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#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <signal.h>

#include <errno.h>

#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

#include <arpa/inet.h>

#include <netdb.h>

#include <net/if.h>

#include <sys/utsname.h>

#include <linux/sockios.h>

#include <sys/resource.h>

#include <pcap.h>

#include <pthread.h>

#include <ncurses.h>

/* hack, so we may include kernel's ethtool.h */

typedef unsigned long long __u64;

typedef __uint32_t __u32;

typedef __uint16_t __u16;

typedef __uint8_t __u8;

/* historical: we used to use kernel-like types; remove these once cleaned */

typedef unsigned long long u64;

typedef __uint32_t u32;

typedef __uint16_t u16;

typedef __uint8_t u8;

typedef __uint32_t u_int32_t;

typedef __uint16_t u_int16_t;

typedef __uint8_t  u_int8_t;

/*  ethernet header define from ether.h*/

#define    ETHERTYPE_PUP        0x0200  

#define    ETHERTYPE_IP        0x0800

#define    ETHERTYPE_ARP        0x0806

#define    ETHERTYPE_REVARP    0x8035

#define    ETHER_ADDR_LEN        6

struct    ether_header {

    u_int8_t    ether_dhost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];

    u_int8_t    ether_shost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];

    u_int16_t    ether_type;


struct vlan_8021q_header {

    u_int16_t    priority_cfi_vid;

    u_int16_t    ether_type;



 * Definitions for internet protocol version 4.

 * Per RFC 791, September 1981.


#define    IPVERSION    4


 * Structure of an internet header, naked of options.


 * We declare ip_len and ip_off to be short, rather than u_short

 * pragmatically since otherwise unsigned comparisons can result

 * against negative integers quite easily, and fail in subtle ways.


struct ip {

    u_int8_t    ip_vhl;        /* header length, version */

#define IP_V(ip)    (((ip)->ip_vhl & 0xf0) >> 4)

#define IP_HL(ip)    ((ip)->ip_vhl & 0x0f)

    u_int8_t    ip_tos;        /* type of service */

    u_int16_t    ip_len;        /* total length */

    u_int16_t    ip_id;        /* identification */

    u_int16_t    ip_off;        /* fragment offset field */

#define    IP_DF 0x4000        /* dont fragment flag */

#define    IP_MF 0x2000        /* more fragments flag */

#define    IP_OFFMASK 0x1fff    /* mask for fragmenting bits */

    u_int8_t    ip_ttl;        /* time to live */

    u_int8_t    ip_p;        /* protocol */

    u_int16_t    ip_sum;        /* checksum */

    struct    in_addr ip_src,ip_dst;    /* source and dest address */


#define    IP_MAXPACKET    65535        /* maximum packet size */


 * Definitions for IP type of service (ip_tos)


#define    IPTOS_LOWDELAY                0x10

#define    IPTOS_THROUGHPUT            0x08

#define    IPTOS_RELIABILITY            0x04


 * Definitions for IP precedence (also in ip_tos) (hopefully unused)


#define    IPTOS_PREC_NETCONTROL        0xe0


#define    IPTOS_PREC_CRITIC_ECP        0xa0


#define    IPTOS_PREC_FLASH            0x60

#define    IPTOS_PREC_IMMEDIATE        0x40

#define    IPTOS_PREC_PRIORITY            0x20

#define    IPTOS_PREC_ROUTINE            0x00


 * Definitions for options.


#define    IPOPT_COPIED(o)        ((o)&0x80)

#define    IPOPT_CLASS(o)        ((o)&0x60)

#define    IPOPT_NUMBER(o)        ((o)&0x1f)

#define    IPOPT_CONTROL        0x00

#define    IPOPT_RESERVED1        0x20

#define    IPOPT_DEBMEAS        0x40

#define    IPOPT_RESERVED2        0x60

#define    IPOPT_EOL        0        /* end of option list */

#define    IPOPT_NOP        1        /* no operation */

#define    IPOPT_RR        7        /* record packet route */

#define    IPOPT_TS        68        /* timestamp */

#define    IPOPT_SECURITY    130        /* provide s,c,h,tcc */

#define    IPOPT_LSRR        131        /* loose source route */

#define    IPOPT_SATID        136        /* satnet id */

#define    IPOPT_SSRR        137        /* strict source route */


 * Offsets to fields in options other than EOL and NOP.


