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2010-08-15 22:51 706 查看
/* 6xq1p>1mi
******************************************************************************************************* E+8>z><
Filename: ftp.java ` ce~#
Author: leetsing(elove) &=]o*'CW
Create date: 2004-08-30 hizkElY
Use: connect to FTP server,then upload and download file Y+m,u& e
Modify date: 2004-09-05 add to upload file <c}EE{&w
2004-09-13 add to download file 1Frkb5>s
Copy right: Magisky Media Technology Co.,Ltd. :b#g,|/ 6
******************************************************************************************************* Y|f9`7U
*/ +uAk:/~
//import cz.dhl.io.*; `-rl9
//import cz.dhl.ftp.*; fXxV5D8"f
import sun.net.ftp.*; TtORsu/"7
import sun.net.*; SY Kl/+c^
import java.applet.*; K;~rkZ P
import java.io.*; {x]1Bq v
import java.io.IOException; @xF6e0`m
import java.util.StringTokenizer; <*QG-uj
import sun.net.ftp.FtpClient; naYEEr _GH
import java.util.ArrayList; ]Oh8gFkv
@Z+ Zs@"$
public class ftp extends Applet sfS@~RzYJ/
{ I>0L@rx
FtpClient aftp; #xfD? d
DataOutputStream outputs ; }`& AY]]K
TelnetInputStream ins; ]-ZcATn$
TelnetOutputStream outs; mHZ(u^R
int ch; BZ Hq_^#
public String a; j(W|$gH#
String hostname=""; 8 ,'G>) f
private String path = "/"; r(^~IHT2F
public static void main(String[] args) c yi?dq-V
{ cLy'~$U
String hostname = ""; .XNE$W_
int port = 2121; )9RN
String uid = "lee"; Io/7*)d}
String pwd = "lee"; TfbEZrD&H
String RWFileDir = "D:/smsftp/";//文件目录 GB[=x'MxE
//连接ftp服务器 XdX|z6QYf
ftp ft = new ftp(); ZKZaw^xT
ft.connect(RWFileDir,hostname,port,uid,pwd); Q+A?sdc^Y%
//下载文件 Qa45s[w
if (ft.aftp != null){ dQ4!tZg
try { 9mvHrS]
ft.getNameList(RWFileDir); K7cQxe!
}catch(IOException e) ^:'Sc(
{ K$R0?H~N
System.out.println("下载文件出错:"+e); v=7cIyY
} RwT^1
} A?snb#2~
+| ~&^YC
//上传文件 "a$%6=aSXK
if (ft.aftp != null){ IL=!R}N;
String sdir = RWFileDir + "subunsubfromsp/"; STx&OISh
File fdir = new File(sdir); SO>e|Md
String FileName = ""; 6Y1[d>)V
for(int i=0;i FileName = sdir + (fdir.list()); h7j.@P
ft.uploadFile(RWFileDir,FileName); g] ,rW
} #` YYa
//System.out.println("成功上传的文件:"); RUU+o+}"N
//ft.showFileContents("subunsubfromsp/"); N'3vz]&'
} t$;orwOy
//删除subunsubfromsp目录下已经上传的文件文件 FLmj5*
// ft.deleFile(RWFileDir); 2z2{k y
//断开服务器连接 dEu eXE?
ft.stop(RWFileDir); |<]M3*7
} PaQx*rRi:
public FtpClient connect(String RWFileDir,String hostname,int port,String uid,String pwd) FrP<"S;Xz
{ dOQ1E )49
this.hostname = hostname; hX WZI6o%l
System.out.println("正在连接"+hostname+",请等待....."); K 9 L|K
try{ s>iVz/Z
aftp = new FtpClient(hostname,port); va3*1v
aftp.login(uid,pwd); B xqfvbgj
aftp.binary(); 'E^<#rTW}
//aftp.openPortDataConnection(); kaQZ2)
a = "连接主机:"+hostname+"成功!"; *Fo7i9=L
System.out.println(a); -C$FfR
} :vZ:hM**Vb
catch(FtpLoginException e){ MM0%(bM=
a="登陆主机:"+hostname+"失败!请检查用户名或密码是否正确:"+e; SOIQ3Kj
System.out.println(a); 3 InnHb
//return false; d[O ^rq[
} oxCiP1
catch (IOException e){ X7iz+a4
a="连接主机:"+hostname+"失败!请检查端口是否正确:"+e; %K^pNs;
System.out.println(a); >7!D LlJ
//return false; R/lL]|Xj
} y[b[oaIohn
catch(SecurityException e) F|2 JC6]T
{ .N0PT
a="无权限与主机:"+hostname+"连接!请检查是否有访问权限:"+e; l{V5h|Z
System.out.println(a); <!JCt
//return false; juzzi%[C
} 5 ?%P=!
