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Sql Server每日一练-Database Update - 用ASP编缉数据库记录

2010-07-17 19:33 483 查看
Database Update - 用ASP编缉数据库记录

<%' Defining some constants to make my life easier! (Same as Sample 1 & 2)
' Begin Constant Definition

' DB Configuration constants
' Fake const so we can use the MapPath to make it relative.
' After this, strictly used as if it were a Const.
DB_CONNECTIONSTRING = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.Mappath
("./db_scratch.mdb") & ";"
' We don't use these, but we could if we neeeded to.
'Const DB_USERNAME = "username"
'Const DB_PASSWORD = "password"

'Now we override the above settings to use our SQL server.
'Delete the following line to use the sample Access DB.
DB_CONNECTIONSTRING = Application("SQLConnString") & "UID=" & Application("SQLUsername")
& ";PWD=" & Application("SQLPassword") & ";"

' ADODB Constants
' You can find these in the adovbs.inc file
' Do a search for it and it should turn up somewhere on the server
' If you can't find it you can download our copy from here:
' http://www.asp101.com/samples/download/adovbs.inc ' It may not be the most recent copy so use it at your own risk.
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="adovbs.inc" -->
' End Constant Definition

Dim I ' Standard looping var
Dim iRecordToUpdate ' Id of deleted record

'We're going to keep this as simple as we can.
' 1. Create a Recordset object
' 2. Connect the Recordset to the table
' 3. Find the record to update
' 4. Update the record
' 5. Update the table
' 6. Close the Recordset

'Step 1:
Dim objRecordset
Set objRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
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