#define    IPOPT_OPTVAL    0        /* option ID */

#define    IPOPT_OLEN        1        /* option length */

#define IPOPT_OFFSET    2        /* offset within option */

#define    IPOPT_MINOFF    4        /* min value of above */


 * Time stamp option structure.


struct    ip_timestamp {

    u_int8_t    ipt_code;        /* IPOPT_TS */

    u_int8_t    ipt_len;        /* size of structure (variable) */

    u_int8_t    ipt_ptr;        /* index of current entry */

    u_int8_t    ipt_oflwflg;    /* flags, overflow counter */

#define IPTS_OFLW(ip)    (((ipt)->ipt_oflwflg & 0xf0) >> 4)

#define IPTS_FLG(ip)    ((ipt)->ipt_oflwflg & 0x0f)

    union ipt_timestamp {

        u_int32_t ipt_time[1];

        struct    ipt_ta {

            struct in_addr ipt_addr;

            u_int32_t ipt_time;

        } ipt_ta[1];

    } ipt_timestamp;


/* flag bits for ipt_flg */

#define    IPOPT_TS_TSONLY        0    /* timestamps only */

#define    IPOPT_TS_TSANDADDR    1    /* timestamps and addresses */

#define    IPOPT_TS_PRESPEC    3    /* specified modules only */

/* bits for security (not byte swapped) */

#define    IPOPT_SECUR_UNCLASS        0x0000

#define    IPOPT_SECUR_CONFID        0xf135

#define    IPOPT_SECUR_EFTO        0x789a

#define    IPOPT_SECUR_MMMM        0xbc4d

#define    IPOPT_SECUR_RESTR        0xaf13

#define    IPOPT_SECUR_SECRET        0xd788

#define    IPOPT_SECUR_TOPSECRET    0x6bc5


 * Internet implementation parameters.


#define    MAXTTL        255            /* maximum time to live (seconds) */

#define    IPDEFTTL    64            /* default ttl, from RFC 1340 */

#define    IPFRAGTTL    60            /* time to live for frags, slowhz */

#define    IPTTLDEC    1            /* subtracted when forwarding */

#define    IP_MSS        576            /* default maximum segment size */


 *  @(#)tcp.h 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93


typedef    u_int32_t    tcp_seq;


 * TCP header.

 * Per RFC 793, September, 1981.


struct tcphdr {

    u_int16_t    th_sport;        /* source port */

    u_int16_t    th_dport;        /* destination port */

    tcp_seq        th_seq;            /* sequence number */

    tcp_seq        th_ack;            /* acknowledgement number */

    u_int8_t    th_offx2;        /* data offset, rsvd */

#define TH_OFF(th)    (((th)->th_offx2 & 0xf0) >> 4)

    u_int8_t    th_flags;

#define    TH_FIN        0x01

#define    TH_SYN        0x02

#define    TH_RST        0x04

#define    TH_PUSH        0x08

#define    TH_ACK        0x10

#define    TH_URG        0x20

#define TH_ECNECHO    0x40        /* ECN Echo */

#define TH_CWR        0x80        /* ECN Cwnd Reduced */

    u_int16_t    th_win;            /* window */

    u_int16_t    th_sum;            /* checksum */

    u_int16_t    th_urp;            /* urgent pointer */


#define    TCPOPT_EOL            0

#define    TCPOPT_NOP            1

#define    TCPOPT_MAXSEG        2

#define TCPOLEN_MAXSEG        4

#define    TCPOPT_WSCALE        3    /* window scale factor (rfc1323) */

#define    TCPOPT_SACKOK        4    /* selective ack ok (rfc2018) */

#define    TCPOPT_SACK            5    /* selective ack (rfc2018) */

#define    TCPOPT_ECHO            6    /* echo (rfc1072) */

#define    TCPOPT_ECHOREPLY    7    /* echo (rfc1072) */

#define TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP    8    /* timestamp (rfc1323) */


