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2010-10-13 10:17 429 查看
1. 安装好dillo-2.2.tar.bz2和fltk-2.0.x-r7680.tar.gz包. 默认安装路径 dillo默认配置文件所在目录为:/usr/local/etc/dillo

2. 拷贝/usr/local/etc/dillo目录下dillorc文件到~/.dillo/下


# dillorc

# Sample dillo initialization file.


# Lines that start with a '#' are comments.

# "#option=..." shows the built-in default.

# "# option=..." is an additional example.

# "option=..." overrides the built-in value.




# Set the desired initial browser size

# geometry=650x545+0+20


# Change this if you want to have text-only browsing from the start.

# (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.)


# Change this if you want to disable loading of CSS stylesheets initially.

# (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.)


# Change this if you want to disable parsing of embedded CSS initially.

# (While browsing, this can be changed from the tools/settings menu.)


# Change the buffering scheme for drawing

# 0 no double buffering - useful for debugging

# 1 light buffering using a single back buffer for all windows

# 2 full fltk-based double buffering for all windows


# Set your default directory for download/save operations





# Fontnames:

# - some fonts may slow down rendering.

# - try to tune a fontname/font_factor combination.

# Ex. {helvetica, lucida, times, "new century schoolbook", utopia, ...}

# The values below represent the defaults.


#font_serif="DejaVu Serif"

#font_sans_serif="DejaVu Sans"

#font_cursive="DejaVu Sans"

#font_fantasy="DejaVu Sans"

#font_monospace="DejaVu Sans Mono"

# All font sizes are scaled by this value



# Maximum font size in pixels


# Minimum font size in pixels


# Show tooltip popups for UI and for HTML title attributes


# Set this to YES if you want to limit the word wrap width to the viewport

# width (may be useful for iPAQ)







# If you prefer more accurate HTML bug diagnosis over better rendering

# (page authors and webmasters) set the following to "NO".






# Set the start page.

# start_page="about:blank"

# start_page="http://www.dillo.org"

# start_page="file:/home/jcid/custom_page.html"


# Set the home location

# home="file:/home/jcid/HomePage/Home.html"


# Set the URL used by the web search dialog.

# "%s" is replaced with the search keywords separated by '+'.

# search_url="http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s"

# search_url="http://search.lycos.com/?query=%s"

# search_url="http://www.alltheweb.com/search?cat=web&query=%s"


# If set, dillo will ask web servers to send pages in this language.

# This setting does NOT change dillo's user interface.

# Format explained: www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4

# Language-REGION values: www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry

# (by default, no Accept-Language header is sent)

# http_language="de"

# http_language="pt-BR"

# http_language="vi,de-CH,de;q=0.5,th;q=0.3"

# Maximum number of simultaneous TCP connections to a single server or proxy.

# http_max_conns=6

# Set the proxy information for http.

# Note that the http_proxy environment variable overrides this setting.

# WARNING: FTP and downloads plugins use wget. To use a proxy with them,

# you will need to configure wget accordingly. See

# http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/Proxies.html
# http_proxy="http://localhost:8080/"

#(by default, no proxy is used)

# If you need to provide a user/password pair for the proxy,

# set the proxy user name here and Dillo will ask for the password later.

# http_proxyuser="joe"

#(by default, no proxy is used)

# Set the domains to access without proxy

# no_proxy = ".hola.com .mynet.cl .hi.de"


# Set the HTTP Referer (sic) header.

# Note that there is no option to reveal the page that you came from because it

# would endanger your privacy. 'host' and 'path' allow you to pretend that the

# link you followed was on the same site that you're going to.

# none : Don't send any Referer header at all.

# host : Send the requested URI's hostname.

# path : Send the requested URI's host and path.





# If your eyes suffer with white backgrounds, change this.


# When set to YES, the page author's visited link color may be overridden

# to allow better contrast with text/links/background





# Size of dillo panel (used to enlarge the browsing area)

# tiny : recommended for iPAQ (with small_icons)

# small : very nice! (it's "medium" without icon titles)

# medium : nice!

# large : Traditional

# panel_size=tiny

# panel_size=small


# panel_size=large


# Here you can choose to hide some widgets of the dillo panel...















# Start dillo with the panels hidden?


# When filling out forms, our default behaviour is to submit on enterpress,

# but only when there's a single text entry (to avoid incomplete submits).

# OTOH, if you have to fill out the same form repeatedly, you may find it

# useful to keep away from the mouse by forcing enter to submit.


# A mouse's middle click over a link opens a new Tab.

# If you prefer to open a new Window instead, set it to NO.


# Mouse middle click by default drives drag-scrolling.

# To paste an URL into the window instead of scrolling, set it to NO.

# Note: You could always paste the URL onto the URL box clear button.


# Focus follows new Tabs.

# You can hold SHIFT to temporarily revert this behaviour.





# Soon we should add the "show_debug_messages=NO" option...

# Generic messages (mainly for debugging specific parts)

# Change this to disable them.





# Accepted by the W3C validator but "strongly discouraged" by the SPEC.

# (Such as "TAB character inside <PRE>").


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

# dillorc ends here.






font_monospace="Sans Mono"

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