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How to inline ASM in C (gcc)

2010-09-28 10:37 471 查看
How to inline ASM in C (gcc)

我已经测试过,这是个helloworld,在屏幕上打印Hello World,运行正常:


#include <pspkernel.h>

#include <pspdebug.h>

PSP_MODULE_INFO("Hello World", 0, 1, 1);

int main(void) {

char *msg = "Hello world!/n";


asm("lui $4, %%hi(%0)/n"

"jal pspDebugScreenPrintf/n"

"addiu $4,$4,%%lo(%0)/n"


: : "g" (msg));

return 0;


lui, load upper immediate.

$4, $4 will be loaded later.

%%hi, this will grab the upper 16bits of (val).

$0, this is this first argument passed into the function.

jal, jump and load.

pspDebugScreenPrintf, the jal loads pspDebugScreenPrintf and that prints $4.

addiu, add immmediate unsigned.

$4,$4,%%lo(%0), $4 + %%lo(%0) (lower 16 bits of the first arguement passed into the function) = $4.

nop, no operation. This means that instead of setting $4 after jal, you can set before. This is used for aligning code.

: : "g" (msg));, loads the variable msg ($0) and ends the asm function. This requires -02 on gcc, if that isnt by default.

makefile 这样写

TARGET = hello

OBJS = main.o

CFLAGS = -O2 -G0 -Wall

CXXFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti



PSP_EBOOT_TITLE = Hello World in ASM

PSPSDK=$(shell psp-config --pspsdk-path)

include $(PSPSDK)/lib/build.mak


MIPS R4000 Microprocessor Instruction List

This information was taken from the MIPS R4000 Microprocessor User Manual

Load and Store

Load and store instructions move data between memory and general registers. They are all immediate (I-type) instructions, since the only addressing mode supported is base register plus 16-bit, signed immediate offset.

Load and Store Instructions

OpCode Description

Load byte

LBU Load byte unsigned

LH Load halfword

LHU Load halfword unsigned

LW Load word

LWL Load word left

LWR Load word right

SB Store byte

SH Store halfword

SW Store word

SWL Store word left

SWR Store word right


Computation instructions perform arithmetic, logical, shift, multiply and divide operation on values in registers. They include register (R-type, in which both the operands and the result are stored in registers) and immediate (I-type, in which one operand
is a 16-bit immediate value) formats.

Arithmetic Instructions (ALU Immediate)

OpCode Description

Add immediate

ADDIU Add immmediate unsigned

SLTI Set on less than immediate

SLTIU Set on less than immediate unsigned

ANDI AND immediate

ORI OR immediate

XORI Exclusive OR immediate

LUI Load upper immediate

Arithmetic (3-Operand, R-Type)

OpCode Description


ADDU Add unsigned

SUB Subtract

SUBU Subtract unsigned

SLT Set on less than

SLYU Set on less than unsigned



XOR Exclusive OR


Multiply and Divide Instructions

OpCode Description


MULTU Multiply unsigned

DIV Divide

DIVU Divide unsigned

MFHI Move from HI

MTHI Move to HI

MFLO Move from LO

MTLO Move to LO

Jump and Branch

Jump and branch instructions change the control flow of a program. Jumps are always made to a paged, absolute address formed by combining a 26-bit target address with the high-order bits of the Program Counter (J-type format) or register address (R-type format).
Branches have 16-bit offsets relative to the program counter (I-type). Jump And Link instructions save their return address in register 31.

Jump and Branch Instructions

OpCode Description

J Jump

JAL Jump and link

JR Jump and register

JALR Jump and link register

BEQ Branch on equal

BNE Branch on not equal

BLEZ Branch on less than or equal to zero

BGTZ Branch on greater than zero

BLTZ Branch on less than zero

BGEZ Branch on greater thn or equal to zero

BLTZAL Branch on less than zero and link

BGEZAL Branch on greater than or equal to zero and link

Shift Instructions

OpCode Description

Shift left logical

SRL Shift right logical

SRA Shit right artithmetic

SLLV Shift left logical veriable

SRLV Shift right logical variable

SR*** Shift right artithmetic variable


Coprocessor instructions perform operations in the coprocessors. Coprocessor load and store instructions are I-type.

Coprocessor 0 (system coprocessor)

Coprocessor 0 (system coprocessor) instructions perform operations on CP0 registers to control the memory management and exception handling facilities of the processor.

Coprocessor Instructions

OpCode Description

Load word to coprocessor z

SWCz Store word from coprocessor z

MTCz Move to coprocessor z

MFCz Move from coprocessor z

CTCz Move control to coprocessor z

CFCz Move control from coprocessor z

COPz Coprocessor operation z

BCzT Branch on coprocessor z true

BCzF Branch on coprocessor z false


Special instructions perform system calls and breakpoint operations. These instructions are always R-type.

Special Instructions

OpCode Description

System call


MIPS 汇编资料

MIPS ASM Tutorial



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