#define TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_APPA    (TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP+2) /* appendix A */

#define TCPOPT_CC            11    /* T/TCP CC options (rfc1644) */

#define TCPOPT_CCNEW        12    /* T/TCP CC options (rfc1644) */

#define TCPOPT_CCECHO        13    /* T/TCP CC options (rfc1644) */

#define TCPOPT_TSTAMP_HDR    /



struct if_stats


    char devname[10];   

    unsigned long long rx_packets;

    unsigned long long tx_packets;

    unsigned long long rx_bytes;

    unsigned long long tx_bytes;

    unsigned long long rx_errors;

    unsigned long long tx_errors;

    unsigned long long rx_dropped;

    unsigned long long tx_dropped;

    unsigned long long rx_fifo;

    unsigned long long tx_fifo;

    unsigned long long rx_frame;

    unsigned long long tx_colls;

    unsigned long long rx_multicast;

    unsigned long long tx_carrier;

    unsigned long long rx_compressed;

    unsigned long long tx_compressed;

    unsigned int link;

    struct if_stats* next;


struct iface_dev


    char name[16];

    struct in_addr ip;

    struct in_addr netmask;

    unsigned int link;

    struct iface_dev* next;


/* This should work for both 32 and 64 bit userland. */

struct ethtool_cmd


    __u32    cmd;

    __u32    supported;    /* Features this interface supports */

    __u32    advertising;/* Features this interface advertises */

    __u16    speed;        /* The forced speed, 10Mb, 100Mb, gigabit */

    __u8    duplex;        /* Duplex, half or full */

    __u8    port;        /* Which connector port */

    __u8    phy_address;

    __u8    transceiver;/* Which transceiver to use */

    __u8    autoneg;    /* Enable or disable autonegotiation */

    __u32    maxtxpkt;    /* Tx pkts before generating tx int */

    __u32    maxrxpkt;    /* Rx pkts before generating rx int */

    __u32    reserved[4];


/* for passing single values */

struct ethtool_value


    __u32    cmd;

    __u32    data;


union iaddr


    unsigned u;

    unsigned char b[4];


struct tcp_stat


    //unsigned int ip;

    struct in_addr ip;

    unsigned short int port;

    unsigned short int dport;

    unsigned long long recv_bytes;

    unsigned long long sent_bytes;

    unsigned long long total_sent;

    unsigned long long total_recv;   


    unsigned long long pre_recv_bytes;

    unsigned long long pre_sent_bytes;

    unsigned long long pre_total_sent;

    unsigned long long pre_total_recv;   

    time_t start_time;

    struct tcp_stat* next;


struct vstate


    struct iface_dev st_ndev;

    struct tcp_stat st_tcp;


int running = 1;   

int options = 0;

uid_t vsuid = 0;

pid_t vspid = 0;

int vsport = 0;

int intetval = 3;

char vsbuf[2046];

char head_line[1024];

char vsdev[10];

char *vsline = vsbuf;

struct vstate vst;

FILE* logfile = NULL;

char* app_name;

/* pcap descriptor */

pcap_t* pd = 0;

pcap_handler packet_handler;


/* ethernet address of interface. */

int have_hw_addr = 1;

unsigned char if_hw_addr[6];

/* IP address of interface */

int have_ip_addr = 0;

struct in_addr if_ip_addr;

/* ethernet address of gateway. */

int have_gw_addr = 1;

struct in_addr if_gw_addr;

int get_addrs_ioctl(char *interface, unsigned char* if_hw_addr, struct in_addr *if_ip_addr)


    struct ifreq ifr = {};

    int got_hw_addr = 0;

    int got_ip_addr = 0;

    int s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); /* any sort of IP socket will do */

    if (s == -1) {

        printf("create a socket error/n");

        return -1;


    memset(if_hw_addr, 0, 6);

    strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, interface, IFNAMSIZ);

    if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0) {

        printf( "Error getting hardware address for interface: %s/n", interface);        


    else {

        memcpy(if_hw_addr, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);

        got_hw_addr = 1;


