends, BlueMaster, PallMall, DunHill, Prince


3. Danish.Drink == Drink.Tea;

4. var guyInGreen = AllPeople.First(g=>g.HColor==HColor.Green);
var guyInWhite = AllPeople.First(g=>g.HColor==HColor.White);
guyInWhite.Position - guyInGreen.Position == 1;

5. guy = AllPeople.Where(g=>g.HColor==HColor.Green||g.Drink ==Drink.Coffee);
if(guy.Count() > 1) throw;
if(guy.HColor == Green) guy.Drink = Coffee;





class Guy
public Dictionary Properties = new Dictionary(6);

class PN   //PropertyName
public const string Color = "Color";

public const string Pet = "Pet";

public const string Nation = "Nation";

public const string Drink = "Drink";

public const string Smoke = "Smoke";

public const string Postion = "Postion";

public static IEnumerable GetNames()
yield return Postion;
yield return Nation;
yield return Color;
yield return Drink;
yield return Pet;
yield return Smoke;

Guy类的主要函数,就是围绕Guy.Properties这个属性字典进行操作,如何封装取决于Condition类的实现。对于条件中单独一个属性,本来可以用 KeyValuePair<string,int>表示,不过太长,所以自己写了个Property类。要是类型能定义别名就好了。看题目中的条件,不少都是根据位置作判断的,所以位置是特殊的属性,如果能用来作Guy的主键,应该可以事半功倍。


class Attempt
public Guy[] Guys = new Guy[2];
public Property[] Properties = new Property[2];

public void Act()
if(Guys[1] !=null) Guys[1].SetProperty(Properties[1]);

public void RollBack()
if (Guys[1] != null) Guys[1].RemoveProperty(Properties[1]);

public Attempt(Property[] properties, Guy[] guys)
Guys = guys;
Properties = properties;

public Attempt(Property[] properties, Guy guy)
Guys[0] = Guys[1] = guy;
Properties = properties;

public Attempt(Property property, Guy guy)
Guys[0] = guy;
Properties[0] = property;

接着来参观下为主角量身打造的舞台吧,大导演拍大片,当然要打造大舞台,比世博园还大,看个样子就行了 :)

abstract class Condition
protected Property[] Properties = new Property[2];

protected Condition(Property p1, Property p2);

protected Condition() { }

public abstract MatchResult Match(IList guys, ref IList attempts);

/// 同人条件
class SameGuyCondition : Condition
public SameGuyCondition(Property p1, Property p2);

public override MatchResult Match(IList guys, ref IList attempts);
/// 相邻条件
class AdjacentCondition : Condition
RelativePosition Relation;  //default is both

public AdjacentCondition(Property p1, Property p2);

public AdjacentCondition(Property p1, Property p2, RelativePosition relation);

public override MatchResult Match(IList guys, ref IList attempts);


class Puzzle
static IList conditions = new List();

public static void Start()

AddCondition(PN.Nation, Nation.Britain, PN.Color, Color.Red);
AddCondition(PN.Nation, Nation.Sweden, PN.Pet, Pet.Dog);
AddCondition(PN.Nation, Nation.Danmark, PN.Drink, Drink.Tea);
AddCondition(PN.Color, Color.Green, PN.Color, Color.White, RelativePosition.Left);
AddCondition(PN.Color, Color.Green, PN.Drink, Drink.Coffee);
AddCondition(PN.Smoke, Smoke.PallMall, PN.Pet, Pet.Bird);
AddCondition(PN.Color, Color.Yellow, PN.Smoke, Smoke.DunHill);
AddCondition(PN.Postion, 3, PN.Drink, Drink.Milk);
AddCondition(PN.Nation, Nation.Norway, PN.Postion, 1);
AddCondition(PN.Smoke, Smoke.Blends, PN.Pet, Pet.Cat, RelativePosition.Both );
AddCondition(PN.Pet, Pet.Horse, PN.Smoke, Smoke.DunHill, RelativePosition.Both);
AddCondition(PN.Smoke, Smoke.BlueMaster, PN.Drink, Drink.Beer);
AddCondition(PN.Smoke, Smoke.Prince, PN.Nation, Nation.Germany);
AddCondition(PN.Nation, Nation.Norway, PN.Color, Color.Blue, RelativePosition.Both);
AddCondition(PN.Drink, Drink.Water, PN.Smoke, Smoke.Blends, RelativePosition.Both);



class StepNode
/// The number of stage in the search tree, each stage match a condition
public Int32 Index;

StepNode[] Steps;

public StepNode Parent;

public Attempt Action;
/// The index indicates which step should be continued now, the previous steps has failed.
Int32 currentStepIndex;

Boolean Ending
if (Steps == null) return true;
return currentStepIndex >= Steps.Length;

public StepNode Next()
StepNode nextNode;
if (Ending)
if (Action != null) Action.RollBack();
nextNode = Parent.Next();
else nextNode = Steps[currentStepIndex];
return nextNode;

public StepNode Expand(IList attempts)
if (attempts != null || attempts.Count > 0)
Steps = new StepNode[attempts.Count];

for (int i = 0; i < attempts.Count; i++)
Steps[i] = new StepNode { Parent = this, Index = Index + 1, Action = attempts[i] };
Steps = new StepNode[] {
new StepNode { Parent = this, Index = Index + 1 }
return this;

class Puzzle
static IList conditions = new List();
static IList attempts = new List();
static IList guys;

public static void Start()
guys = GuyRuler.Init();

#region Init conditions
... ...

var root = new StepNode();


static void GoFrom(StepNode node)
if (node.Index >= conditions.Count) return;

if (node.Action != null) node.Action.Act();
var result = conditions[node.Index].Match(guys, ref attempts);

if (result == MatchResult.Fail)
if (node.Action != null) node.Action.RollBack();
node = node.Parent.Next();
node = node.Expand(attempts).Next();




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