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 // DataStructure.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
 #include "stdafx.h"
 #include <stdlib.h>
 // 链表节点定义
  typedef struct node
      int data;     
      node *next;
 node *CreateList()
      int i = 0; // 链表中数据的个数
      node *head,*p,*q;
      int x = 0;
      head = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));  // 创建头节点
      printf("Please input the data:");
      if(x == 0)  // 输入数据为0时创建结束                   
      p = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
      p->data = x; 
      if(++i == 1)     // 链表只有一个元素
          head->next = p;  // 连接到head的后面
         q->next = p; // 连接到链表的尾端
       q = p;  // q指向末节点

  q->next = NULL; // 链表的最有一个指针为NULL
  return head;
 // 测量单链表的长度
 int ListLength(node *head)
    int len = 0;
    node *p;
    p = head->next;
    while(p != NULL)  //遍历链表
     p = p->next;
return len;
 void PrintList(node *head)
    node *p;
    int index = 0;
  if(head->next == NULL)   //链表为空
   printf("The List is a empty List!!/n");
   p = head->next;
       while(p != NULL) //遍历链表
    printf("The %dth node in  List is:%d /n",++index,p->data);
    p = p->next;

 // 单链表节点查找
 node *SearchNode(node *head,int pos)
    node *p = head->next;
    int index = 1;
  if(pos < 0)   //pos位置不对
     printf("Incorrect position to search node!!/n");
     return NULL;
  if(pos == 0) //head位置
    return head;
  if(p == NULL) //链表为空
    printf("List is  empty !!/n");
    return NULL;
  while(p->next != NULL && index < pos)
     p = p->next;
  if(index == pos)
     return p;
     return NULL;

 void InsertList(node *head,int pos,int data)
  node *item = NULL;
  node *p;
  item = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
  item->data = data;
  if(pos == 0)
   head->next = item;
  p = SearchNode(head,--pos);
  if(p != NULL)
 void DeleteList(node *head,int pos)
    node *item = NULL;
    node *p = head->next;
  if(p == NULL) //链表为空
   printf("List is  empty !!/n");
    p = SearchNode(head,--pos); //获取位置pos的节点指针
  if(p != NULL && p->next != NULL)
   item = p->next;
   p->next = item->next;
   delete item;

 void ReverseList(node *head)
     node *p,*q,*r;
     if(head->next == NULL) //链表为空
        printf("The List is a empty List!!/n");
  p = head->next;
  q = p->next;     // 保存原第二个节点
  p->next = NULL;  // 原第一个节点为末节点
  while(q != NULL)
   r = q->next;
   q->next = p;
   p = q;
   q = r;
  head->next = p; //新的第一个节点为末节点

 node *SearchMiddleNode(node *head)
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    node *current = NULL;
    node *middle = NULL;
    current = head->next;
    middle =head->next;
    while(current != NULL)
       if(i/2 > j)
           middle = middle->next;
       current = current->next;
    return middle;

 void SortList(node *head)
    node *p,*q;
    int temp;
  if(head->next == NULL) //链表为空
    printf("The List is a empty List!!/n");
  for(p = head->next;p->next != NULL;p = p->next)
    for(q = head->next;q->next != NULL;q = q->next)
        if(q->data > q->next->data)
             temp = q->data;
             q->data = q->next->data;
             q->next->data = temp;

 bool IsLoop(node *head)
    node *p1 = head;
    node *p2 = head;
  if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL)  //head为空或者链表为空是返回false
      return false;
   p1 = p1->next;            // p1走一步
   p2 = p2->next->next;      // p2走两步
  }while(p2 != NULL && p2->next !=NULL && p1 != p2);
  if(p1 == p2)
   return true;
   return false;

 node *MergeList(node *list1,node *list2)
    node *head = NULL; //合并后单链表的头指针
  if(list1 == NULL)  //有一个链表为空,直接返回另外一个链表
   return list2;
  else if(list2 == NULL)
   return list1;
  if(list1->data < list2->data)  // 递归调用方法
   head = list1;
   head->next = MergeList(list1->next,list2);
   head = list2;
   head->next = MergeList(list1,list2->next);
  return head;
 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  node *L; 
  int len;
  L = CreateList(); // 创建单链表

  len = ListLength(L);  // 测量单链表的长度
  printf("The Length of List is:%d/n",len);
  printf("The data of List is:/n");
  PrintList(L);  //打印单链表

  int pos = 4;  // 点链表节点查找
  int data;
  data = SearchNode(L,4)->data;
  printf("The %dth node in  List is:%d /n",pos,data);
  int InsertPos = 4;  // 单链表节点插入
  int InaertData = 1000;
  printf("After being inserted,The data of List is:/n");
  PrintList(L);  //打印单链表
  int DeletePos = 4;  // 单链表节点删除
  printf("After being deleted,The data of List is:/n");
  PrintList(L);  //打印单链表
  ReverseList(L);  //单链表的逆置
  printf("After being reversed,The data of List is:/n");
  PrintList(L);  //打印单链表
  int MiddleData; //寻找单链表的中间元素
  MiddleData = SearchMiddleNode(L)->data;
  printf("The middle node in  List is:%d /n",MiddleData);
  SortList(L);  //单链表正向排序
  printf("After being sroted,The data of List is:/n");
  PrintList(L);  //打印单链表

  printf("There is %s a loop in the List",IsLoop(L)?"":"not");
  node *L2;
  L2 = CreateList(); // 创建单链表L2
  printf("The data of List2 is:/n");
  PrintList(L2);  //打印单链表L2
  SortList(L);     //单链表正向排序
  SortList(L2);    //单链表正向排序
  printf("The data of MergeList of List1 and List2 is:/n");
  PrintList(MergeList(L,L2));  //打印合并单链表

  return 0;

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标签:  list null search struct input qq