log(RWFileDir,a); 8 $qe(Y
return aftp; 0;d fmW.
} 9?~(tS
GSQ% |
public void stop(String RWFileDir) Ik'S':
{ - ]^|h)Y
String message = ""; hf-Dj%N
try { G;""/Sq
if(aftp!=null){ Qp bh[ ;:
aftp.closeServer(); -" Ofc:]18
message = "与主机"+hostname+"连接已断开!"; G'Zjb}
System.out.println(message); c6[]R0n}
log(RWFileDir,message); ^G< 8%*
} }qT*RNs
} A156XkrR
catch(IOException e) iwG' *B{
{  N.y }Q
message = "与主机"+hostname+"断开连接失败!"+e; Hz_Bym~e
System.out.println(message); ~AJZBi"
log(RWFileDir,message); ^U?D+e Y
} ,:8oZJP>o
} >ywFcYd-
F `- L
?N$- Wa
public boolean downloadFile(String RWFileDir,String filepathname){ Q#Bcdi
boolean result=true; Y[g.o[{55"
String message = ""; +v0wfbt#|
if (aftp != null) @ lc xgT
{ %((QV**
System.out.println("正在下载文件"+filepathname+",请等待...."); fTB~6|NR
String badfile = filepathname.substring(filepathname.length()-4,filepathname.length()); #7AGA'g}
String badlog = filepathname.substring(filepathname.length()-7,filepathname.length()); }Zhk:(+gT
String baddir = ""; E(e5a$@z
if ((badfile.compareTo(".bad") != 0) && (badlog.compareTo(".badlog") != 0)){ u F$?WD;
baddir = "subunsubtosp/"; _glx>t6
} ks(U #e
else{ :u(7y8 [O
baddir = "bad/"; tI[!-f9
} E=-^N.R
String strdir = "subunsubtosp/"; Hy rg$t E
//System.out.println(RWFileDir + baddir + filepathname); %)}Y4 _
try{ Zq@hqDBY(
//FtpClient fc=new FtpClient("",2121); OFx8+?yR
//fc.login("lee","lee"); ;1M
int ch; P
File fi = new File(RWFileDir + baddir + filepathname); * kwC<E_e
//aftp.cd(strdir); ];g .)`
RandomAccessFile getFile = new RandomAccessFile(fi,"rw"); O9Im1
getFile.seek(0); b=8]H08L%
TelnetInputStream fget=aftp.get(strdir+filepathname); Ph[{I?ZtZ
DataInputStream puts = new DataInputStream(fget); Wr oltd
while ((ch = puts.read()) >= 0) { &h ; `qb
getFile.write(ch); J">hi`y%W
} NaPlOw>
//s.delete(); xK]Q0+ ^P
fget.close(); vI{ Lzn.
getFile.close(); @8^Y_ce
//fc.closeServer(); n^>5c'$y
message = "下载"+filepathname+"文件到"+baddir +"目录成功!"; 4<VxVu "4
System.out.println(message); W_B%9k7i
log(RWFileDir,message); ktwi|1t
} &f>b~B#g
catch(IOException e){ 7;4b<nF
message = "下载"+filepathname+"文件到"+baddir +"目录失败!"+e; bET]V'{
System.out.println(message); ahuYOL!v
log(RWFileDir,message); =tC7cK:
result = false ; 2FS;vgo_
} [[iI`@#
} a::IivT k
else{ O/9{UED|A
result = false; [Dw]<Le
} &* uL9Q,L
return result; ~BPvD$l
} 23F03TW92
rW )oPYX
98 K Rr>
public boolean uploadFile(String RWFileDir,String filepathname){ [/D#K`'#
boolean result=true; !IWS[mL9e
String message = ""; }9]"O4 #k
if (aftp != null) P [@{.
