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利用压力测试来保证软件的质量(七) 堆错误问题

2010-09-10 21:12 411 查看
堆错误(Heap Corruption)是非常常见的错误,因为读或者写非法的堆地址造成错误,解决这些问题的关键在于操作系统内存检查机制的完善,遇到问题时借助内存检查工具能够较轻松搞定,单单靠人工去解决不现实,特别在遇到内存使用越界或者野指针等问题时。


尝试解决\DumpFile\Heap Corruption\20100702_MACHINEENROLLERLAUNCH.EXE

Windows CE>!diagnose 1
|  Heap corruption 'Bad item tail signature' detected in MACHINEENROLLERLAUNCH.EXE

Heap allocations are aligned to a heap block size of 16 bytes.
When heap sentinels are enabled the difference between the requested
allocation size and the 16 byte block boundary is filled with a tail

The tail signature of the following item appears to be corrupt.  The
most likely cause is a heap item over-run, i.e. an app has written to
memory beyond the requested heap item size.

addr           value
0x0004bfa0  :  0xa9e4b608   Signature (expect 0xa9e4b620)
0x0004bfa4  :  0x000000c8   Data size (bytes)
0x0004bfa8  :  0x0002194e   MACHINEENROLLERLAUNCH.EXE ! CDeviceEnrollerUI::OnDrawItem + 0x2f
0x0004bfac  :  0x000222c1   MACHINEENROLLERLAUNCH.EXE ! CDeviceEnrollerUI::DlgProc + 0x8b
0x0004bfb0  :  0x0002246e   MACHINEENROLLERLAUNCH.EXE ! CDeviceEnrollerUI::s_DlgProcWrap + 0x3f
0x0004bfb4  :  0xfffffdfe   0xfffffdfe
0x0004bfb8  :  0x00000000   0x00000000
0x0004bfbc  :  0x00000000   0x00000000
0x0004bfc0  :  0x673a8054
0x0004bfc4  :  0x79c19690
0x0004bfc8  :  0x660e58f0
0x0004bfcc  :  0x00000000
0x0004bfd0  :  0x00000000
0x0004bfd4  :  0x00000000
0x0004bfd8  :  0x00000000
0x0004bfdc  :  0x00000000
0x0004bfe0  :  0x00000000
0x0004bfe4  :  0x00000000
0x0004bfe8  :  0x00000000
0x0004bfec  :  0x00000000
0x0004bff0  :  0x00000000
0x0004bff4  :  0x00000000
0x0004bff8  :  0x00000000
0x0004bffc  :  0x00000000
0x0004c000  :  0x00000000
0x0004c004  :  0x00000000
0x0004c008  :  0x00000000
0x0004c00c  :  0x00000000
0x0004c010  :  0x00000000
0x0004c014  :  0x00000000
0x0004c018  :  0x00000000
0x0004c01c  :  0x00000000
0x0004c020  :  0x00000000
0x0004c024  :  0x00000000
0x0004c028  :  0x00000000
0x0004c02c  :  0x00000000
0x0004c030  :  0x00000000
0x0004c034  :  0x00000000
0x0004c038  :  0x00000000
0x0004c03c  :  0x00000000
0x0004c040  :  0x00000000
0x0004c044  :  0x00000000
0x0004c048  :  0x00000000
0x0004c04c  :  0x00000000
0x0004c050  :  0x00000000
0x0004c054  :  0x00000000
0x0004c058  :  0x00000000
0x0004c05c  :  0x00000000
0x0004c060  :  0x00000000
0x0004c064  :  0x00000000
0x0004c068  :  0x00000000
0x0004c06c  :  0x00000000
0x0004c070  :  0x00000000
0x0004c074  :  0x00000000
0x0004c078  :  0x00000000
0x0004c07c  :  0x00000000
0x0004c080  :  0x00000000
0x0004c084  :  0x00000000
0x0004c088  :  0x00000000  <====== End of data 0x0004c088
0x0004c08c  :  0x00000000
0x0004c090  :  0x00000000
0x0004c094  :  0x00000000
0x0004c098  :  0x00000000
0x0004c09c  :  0x00000000

Tags for bug matcher:


BOOL CDeviceEnrollerUI::OnDrawItem(__in LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pdis)
// get the button text for the hyperlink
apszDlgItemTxt = static_cast<LPTSTR>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, c_nDlgItemTxtMaxLen)); //这里分配内存
CBREx(apszDlgItemTxt.valid(), E_OUTOFMEMORY);


    const int       c_nDlgItemTxtMaxLen = 200;


0x0004bfa4  :  0x000000c8   Data size (bytes)


    cchButtonTxt = GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, pdis->CtlID, apszDlgItemTxt, (c_nDlgItemTxtMaxLen - 1));


    apszDlgItemTxt = static_cast<LPTSTR>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(TCHAR)*c_nDlgItemTxtMaxLen));

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