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2010-08-14 09:31 453 查看








package eventClass//eventClass 命名空间包


import flash.events.Event;

public class AppEvent extends Event //继承于Event类。


public static const SHOW_INFOWINDOW:String = "widgetShowInfo";


private var _data:Object; //事件中参数


private var _callback:Function;


public function AppEvent(type:String, data:Object = null, callback:Function = null)


super(type, false, false);

_data = data;

_callback = callback;




// Properties, this is very import thing



public function get data():Object


return _data;


public function set data(value:Object):void


_data = value;


public function get callback():Function


return _callback;


public function set callback(value:Function):void


_callback = value;


public override function clone():Event


return new AppEvent(this.type, this.data);





// EventBus.cs

package eventClass


import flash.events.Event;

import flash.events.EventDispatcher;

public class EventBus extends EventDispatcher


/** Application event buss instance */

private static var _eventBus:EventBus;

/** Lock to enforce singleton */

private static var lock:Boolean = false;


* Normally the EventBus is not instantiated via the <b>new</b> method directly.

* The constructor helps enforce only one EvenBus availiable for the application

* (singeton) so that it asures the communication only via a sigle event bus.


public function EventBus()


if (!lock)

throw new Error("ContainerEventDispatcher can only be defined once!");



* The factory method is used to create a instance of the EventBus. It returns

* the only instanace of EventBus and makes sure no another instance is created.


public static function getInstance():EventBus


if (_eventBus == null)


lock = true;

_eventBus = new EventBus();

lock = false;


return _eventBus;



* Basic dispatch function, dispatches simple named events. In the case

* that the event is only significant by the event token (type string),

* this new dispatch method simplify the code.


public function dispatch(type:String):Boolean


return dispatchEvent(new Event(type));





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">









import eventClass.AppEvent;

import mx.controls.Alert;

private function mm():void


var tt:eventClass.EventBus;

tt = eventClass.EventBus.getInstance();

var obj:Object = new Object();




//分发事件,这个就相当于事件的触发。 事件的触发在某一种程度上也可以理解为事件的分发,主要是注意后面的obj参数,她就是在事件中的来进行传递的参数

tt.dispatchEvent(new AppEvent(AppEvent.SHOW_INFOWINDOW,obj));


private function changHander(evt:AppEvent):void


var obj:Object = evt.data; //这里主要是进行函数参数的转换。





<mx:VBox height="100%" verticalAlign="middle" backgroundColor="blue" backgroundAlpha="0.2" width="100%">

<mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center" width="100%">

<mx:Button label="myButton" click="mm()"/>



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