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如何使用自动化来修改 Office 菜单

2010-07-23 16:07 417 查看
请按照步骤 1 至 12 中基本的文章,以创建使用 IDispatch 接口和成员函数的示例项目定义 Excel 类型库下面的 Microsoft 知识步骤操作:

178749 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/178749/EN-US/ ) 如何创建自动化项目使用 MFC 和类型库

重复步骤 8 和 9,10 个以上的文章,以将类型库添加到项目中的 Microsoft Office。Microsoft Office 97 的类型库是 Mso97.dll 在文件中。Microsoft Office 2000 的类型库是 Mso9.dll。默认位置是 Files/Microsoft Office/mso.dll。Microsoft Office 2002 的类型库是 Mso.dll。默认位置是 Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/Office10。

注意: 选择的所有该类型库的组件。您将生成,并将 Mso.h 和 Mso.cpp 文件添加到您的项目。

当您执行操作您将获得很多重复在 COleDispatchDriver 中包装类。这些会导致从 Microsoft Excel 2000 或 2002年中的 IDispatch 名称和 Microsoft Office 2000 或 Microsoft Office XP 的复制。例如对于两者都有一个名为 _Application IDispatch。

若要解决这些重复,在本练习中,使用 VC + + 所提供"的命名空间"工具。Excel.h 头文件的最顶部,在插入行:

[code]      namespace XL {  // that's an opening brace.


在该同一文件的最底部,添加只包含一个行右大括号和分号 (特别是"} ;"不带引号)

恰好在编译器指令"#endif"后的新行上的该 Excel.cpp 文件的开头添加以下行:

[code]      using namespace XL;


添加以下行以 # 包括 AutoProjectDlg.cpp 程序文件的顶部的语句:

[code]      #include "excel9.h" // for Excel 2002, include excel.h
      #include "mso.h"


将下面的代码添加到 CAutoProjectDlg::OnRun() 事件处理程序 AutoProjectDlg.cpp 文件中:

// Common OLE-variants. Easy variants to use for calling arguments.
         covOptional((long)DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);

      HRESULT hr;
      DISPID dispID = 0;
      LPDISPATCH lpDisp = 0;
      VARIANT vResult;  // A Struct with a pdispVal member
      long cCount = 0;
      char buf[2048];   // General purpose message buffers
      OLECHAR *strCBs = L"CommandBars";
      // Object declarations.
      XL::_Application app;  // The XL prefix specifies the namerange.
      XL::Workbooks oWorkbooks;
      XL::_Workbook oBook;
      XL::Worksheets oWorksheets;
      XL::_Worksheet oSheet;
      XL::Shapes oShapes;
      XL::Shape oShape;
      // More objects will be declared throughout the program.

      // Create and show instance of Excel.
         AfxMessageBox("Failed to create Excel.Application");

      // Excel visibility makes Office Menu Bar visible.
      oWorkbooks  = app.GetWorkbooks();
      oBook       = oWorkbooks.Add(covOptional);
      oWorksheets = oBook.GetWorksheets();
      oSheet      = oWorksheets.GetItem(COleVariant((short)3));
      oSheet.Activate();  // Make the sheet selection work

      // Find &strCBs, i.e. L"CommandBars" and put it in dispID.
      hr = app.m_lpDispatch->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &strCBs, 1,
         sprintf(buf,"Failed to GetIDsOfNames() :(... Error = %08lx",

      // Get a dispatch pointer to CommandBars! Use that of running
      //  application's (Excel) existing menu configuration.
      // "vResult" is a VARIANT. It's declared above.
                     VT_VARIANT, (void*)&vResult, NULL);

         "CommandBars dispID = %ld /n"
         "CommandBars IDispatch pointer is %08lx",
         (long) dispID, (long)vResult.pdispVal);
      AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);

      CommandBars cbs(vResult.pdispVal);   // Pre Office XP
      _CommandBars cbs(vResult.pdispVal);  // Construct the CommandBars
                                           // object and attach the
                                           // IDispatch pointer to it.

      cCount = cbs.GetCount();   // 114 for Excel, Word has more!!??
                                //  MSOffice reconfigures for each
                                //  user-application.

      sprintf(buf, "Count of CommandBars is %d", cCount);
      AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);

      vResult.pdispVal = cbs.GetActiveMenuBar();  // Returns a LPDISPATCH
                            //  pointer of the CommandBar object that
                            //  represents the active menu bar in the
                            //  container application; that is, MS Office's
                            //  Excel Menu Bar Configuration.
      sprintf( buf, "dispatch pointer to the ActiveMenuBar is %08lx",
      AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);

      CommandBar oBar(vResult.pdispVal);  // Construct a CommandBar object
                                          // & attach the LPDispatch
                                          // of the active menu bar.

