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Lambda表达式, 可以让我们的代码更优雅.

2010-05-27 13:50 856 查看
在C#中, 适当地使用Lambda表达式, 可以让我们的代码更优雅.

通过lambda表达式, 我们可以很方便地创建一个delegate:


//using delegate syntax
Func<int, int> f = delegate(int i) { return ++i; };

//using lambda syntax
Func<int, int> f = i => ++i;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Book> books = new List<Book>
new Book
Title="Design Patterns",
Authors= new List<string>{"Erich Gamma", "Richard Helm", "Ralph Johnson", "John Vlissides"}

new Book
Authors = new List<string>{"Martin Fowler"}

books.Sort((x, y) => x.Authors.Count - y.Authors.Count); //以作者个数进行排序

public class Book
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public List<string> Authors { get; set; }



bool has_book_with_id_equals_one = books.Contains(new Book { Id = 1 }, (x, y) => x.Id == y.Id);

bool has_book_with_title_equals_refactoring_ignorecase = books.Contains(new Book { Title = "REFACTORING" }, x => x.Title.ToUpper());

不幸的是, List<T>没有这样的方法。

按照传统的方法, 你可能会这样写:

public class BookComparer : IEqualityComparer<Book>
public bool Equals(Book x, Book y)
return x.Id == y.Id;
public int GetHashCode(Book obj)
return obj.Id.GetHashCode();
bool has_book_with_id_equals_one = books.Contains(new Book { Id = 1 }, new BookComparer());

很无奈的选择, 但是没办法!


public class KeyEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
private readonly Func<T, T, bool> comparer;
private readonly Func<T, object> keyExtractor;

// Allows us to simply specify the key to compare with: y => y.ID
public KeyEqualityComparer(Func<T, object> keyExtractor) : this(keyExtractor, null) { }

// Allows us to tell if two objects are equal: (x, y) => y.Id == x.Id
public KeyEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, bool> comparer) : this(null, comparer) { }

public KeyEqualityComparer(Func<T, object> keyExtractor, Func<T, T, bool> comparer)
this.keyExtractor = keyExtractor;
this.comparer = comparer;

public bool Equals(T x, T y)
if (comparer != null)
return comparer(x, y);
var valX = keyExtractor(x);
if (valX is IEnumerable<object>) // The special case where we pass a list of keys
return ((IEnumerable<object>)valX).SequenceEqual((IEnumerable<object>)keyExtractor(y));
return valX.Equals(keyExtractor(y));

public int GetHashCode(T obj)
if (keyExtractor == null)
return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();
var val = keyExtractor(obj);
if (val is IEnumerable<object>) // The special case where we pass a list of keys
return (int)((IEnumerable<object>)val).Aggregate((x, y) => x.GetHashCode() ^ y.GetHashCode());
return val.GetHashCode();

public static class MyExtMethod
public static bool Contains<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, T item, Func<T, object> keyExtractor)
return list.Contains(item, new KeyEqualityComparer<T>(keyExtractor));

public static bool Contains<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, T item, Func<T, T, bool> comparer)
return list.Contains(item, new KeyEqualityComparer<T>(comparer));



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Book> books = new List<Book>
new Book
Title="Design Patterns",
Authors= new List<string>{"Erich Gamma", "Richard Helm", "Ralph Johnson", "John Vlissides"}

new Book
Authors = new List<string>{"Martin Fowler"}

books.Sort((x, y) => x.Authors.Count - y.Authors.Count);

bool has_book_with_id_equals_one = books.Contains(new Book { Id = 1 }, (x, y) => x.Id == y.Id);

bool has_book_with_title_equals_refactoring_ignorecase = books.Contains(new Book { Title = "REFACTORING" }, x => x.Title.ToUpper());


public class Book
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public List<string> Authors { get; set; }

public class KeyEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
private readonly Func<T, T, bool> comparer;
private readonly Func<T, object> keyExtractor;

// Allows us to simply specify the key to compare with: y => y.Id
public KeyEqualityComparer(Func<T, object> keyExtractor) : this(keyExtractor, null) { }

// Allows us to tell if two objects are equal: (x, y) => y.Id == x.Id
public KeyEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, bool> comparer) : this(null, comparer) { }

public KeyEqualityComparer(Func<T, object> keyExtractor, Func<T, T, bool> comparer)
this.keyExtractor = keyExtractor;
this.comparer = comparer;

public bool Equals(T x, T y)
if (comparer != null)
return comparer(x, y);
var valX = keyExtractor(x);
if (valX is IEnumerable<object>) // The special case where we pass a list of keys
return ((IEnumerable<object>)valX).SequenceEqual((IEnumerable<object>)keyExtractor(y));
return valX.Equals(keyExtractor(y));

public int GetHashCode(T obj)
if (keyExtractor == null)
return obj.ToString().ToLower().GetHashCode();
var val = keyExtractor(obj);
if (val is IEnumerable<object>) // The special case where we pass a list of keys
return (int)((IEnumerable<object>)val).Aggregate((x, y) => x.GetHashCode() ^ y.GetHashCode());
return val.GetHashCode();

/// <summary>
/// 扩展方法
/// </summary>
public static class MyExtMethod
public static bool Contains<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, T item, Func<T, object> keyExtractor)
return list.Contains(item, new KeyEqualityComparer<T>(keyExtractor));

public static bool Contains<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, T item, Func<T, T, bool> comparer)
return list.Contains(item, new KeyEqualityComparer<T>(comparer));
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