    /* Get the IP address of the interface */

    (*(struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr).sin_family = AF_INET;

    if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) < 0) {

        printf( "Unable to get IP address for interface: %s/n", interface);


    else {

        memcpy(if_ip_addr, &((*(struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr).sin_addr), sizeof(struct in_addr));

        got_ip_addr = 2;



    return got_hw_addr + got_ip_addr;


int get_gateway_addr(const char *dev)


    char ifname[64];

    in_addr_t dest, gway, mask;

    int flags, refcnt, use, metric, mtu, win, irtt;

    FILE *fp;

    if_gw_addr.s_addr = 0;


    fp = fopen("/proc/net/route", "r");

    if (fp == NULL)

        return -1;


    /* Skip the header line */

    if (fscanf(fp, "%*[^/n]/n") < 0) {


        return -1;




        int nread = fscanf(fp, "%63s%X%X%X%d%d%d%X%d%d%d/n",

                           ifname, &dest, &gway, &flags, &refcnt, &use, &metric, &mask,

                           &mtu, &win, &irtt);

        if (nread != 11)



        if(strcmp(ifname, dev) == 0 && gway){

            if_gw_addr.s_addr = gway;

            printf("%s gateway %s/n",dev,inet_ntoa(if_gw_addr));






    return 0;


int ip_addr_match(struct in_addr addr) {

    return addr.s_addr == if_ip_addr.s_addr;


struct tcp_stat* get_tcp_stat(struct in_addr* ip,unsigned short int port,unsigned short int dport)


    struct tcp_stat *st_tcp = &vst.st_tcp;

    static struct tcp_stat *st_tcp_end = &vst.st_tcp;


    while (st_tcp){       

        if(st_tcp->ip.s_addr == ip->s_addr && st_tcp->port == port)

            return st_tcp;


            st_tcp = st_tcp->next;



    struct tcp_stat *st_new = 0;

    st_new = malloc(sizeof(struct tcp_stat));

    memset(st_new,0,sizeof(struct tcp_stat));       

    st_new->start_time = time(0);

    st_new->ip = *ip;

    st_new->port = port;

    st_new->dport =    dport;


    st_tcp_end->next = st_new;   

    st_tcp_end = st_new;

    return st_new;


inline struct tcp_stat* get_tcp_stat_head(struct in_addr* ip,unsigned short int port)


    struct tcp_stat *st_tcp = &vst.st_tcp;

    return st_tcp;


void calculate_tcp_rate(struct tcp_stat *tcp_stats)


    int row = 1;

    int nport1 = 0, nport2=0;

    double rx_bytes,tx_bytes;

    double rx_tbytes,tx_tbytes;

    double rx_port1 = 0,tx_port1 = 0;

    double rx_port2 = 0,tx_port2 = 0;

    double rx_tport1 = 0,tx_tport1 = 0;

    double rx_tport2 = 0,tx_tport2 = 0;


    struct tcp_stat *st_tcp = NULL;

    st_tcp = tcp_stats->next ? tcp_stats->next : NULL;




    while (st_tcp){

        rx_bytes = st_tcp->recv_bytes - st_tcp->pre_recv_bytes;

        tx_bytes = st_tcp->sent_bytes - st_tcp->pre_sent_bytes;   


        rx_bytes /= (1024*intetval);

        tx_bytes /= (1024*intetval);


        st_tcp->pre_recv_bytes = st_tcp->recv_bytes;

        st_tcp->pre_sent_bytes = st_tcp->sent_bytes;

        rx_tbytes = st_tcp->total_recv/1024;

        tx_tbytes = st_tcp->total_sent/1024;

        time_t period = time(0) - st_tcp->start_time;           


        if(st_tcp->port == vsport+1 || st_tcp->dport == vsport+1){

            rx_port2 += rx_bytes;

            tx_port2 +=    tx_bytes;

            rx_tport2 += rx_tbytes;

            tx_tport2 += tx_tbytes;           



            rx_port1 += rx_bytes;

            tx_port1 +=    tx_bytes;           