{ .aEJ8@
System.out.println("正在上传文件"+filepathname+",请等待...."); 19/ joh
try{ ?UXr]Ey0
String fg =new String("/subunsubfromsp/"); ;j%9(IMK
int index = filepathname.lastIndexOf(fg); DxRh}rn&9
String filename = filepathname.substring(index+1);  '&8J j
File localFile = new File(filepathname) ; ^o`#"~-
RandomAccessFile sendFile = new RandomAccessFile(filepathname,"r"); '<lXfe%M&
// EgGv z;r
sendFile.seek(0); gc]x3re,
//改名上传temp_ (=3%A8U|
filename = filename.substring(0,15)+"temp_"+filename.substring(15,filename.length()); #]F|>#2V
outs = aftp.put(filename); %8 tGDH< #
outputs = new DataOutputStream(outs); ?Q9r 7 Wv
while (sendFile.getFilePointer() < sendFile.length() ) vofwA|US
{ k_J-iG
ch = sendFile.read(); N0MpTHPx
outputs.write(ch); 8 VZ<T_i
} )H}u
rename(filename.substring(15,filename.length()),filename.substring(20,filename.length())); I3~9~ 'bn
outs.close(); IJddHf-
sendFile.close(); eJb}"s
rP53 zN
message = "上传"+filepathname+"文件成功!"; W/qs@dR_
System.out.println(message); oi&o&V
log(RWFileDir,message); ](kv' T
} 3z,hP/
catch(IOException e){ _a otT
message = "上传"+filepathname+"文件失败!"+e; I8Hd{EtKB
System.out.println(message); y@ I8e'J
log(RWFileDir,message); 8<  G//O
result = false ;  KcJMX
} ^%8bsa"p
} 6/kW T vD
else{ cS n>A3O
result = false; KeLd9T
} <U?@|?
return result; af?Qh ^
} _{K7>4.8t
public void rename(String oldName,String newName){ .<mEBAH
//aftp.renameTo(oldName,newName); E}WGn
File Old = new File(oldName); //oldName Q3,Sq)u*
File New = new File(newName); //newName UUz3<tvSV
//aftp.renameTo(New); 6N)/hqi"k
//boolean Old.renameTo(File newName); vH`J|{kD
//System.out.println(Old); tn>|R.
//System.out.println(New); 8 /G,, 4E
d& }oc
} nvgiKCy]
(Q yK/
public static void deleFile(String RWFileDir) { 6|odqQ
//try { ,Xjb+Nn()h
//取得ReadFile目录下的txt文件 i}) ]b3 `
String sdir = RWFileDir + "subunsubfromsp/"; B> !KVSO
File fdir = new File(sdir); rxx}NFztE
String FileName = ""; WU4Tg:h
int j = fdir.list().length; b<BXn>&6
System.out.println(sdir+"目录下要删除的文件数:"+fdir.list().length); 1b$k+ysQw
File file; "-Ipp W-f
for(int i=0;i { w&6JepE&6
//删除subunsubfromsp中的txt文件 Lz5zBBK
FileName = RWFileDir + "subunsubfromsp/" + (fdir.list())[0]; o-i1u;*R
file = new File(FileName); k;B N/1.7`
file.delete(); f!['<V
System.out.println("已经成功删除"+FileName+"文件!"); 6~KjZ<
} U~M fSmZd
//} z? 6Ez!|
//catch (IOException e) { JTMP2OL^,
// System.out.println("删除txt文件错误!"); QX/0r c BH
// e.printStackTrace(); OFje<S"$E7
//} 0&_N-%]$EU
} P~F3K{.1
public void showFileContents(String strdir) *8qhdi7)~
{ 5+U</
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); o8(T*N(E1
try { f[V/?Y 
aftp.cd(strdir); nY>a(&z
ins= aftp.list(); F%T a}
while ((ch=ins.read())>=0){ jz SR(*-
buf.append((char)ch); q[VXEb
} ,Zf5qz(@
System.out.println(buf.toString()); x]a/+"0h
ins.close(); {y nBC
} 3.GJH#xZ
catch(IOException e) 'Lb0'UtI
{ 3;-Z~8 Ji
} RgD++q
} M`^FQ
// 返回当前目录的所有文件及文件夹 =8vS9]g 0
