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How to Turn Off Form Autocompletion FireFox下表单无法刷新重置的解决

2010-09-07 00:00 537 查看

How to Turn Off Form Autocompletion


Like most modern browsers, Gecko
browsers (e.g. Mozilla and Firefox browsers) can be configured to
remember the information the user fills in for form and password fields
on web sites. This feature is called Form and Password Autocompletion in
Gecko browsers. The feature is known in other browsers by names such as
"Form Pre-filling", "Roboform", "Remember password", "Form fill in",
"Fill in form" and/or "Wallet". Gecko-based browsers have had this
feature since Mozilla Milestone M18
, or Netscape 6.0
(late 2000). The autocompletion feature for form and password fields are by default turned on
but can be turned off by end users via the preference settings in the respective control panel for Form and Password Manager:

For forms, go to
Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Forms

and uncheck the option to save form data when entering forms.

For passwords, go to
Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Passwords

and uncheck the option to remember passwords. Note that passwords can be stored in an encrypted format.

Note that on Mac OS X
Mozilla browsers, the Preferences menu item can be found under the Mozilla menu item.

Form & Password Managers also allow the user to manage stored form and password information.

Both the Form Manager and the Password Manager feature raise dialog
boxes prompting users whether or not they want the form field
information to be stored. The autocompletion feature is convenient for
users and the large majority seem to prefer to have this feature turned
ON. The Gecko preference default reflects this fact. Security and
privacy related preferences ultimately belong to the user and for this
reason most web sites, including web mail and many sites with commercial
transactions, honor the user preference for this feature. However, some
web sites for security reasons need to turn the feature off. This is
typically true for banks and financial institutions where transactions
are considered extremely sensitive.

The feature can be turned off
of course by
instructing the user to uncheck the option in Form and Password
Managers, but this involves an action on the user's part and the desired
result may not always be obtained.

This technote shows how web designers and webmasters can turn off
this autocompletion feature for a particular web page -- even if the
user has autocompletion turned on
in the browser preference settings.

Three Aspects of Autocompletion

For this discussion, it is useful to consider 3 major aspects of
autocompletion in Gecko browsers, and the important aspects for
consideration in terms of user experience.

Form Manager prompt
—whether or not the user is
presented with a dialog to allow the browser to store form field
information. If a dialog box is presented, the user has to consciously
decline in order to avoid storing the information.

Password Manager prompt
—whether or not the
user is presented with a dialog to allow the browser to store password
field information. If a dialog box is presented, the user has to
consciously decline in order to avoid storing the information.

Session history caching
—whether or not the
browser should store form data in session history for subsequent
retrieval. When form data is cached in session history, the information
the user has filled in will be visible after the user has submitted the
form and clicked on the Back
button to go back to the original form page.

Password fields are like other form fields, but Gecko browsers
provide an option to store the info in them in an encrypted file format
on disk. Because of the sensitivity of passwords, there is a dedicated
Password Manager for these types of form fields, whereas Form Manager
handles other non-password storage of form data.

Typically, turning off autocompletion involves suppressing both the
Form Manager and Password Manager dialog boxes, as well as ensuring that
form information is not stored in session history for future

How to Turn Off the Autocompletion Feature

The easiest and simplest way to disable Form and Password storage
prompts and prevent form data from being cached in session history is to
use the autocomplete form element attribute with value "off":

autocomplete = "off"

For example, a typical form element line with autocompletion turned off might look like the following:

<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" autocomplete="off"


Applicable browser versions: Netscape 6.2 (Mozilla 0.9.4) or later. IE 5 or later. For IE autocomplete info, see MSDN: autocomplete Property


This form attribute is not part of any web standards
but was
first introduced in Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5. Netscape
introduced it in version 6.2 -- in prior versions, this attribute is
ignored. The autocomplete attribute was added at the insistance of banks
and card issuers -- but never followed through on to reach standards

Exceptions and Recommended Workarounds

In current versions of Gecko browsers, the

attribute works perfectly. For earlier versions, going back to Netscape
6.2, it worked with the exception for forms with "Address" and "Name"
fields described below. With