            rx_tport1 += rx_tbytes;

            tx_tport1 += tx_tbytes;




        char c = ' ';

        if(st_tcp->port== vsport+1 || st_tcp->dport== vsport+1)

            c = 'B';


            c = 'F';


        mvprintw(row,1,"%c %3d %15s :%5d %8.1fk %8.1fk %9.1fM %9.1fM %9.1fk %9.1fk",







        st_tcp = st_tcp->next;




    mvprintw(row++,1,"                                                                                            ");

    mvprintw(row++,1,"  ALL %15s :%5d %8.1fk %8.1fk %9.1fM %9.1fM","PORT  ", vsport,



    mvprintw(row++,1,"  ALL %15s :%5d %8.1fk %8.1fk %9.1fM %9.1fM","PORT  ", vsport+1,




void handle_ip_packet(struct ip* iptr, int hw_dir)


    int len;

    struct tcp_stat *st,*sa;

    //unsigned int ip = 0;

    struct in_addr ip;

    unsigned short int port = 0;

    unsigned short int dport = 0;

    /* Does this protocol use ports? */

    if(iptr->ip_p != IPPROTO_TCP)



    /* We take a slight liberty here by treating UDP the same as TCP */

    /* Find the TCP/UDP header */

    struct tcphdr* thdr = ((void*)iptr) + IP_HL(iptr) * 4;


    if(hw_dir == 0) {

        /* Packet incoming this interface. */

        ip = iptr->ip_src;

        port = ntohs(thdr->th_sport);

        dport= ntohs(thdr->th_dport);

        if(ip.s_addr == if_gw_addr.s_addr)



    else if(hw_dir == 1) {

        /* Packet leaving*/

        ip = iptr->ip_dst;

        port = ntohs(thdr->th_dport);

        dport= ntohs(thdr->th_sport);

        if(ip.s_addr == if_gw_addr.s_addr)




    /* Add the addresses to be resolved */

    st = get_tcp_stat(&ip,port,dport);

    sa = get_tcp_stat_head(&ip,port);


    len = ntohs(iptr->ip_len);

    if(st == NULL)



    //printf("%s:%d len %d/n",inet_ntoa(ip),port,len);

    /* Update record */

    if(hw_dir) {       

        st->sent_bytes += len;  /*leaving*/

        st->total_sent += len;

        sa->total_sent += len;       


    else {       

        st->recv_bytes += len; /*entering*/

        st->total_recv += len;

        sa->total_recv += len;



void handle_eth_packet(unsigned char* args, const struct pcap_pkthdr* pkthdr, const unsigned char* packet)


    struct ether_header *eptr;

    int ether_type;

    const unsigned char *payload;

    eptr = (struct ether_header*)packet;

    ether_type = ntohs(eptr->ether_type);

    payload = packet + sizeof(struct ether_header);

    if(ether_type == ETHERTYPE_IP) {

        struct ip* iptr;

        int dir = -1;



        * Is a direction implied by the MAC addresses?


        if(have_hw_addr && memcmp(eptr->ether_shost, if_hw_addr, 6) == 0 ) {

            /* packet leaving this i/f */

            dir = 1;


        else if(have_hw_addr && memcmp(eptr->ether_dhost, if_hw_addr, 6) == 0 ) {

            /* packet entering this i/f */

            dir = 0;


        else if (memcmp("/xFF/xFF/xFF/xFF/xFF/xFF", eptr->ether_dhost, 6) == 0) {

            /* broadcast packet, count as incoming */

            dir = 0;


        iptr = (struct ip*)(payload); /* alignment? */

        handle_ip_packet(iptr, dir);


    else if (ether_type == ETHERTYPE_ARP)


        /*printf ("Ethernet type hex:%x dec:%d is an ARP packet/n");*/



        /*printf ("Ethernet type %x not IP/n");*/




 * packet_init: performs pcap initialisation, called before ui is initialised


int packet_init(char* dev)


    int result = -1;

    int promisc = 0; /* set to promisc mode?*/

    char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];


