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Java设计模式 Design Pattern:包装模式 Decorator Pattern

2010-08-26 23:42 411 查看

Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically.


Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.



Component : defines the interface for objects that can have responsibilities added to them dynamically.

Component : 为对象定义了一个接口使得可以动态的加载职责.

Decorator : maintains a reference to a Component object and defines an interface that conforms to Component's interface.

Decorator : 保有一个Component对象的引用并且定义了一个接口来执行Component中的接口方法.

ConcreteDecorator : adds responsibilities to the component.

ConcreteDecorator: 向component添加职责.


to add responsibilities to individual objects dynamically and transparently, that is, without affecting other objects.


for responsibilities that can be withdrawn.


when extension by subclassing is impractical. Sometimes a large number of independent extensions are possible and would produce an explosion of subclasses to support every combination. Or a class definition may be hidden or otherwise unavailable for subclassing.



More flexibility than static inheritance. The Decorator pattern provides a more flexible way to add responsibilities to objects than can be had with static (multiple) inheritance. With decorators responsibilities can be added and removed at run-time simply by attaching and detaching them.


Avoids feature-laden classes high up in the hierarchy. Decorator offers a pay-as-you-go approach to adding responsibilities. Instead of trying to support all foreseeable features in a complex, customizable class, you can define a simple class and add functionality incrementally with Decorator objects. Functionality can be composed from simple pieces. As a result, an application needn't pay for features it doesn't use.


A decorator and its component aren't identical. A decorator acts as a transparent enclosure. But from an object identity point of view, a decorated component is not identical to the component itself. Hence you shouldn't rely on object identity when you use decorators.


Lots of little objects. A design that uses Decorator often results in systems composed of lots of little objects that all look alike. The objects differ only in the way they are interconnected, not in their class or in the value of their variables. Although these systems are easy to customize by those who understand them, they can be hard to learn and debug.

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