      CString cBarName = oBar.GetName();  // "Worksheet Menu Bar"
      sprintf(buf, "Name of the menu bar is %s", (LPCTSTR)cBarName);
      AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);

      CString cBarNameLocal = oBar.GetNameLocal();  // "Worksheet Menu Bar"
      sprintf(buf, "Local language's name of the menu bar is %s",
      AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);

      long iMenuBarType = oBar.GetType();  // 1
      sprintf(buf, "Type of Menu Bar is %d,", (long)iMenuBarType);
      AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);

      vResult.pdispVal = oBar.GetControls();  // CommandBarControls
                                              //  IDispatch pointer

      // Construct a CommandBarControls object, and attach the IDispatch
      //  pointer for CommandBarControls to that oBarcontrols object.
      CommandBarControls oBarcontrols(vResult.pdispVal);

      // Construct a CommandBarControl for the 6th item in the
      // ComandBarControls collection,
      // and attach a IDispatch pointer to it.
      CommandBarControl cbCtl=oBarcontrols.GetItem(COleVariant((short)6)

      CString ccCaption = cbCtl.GetCaption();   // "&Tools"
      long iiType       = cbCtl.GetType();      // = 10
      long iiIndex      = cbCtl.GetIndex();     // 10
      long iiId         = cbCtl.GetId();        // 30007
      CString ccTag     = cbCtl.GetTag();       // blank

         "Caption of Control # 6 is %s/n"
         "'Type' property of Control # 6 is %d/n"
         "'Index' property of Control # 6 is %d/n"
         "'Id' property of Control # 6 is %d/n",
         (LPCTSTR)ccCaption, iiType, iiIndex, iiId);

      if("" == ccTag)
         strcat(buf, "Control #6 has noTag property");
         sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "Tag of Control #6 is %s",

      AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);

      // Get a pointer for CommandBarPopup object with the ID of 30005.
      vResult.pdispVal = oBar.FindControl(
         // msoControlPopup type

      sprintf(buf, "IDispatch pointer of the msoControlPopup is %08lx",

      // Construct a Popup Control object and
      // Attach the IDispatch pointer of CommandBarPopup
      // to that new control object.
      CommandBarControl cbPop(vResult.pdispVal);
      ccCaption   = cbPop.GetCaption();
      iiType      = cbPop.GetType();
      iiIndex     = cbPop.GetIndex();
      iiId        = cbPop.GetId();

         "Caption of ControlPopup is %s/n"
         "'Type' property of ControlPopup is %d/n"
         "'Index' property of ControlPopup is %d/n"
         "'Id' property of ControlPopup is %d/n",
         (LPCTSTR)ccCaption, iiType, iiIndex, iiId);

      sprintf(buf, "Watch the %s menu pad disappear.",
      AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);


      oShapes =  oSheet.GetShapes();  // Shapes collection,
                                    // is empty at first.
      AfxMessageBox("Adding a SmileyFace  to be used in testing");

      // It's a msoShapesSmileyFace AutoShape
      oShape = oShapes.AddShape( 17, 10.0, 10.0, 40.0, 40.0);

      CommandBar iBar;
      // Use the count of commandbars in the CommandBars object.
      for (int i = 1; i <= cCount; i++)
         iBar = cbs.GetItem(COleVariant((short)i));
         // To see the names of all the command bars,
         //  uncomment the next 2 lines:
         // sprintf(buf, "Name of  CommandBar is %s", iBar.GetName());
         // AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);
         if( "Shapes" == iBar.GetName())
            long lType = iBar.GetType();
               "For CommandBars(%d), the 'Shapes' shortcut, "
               "Type property is %d",
               i, lType);
            AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);
      }  // End of For loop.

      // Construct and attach IDispatch pointer to
      // CommandBarControls object.
      CommandBarControls oCBCs = iBar.GetControls();
      CommandBarControl oCBC = oCBCs.Add(
         //  msoControlButton const
         //   VARIANT& Type,
         covOptional, //const VARIANT& Id,
         covOptional, //const VARIANT&
         //  Parameter, to pass with OnAction
         covOptional, //const VARIANT&
         //  Before,
         //  Location on popup before item #
         covTrue  //const VARIANT& Temporary,
         //  (delete when app quits).

      oCBC.SetCaption("Run Macro #1");
      // oCBC.SetOnAction("Macro1");
        // You'd uncomment the line above and substitute
        // the correct name of the desired Excel macro.

         "You've just added a CommandBarButtonControl "
         "to the shortcut menu for SmileyFace./n"
         "Right-click on a handle of the SmileyFace to see the new "
         "line at the bottom of the context menu./n/n"
         "     -     it says 'Run Macro #1'./n/n"
         "Save the worksheet and close Excel when "
         "you're through examining the change./n/n"
         "Then, reload Excel and open the worksheet "
         "from the MRU list. /n"
         "The new CommandBarButtonControl was "
         "temporary, so it's gone.");
      AfxMessageBox(buf, MB_SETFOREGROUND);
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