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Oracle Sql Developer换成Windows主题后不能显示窗体的解决方法

2010-09-19 18:12 621 查看
安装了最新Oracle11g R2版,打开Sql Developer,发现界面跟以前不一样了,不是很习惯,偶然发现设置里可以换主题,于是换了个Windows主题,结果就是只看得到任务管理器里的进程,却始终不出来界面。于是猜想这肯定是写在配置文件里的,到安装文件夹下去一个个找,还是没发现。无意间搜到一个老外的文章,说的正是这个事。


You can reset the system to factory defaults by deleting the system folder in the C:\Documents and Settings\<your connection>\Application Data\SQL Developer\ This is a bit radical as it will delete your connections and any other settings you have made. I'm assuming you have not got a backup of your connections.
You can just delete the preferences file. This is in that system folder in a directory \Application Data\SQL Developer\system1.\o.sqldeveloper. and the file is product-preferences.xml
Have SQL Developer closed when you do this and restart it after you have deleted the file.


C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer

然后到这个子目录\system1.\o.sqldeveloper.\ ,删除里面的product-preferences.xml文件,重启动Sql Developer,大功告成,谢谢老外~
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