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understanding the android media framework

2010-10-14 10:50 405 查看

understanding the android media framework

android media framework is built on top of a set of media libraries, including OpenCORE
, vorbis
and sonivox. So one of goal of android media framework is to provide a
consistent interface for all services provided by underlying libraries
and make them transparent to users.

The figure below shows the dependency relationships between libraries of the media framework.

this figure, green components are media libraries, yellow components
are android internal libraries, grey components are external libraries,
and the light blue class is the java consumer of the media framework.
Except for android.media.MediaPlayer class, all components are
implemented in c or c++.

The core of the media framework is composed
of libmedia, libmediaplayerservice and libmedia_jni. Their codes reside
in frameworks/base/media folder.

libmedia defines the inheritance hierarchy and base interfaces. It’s the base library.

libmedia_jni is the shim between java application and native library. First, it implements the JNI
specification so that it can be used by java application. Second, it implements the facade pattern
for the convenience of caller.

libmediaplayerservice implements some of concrete players and the media service which will manage player instances.

The figure below shows the class hierarchy.

is a simplified version of the class hierarchy. Only some core classes
are included. Classes in blue are defined in libmedia, classes in green
are defined in libmediaplayerservice, classes in light yellow are
defined in binder, which implements the IPC on android. And classes in
grey are defined in other libs.

Note the BpInterface and BnInterface
are template classes. Any instantiation of them also inherit the
template argument INTERFACE as well.

In the class hierarchy
diagram, though listed as a separate module, binder is actually
implemented inside libutils component whose source code locate at
/frameworks/base/libs/utils folder.

An interesting
thing to note is in android, the application that intends to show the
media content and the player that actually renders the media content run in different process
. The red line in the sequence diagram below shows the boundary of two processes.

figure shows three most common operations, creating a new player,
setting datasource and playing. The last MediaPlayerBase object is the
interface that MediaPlayerService::Client object uses to refer to the
concrete player instance. The concrete player can be VorbisPlayer,
PVPlayer, or any other player, depending on the type of the media to be

When an application creates a android.media.MediaPlayer
object, it’s actually holding a proxy
which can be used to manipulate the concrete player resides in the
mediaserver process. During the whole procedure, two process
communicates with Binder IPC mechanism.

knowledge above, it’s not difficult to understand why MediaPlayer
doesn’t provide an API to use memory stream as source. Because the
memory manipulated by the stream is in the address space of the
application, and it’s not directly accessible by the mediaserver


Google I/O, Mastering the Android Media Framework

android media framework uml diagram
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