    /* get network card interface*/

    have_hw_addr = 1;

    result = get_addrs_ioctl(dev, if_hw_addr, &if_ip_addr);

    if (result < 0)

        return -1;

    /* get interface gateway address*/

    result = get_gateway_addr(dev);

    if (result < 0)

        return -1;


    /* open interface with pcap*/

    pd = pcap_open_live(dev, CAPTURE_LENGTH, promisc, 1000, errbuf);

    if(pd == NULL) {

        printf("pcap_open_live(%s): %s/n", dev, errbuf);

        return -1;



    /* set callback handle function*/

    packet_handler = handle_eth_packet;


    sprintf(head_line,"%s %15s %5s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s/n",

              "# ###"," dstination ip","port"," recv(k/s)","sent(k/s)","recv total","sent total","in avg(k/s)","out avg(k/s)/n");

              /*"# ###","dst ip       port - port","recv(k/s)","sent(k/s)","recv total","sent total","in avg(k/s)","out avg(k/s)/n");*/

    return 0;


int packet_filter(char* dev,int port)


    struct bpf_program* fp;              /* The compiled filter expression */

    char filter_exp[20] = "port 13948";/* The filter expression */

    bpf_u_int32 mask;                 /* The netmask of our sniffing device */

    bpf_u_int32 net;                 /* The IP of our sniffing device */

    char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];


    /* get device ip/mask*/

    if (pcap_lookupnet(dev, &net, &mask, errbuf) == -1) {

         printf("Can't get netmask for device %s/n", dev);

         net = 0;

         mask = 0;

         return -1;



    /* compile filter exp*/

    sprintf(filter_exp,"portrange %d-%d",port,port+1);

    fp = malloc(sizeof(struct bpf_program));

    if (pcap_compile(pd, fp, filter_exp, 0, net) == -1) {

        printf("Couldn't parse filter %s: %s/n", filter_exp, pcap_geterr(pd));

        return -1;


    /* set filter for port*/

    if (pcap_setfilter(pd, fp) == -1) {

        printf("Couldn't install filter %s: %s/n", filter_exp, pcap_geterr(pd));

        return -1;



    return 0;


/* packet_loop:  * Worker function for packet capture thread. */

void* packet_loop(void* ptr)


    /* loop pcap tcp/ip*/

    while(running) {



    return 0;


void print_usage()


    printf(" Options:/n");

    printf("  -d     indicate net device name/n");

    printf("  -p     indicate port/n");

    printf("  -v     print version/n");

    printf("  -h     printf help/n/n");

    printf("sample: -d /"eth0/" -p 8899/n/n");



int get_options(int argc,char **argv)


    int ret,opt = 0;

    /* read options */

    while((ret = getopt(argc, argv, "d:p:h")) >= 0) {

        switch(ret) {

        case 'd':




        case 'p':

            vsport = atoi(optarg);



        case 'h':


            return -1;


            /* shouldn't happen */

            return -1;



    if(opt == 2)

        return 0;

    return ret;


void sig_handler(int sig)


    switch(sig) {

        case SIGHUP:

        case SIGTERM:

        case SIGINT:

        case SIGQUIT:

        case SIGUSR1:

        case SIGSEGV:

            running = 0;


            if(pd != NULL)







int main(int argc,char **argv)


    vsline = vsbuf;   

    running = 1;


    signal(SIGHUP,  sig_handler);

    signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler);

    signal(SIGINT,  sig_handler);

    signal(SIGQUIT, sig_handler);

    signal(SIGUSR1, sig_handler);

    signal(SIGSEGV, sig_handler);


    /* get vstat options*/

    if(get_options(argc,argv) != 0){

        printf("Type vpstat -h for help./n");

        return 0;



    /* init vst struct*/

    memset(&vst,0,sizeof(struct vstate));

    /* init pacp with device*/

    if(packet_init(vsdev) == -1)

        return -1;


    /* set filter for device*/

    if(packet_filter(vsdev,vsport) == -1)

        return -1;




    /* create pcap thread*/

    pthread_t tid;



    /* loop get pid stat*/

    while(running) {       

        /* print proc stat info*/





    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

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