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View Data From SilverLight

2010-09-30 17:52 253 查看
Hi Spark
I have to write an ADO.net data service for our Silverlight map
project to consume. Do you know how to do this? Preferably in C#.
If so - how long do you think it will take. Please let Robert and I know.
Congrats on your baby boy!

This Question Is My Friend From USA, I do i t a Few months ago, So I
Share with you .

Step 1:

Initialize the database (Test Data)

Step 2:
Create “SilverlightloaddisplayApplication”

Step 3:
Check “WCF RIA Service ”

Step 4:
add “ADO.NET Entity Data Model ”

Step 5:
Check “Table” Figure 5

Step 6:
Add “Domain Service Class”

Compile the Silverlight Project then Continue.
Step 7:
g)Add “Domain Service Class”

Step 8:
Add new “Domain Service Class”

Step 9:
Design “MainPage.xaml ”

Step 10:
Code “MainPage.xaml.cs ”

Step 11:
Result “ Load And Display Data ”

二、 My development environment as following

windows server 2008 r2 EnterPrise

SQL Server 2008 R2

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

三、 This is All, Any question feel free pls contact me.
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