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2010-07-31 11:36 459 查看


ant -Declipse.home=/media/sanux/eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-linux-gtk/ -Dplugins=ant,jdt

Eclim Developers Guide

This guide is intended mostly for those who wish to contribute to eclim by fixing bugs or adding new functionality, but the first section is also useful for users who would like to use the latest development version of eclim.

Checking out the code and building it.

Check out the code: [code]$ git clone git://github.com/ervandew/eclim.git

Once you have a local git repository you can utilize the extensive local git functionality allowing you to commit code locally, create local branches, etc. For guidelines on managing patches and submitting them, please see the patch guide below.

Build eclim:

$ cd eclim
$ ant -Declipse.home=/your/eclipse/home/dir

If your eclipse home path contains a space, be sure to quote it:

> ant “-Declipse.home=C:/Program Files/eclipse”

This will build and deploy eclim to your eclipse and vim directories. If you don’t want to supply the eclipse home directory every time, you can set the environment variable ECLIM_ECLIPSE_HOME which the build script will then utilize.

If your vimfiles directory is not located at the default location for your OS, then you can specify the location using the “vim.files” property:

$ ant -Dvim.files=<your vimfiles dir>

By default the above ant call will build all the eclim plugins, requiring you to have all the related dependencies already installed in your eclipse distribution. However, if you only want a subset of the eclim plugins to be built, you can specify so using the ‘plugins’ system property:

# build only ant and jdt (java) support
$ ant -Dplugins=ant,jdt

# build only cdt (c/c++) support
$ ant -Dplugins=cdt

# build only pdt (php) support (requires wst and dltk)
$ ant -Dplugins=wst,dltk,pdt

# build only ruby support (requires dltk)
$ ant -Dplugins=dltk,dltkruby

On windows you will need to quote the plugins argument if you are building more than one plugin:

> ant “-Dplugins=ant,jdt”

The currently available list of plugin names include:

jdt: java support using the eclipse jdt.

ant: ant support (requires jdt).

maven: maven support.

wst: web development support using the eclipse wst.

cdt: c/c++ support using the eclipse cdt.

dltk: base support for dltk based lanugages (currently php and ruby).

pdt: php support using the eclipse pdt (requires wst and dltk).

dltkruby: ruby support using the eclipse dltk-ruby (requires dltk).


[san@localhost eclim_gitsrc]$ ant -Declipse.home=/media/sanux/eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-linux-gtk/ -Dplugins=ant,jdt
Buildfile: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build.xml
[echo] eclim.version: 1.5.8
------ init
[javac] : warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[mkdir] Created dir: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim_1.5.8/lib
[jar] Building jar: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim_1.5.8/eclim.jar
[jar] Building jar: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim_1.5.8/eclim-misc.jar
[copy] Copying 3 files to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim_1.5.8
[copy] Copying 11 files to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim_1.5.8/bin
[exec] Building ng client. To build a Windows binary, type 'make ng.exe'
[exec] gcc -Wall -pedantic -s -O3 -o ng src/c/ng.c
[move] Moving 1 file to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim_1.5.8/bin
[echo] building plugin: org.eclim
[copy] Copying 28 files to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim_1.5.8
[echo] building plugin: org.eclim.core
[mkdir] Created dir: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.core_1.5.8
[javac] : warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[jar] Building jar: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.core_1.5.8/eclim.core.jar
[copy] Copying 13 files to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.core_1.5.8
[echo] building plugin: org.eclim.ant
[mkdir] Created dir: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.ant_1.5.8
[javac] : warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[jar] Building jar: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.ant_1.5.8/eclim.ant.jar
[copy] Copying 5 files to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.ant_1.5.8
[echo] building plugin: org.eclim.jdt
[mkdir] Created dir: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.jdt_1.5.8
[javac] : warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] Compiling 79 source files to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/classes
[javac] Note: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/src/java/org/eclim/plugin/jdt/util/JavaUtils.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[jar] Building jar: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.jdt_1.5.8/eclim.jdt.jar
[copy] Copying 28 files to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.jdt_1.5.8
[jar] Updating jar: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim_1.5.8/lib/nailgun-0.7.1.jar
[echo] building plugin: org.eclim.vimplugin
[copy] Copying 6 files to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.vimplugin_1.5.8
[jar] Building jar: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/eclipse/plugins/org.eclim.vimplugin_1.5.8/eclim-vimplugin.jar
------ build.eclipse
[copy] Copying 101 files to /media/sanux/eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-linux-gtk/plugins
[exec] /bin/rm: cannot remove `/media/sanux/eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-linux-gtk//eclim': No such file or directory
[exec] /bin/rm: cannot remove `/media/sanux/eclipse-jee-galileo-SR2-linux-gtk//eclimd': No such file or directory
[exec] Result: 1
------ deploy.eclipse
[copy] Copying 2 files to /home/san/.eclim/resources
------ deploy.resources
[mkdir] Created dir: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/vim
[copy] Copying 220 files to /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/vim
[untar] Expanding: /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/lib/rope-0.9.2.tar.gz into /media/sanux/downloads/eclim_gitsrc/build/temp/vim/eclim/autoload/eclim/python
------ build.vim
[copy] Copying 293 files to /home/san/.vim
------ deploy.vim
------ deploy
Total time: 35 seconds

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