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BBC Documentary film:Earth:the Power of the Planet

2010-08-09 21:17 253 查看
Last week,I began to see the BBC Documentary films: Earth:the Power of the Planet.
With the spectacular music and magnificent pictures,a story of our planet is revealing in our sight gradually.
Dr Iain Stewart tells the story of how Earth works and how, over the course of 4.6 billion years, it came to be the remarkable place it is today.In this series,we will learn about the four powerful forces that have come together to create our world,the oceans,the atmosphere,ice and volcanoes.
I’m fairly appreciate that Dr. Iain Stewart in the documentary who show us the whole world really is.He is very brave and scientific.
Completely arousing people’s amazement and passions,the magnificence has made a profound difference to us.
The most special is that Dr. Iain Stewart step outside human time scales,but think in terms of a completely different time frame,a time scale of millions of years.However,the history of our human beings may sound ancient,but it is just an geological blink of eye.
After reading the last part,the rare planet,exactly,the last moment,I started to understand,why the name of the last part is not humankind.Because the humans is not qualified with the other four(volcano,atmosphere,ice,ocean) at all.When we shout “save the Earth”,we exactly speak highly of us.Humans do not yet have the power to destroy the Earth.However,we may destroy ourseleves……

BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation)英国广播公司
Iain Stewart向我们介绍地球形成的故事。在地球形成的45亿年中,是什么力量塑造了地球如今的模样。通过这一系列节目我们将了解到形成地球的诸多因素,火山、大气、冰雪、海洋等等。


情节紧凑吸引人,画面精美,配乐精良。 最特别的是并没有很多的站在人类的角度来看待地球,而是站在一个宏观的漫长的地质发展史上来观察。人类不过是地球45亿年来发生的种种的一个片段而已。
看完最后一集,the rare planet,准确的说,看到最后一刻,我才明白。为什么这一集的名字不叫humankind。因为人类根本没有资格与其他四位(volcano, atmosphere, ice, ocean)并列。当我们高喊‘拯救地球’时,我们根本就高估了自己。人类还不具备摧毁地球的能力。但我们可以摧毁自......
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