public ArrayList getFileList() throws IOException { 2a_~<q63nD
BufferedReader dr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(aftp.list())); mKz6,KRH
ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); rF$Nr 
String s = ""; S32!<U{*K
while ( (s = dr.readLine()) != null) { P_VDv/|c
al.add(s); 75pe7$- Z-
} )QswUPJ]
return al; I{FdfRDQE
} #a{z`>I^
/ >W$
public void setPath(String path) throws IOException { iKo0bo{
if (aftp == null) I#.tQY
this.path = path; 6~F 0>u;
else { ^ft0hl!6
aftp.cd(path); ,{-=izB
} K}=u8h6b
} I9}in 9
// 返回当前目录的文件名称 Te^EJ@|
public ArrayList getNameList(String RWFileDir) throws IOException { ]O;V4P;L
BufferedReader dr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(aftp.nameList("subunsubtosp/"))); 9`E+>l^'/5
ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); `-Qcu
String s = ""; JA}$PtGG
while ( (s = dr.readLine()) != null) { T}sjR%NC
al.add(s); comK30{
s = s.substring(13,s.length()); "Kr-`'E
isFile(s); Y|Z*i#
downloadFile(RWFileDir,s); ;MCCd.$bo
//String strFileDelF = aftp.nameList("subunsubtosp/"); -xbc:Yo
File fileDelF=new File(s); S!SOYJ/
fileDelF.delete(); =M2S'uo
} a/=N&}*`(q
return al; J,RQjUW-
//System.out.println(al.add(s)); d07 VK
} ]e,_ Sz
// 判断一行文件信息是否为目录 eg SlS
g:Sgt ll
public boolean isDir(String line) { P4+"n.dO(
return ( (String) parseLine(line).get(0)).indexOf("d") != -1; QO> mo.B
} z>m/6*8f
public boolean isFile(String line) { F+~ITtLC]
return!isDir(line); U h,o)-iR
2X S/
// 处理getFileList取得的行信息 n %{ hS Rx
private ArrayList parseLine(String line) { xz+o(37
ArrayList s1 = new ArrayList(); i}R0I1zS
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, " "); ?gLwz
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { u =O~P
s1.add(st.nextToken()); ;Rzx9h2
} cLx3h
return s1; !g7^CA7$n
} rjgU1
/S?l _t9
//写消息日志 -# S:R/
public static void log(String RWFileDir,String msg) V/6=H'T
{ q"SUl 3
String message = ""; ?m*`!= 8
try { dtk.pz<y
java.text.DateFormat df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); 8B+W)JZR
java.text.DateFormat dflog = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); kY: _jV
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date() ; am0#T,ab;
String datestr = df.format(new java.util.Date()) ; n^<_ m{
String datelog = dflog.format(new java.util.Date()) ; .~4bnRK
//String datelog = datestr.substring(0,10); UHi!>J'
//datelog = datelog.replace('-',' '); xDg11@G
//按日期每天生成一个日志文件 /v9o1x
FileWriter fwl = new FileWriter(RWFileDir + "CMSSftp"+datelog+".log",true); ']{K6y h
PrintWriter outl = new PrintWriter(fwl); _a3P7D_D
outl.println(datestr + " " + msg); w]"Z2Yl)XK
outl.close(); ]xI,,FBJO{
fwl.close(); eMp*h4
}catch (IOException e) { 5!f|bS]Y
message = "写log文件错误!"+e; G_n 4?/u
e.printStackTrace(); 2fM^+Y<*
log(RWFileDir,message); +s. ]bE@
System.out.println(message); AJ6'O/
} P~ 7H@e
} _ y' MEuJ
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