, the
Password Manager prompt is turned off and information is not stored in
session history for future retrievals. The only exception to the use of

attribute is in the Form Manager prompt under the following special conditions:

The form element contains at least two key words "Address" and "Name"
or their variants. There may be other combinations of typical form
words, but in the affected browser versions, these two together trigger
the Form Manager prompt without fail
. If only one of
the two key words is present, e.g. "Address", with other words such as
"Phone", "Fax", "Home", or "ZIP", the prompt does not occur. Note that
variants of key words such as "Name1", "Address2" will also trigger the

More specifically, the two key words "Name" and "Address" must be
contained either within the form as descriptions of input fields or as
values for the

attribute of the

field. Attributes such as

do not have this effect. Typical HTML snippets that trigger the Form
Manager dialog follow, and are illustrative of the types of markup which
will trigger Form Manager to prompt users to store the form fields.

Keywords used to describe input fields:

<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" autocomplete="off"

<input type="text" name="text1" /><br/>
<input type="text" name="text2" /><br/>
Phone: <input type="text" name="text3" /><br/>
Password: <input type="password" name="password" /><br/>
<input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />

The above snippet uses the keywords Name and Address to describe to
the end user the type of data that the field solicits. Another way that
Form Manager will be activated to prompt the user to store the form data
is if the name attribute for the form input fields is one of the
keywords, such as in the snippet below.

Keywords used as the value for the name attribute:

<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" autocomplete="off"

<input type="text" name="name"
<input type="text" name="address"
<input type="text" name="text3" /><br/>
<input type="password" name="password" /><br/>
<input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />

In the cases above, the autocomplete feature is triggered and an
attempt is made to store common form entries such as "name" and
"address" in spite of the presence of the autocomplete attribute. In
this case, the autocomplete attribute has no effect. However, a
workaround would be to:

Not use the strings "name" and "address" as the values for the names of any of the form input fields.

Split the characters in words "Name" and "Address" with the span element, as the example below shows.

<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" autocomplete="off"

ame: <input type="text" name="text1" /><br/>
ddress: <input type="text" name="text2" /><br/>

The trick is to enclose part of the words "Name" and "Address" in the

element. A Mozilla browser bug
requests that Form Manager be turned off completely when the

attribute is present. This bug appears to have been fixed in current
Firefox (3.5.x), although it is not clear in which version it was fixed.
(The bug issue was marked WorksForMe in May 2008.)

This particular sensitivity to the keywords "Name" and "Address"
(case insensitive) is limited to these spellings and their variants in
English, and possibly in other languages where the spellings are
similar. Although we don't usually find these keywords being used in
describing form fields in languages other than English, we find them
sometimes as the

attribute values in many different languages. This latter is usually what prevents the

attribute from working as intended.

ECML Standards

Starting in October 1999, there was an effort to standardize field names (See Internet RFC 2706
and RFC 3106
As of October 2005, this is commonly supported on the transaction side,
but not as commonly implemented by browsers. ECML forms look like this,
eliminating guesswork on the part of the browser:

ECML Keywords:

<form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="http://www.example.com/form.cgi">
<input type="text" name="Ecom_ShipTo_Postal_Name_First
" /><br/>
<input type="text" name="Ecom_ShipTo_Postal_Street_Line1
" /><br/>
<input type="text" name="Ecom_Payment_Card_Number
" autocomplete="off"
<input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


Web sites can take advantage of the non-standard but effective and widely used form element attribute

to turn off both Form and Password Manager prompts as well as not
allowing form data from being cached in session history to avoid
inadvertent display of form info when the Back button is clicked. Web
sites wishing to prevent Form Manager prompts need to avoid the use of
the two key words "Name" and "Address" (and any lexical variants such as
"Name1") in form field descriptions and avoid use of these keywords as
the values of the

attribute of input fields. ECML labels can be used to make field intrepretation unambiguous, but browser support is trailing.

Original Document Information

Authors: Katsuhiko Momoi and Arun Ranganathan

Last Updated Date: May 23rd, 2002

Copyright © 2001-2003 Netscape. All rights reserved.




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