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2010-05-27 13:15 471 查看






第三、其实英语演讲比赛很无聊,我挖空心思整出一篇文章,还一直被否定,大大小小改了6次,直到比赛前3天才定稿。然后狂背,这本身就是a waste of time. 花那么多时间为了把一篇文章背得那么熟,有意义吗?其实,演讲应该是一种由内而外的艺术,只有内心丰富的人,才会是一个好的演讲者。而我,只是在专注于一种卖弄,所表现出来的一切,都是假的,只是把一篇背得滚瓜烂熟的文章在一群人面前矫揉造作的讲出来。这种“术”要学,但更重要的,是悟“道”。



Embrace the World by Heart

Good afternoon, ladies and
gentlemen. Today, globalization has been the trend of mankind. China has also made
great efforts. As is known to us that China held the Olympic Games two years
ago, showing the world our aspiration: “One world, one dream”; and now, the World
Expo is being held in Shanghai. It’s another opportunity for us to share what
we do, what we think, and what we have with the world.
But something still left to trigger discussion, at the same time, because
of the culture difference, Mr. Google said goodbye to us; at the same time we set
up the Great Firewall, which makes Internet in China turn into a biggest Intranet.
Why? Why
do such confrontations between Chinese and Western Cultures never be eliminated?
Why do we chant the slogan “embrace the world” on one side, while seal
ourselves off on the other side?
Actually, my friends, we are far away from embracing the world now. Embracing is not only an action, but a kind of attitude. So how can
we realize our dream of blending into the world? The primary thing we should do is trying to learn more
about the world, and make the world learn more about China. Robbins
Staca once said: People need to know one another to be at their friendly
best. So do the countries. And then, we should treat things from outside with
tolerance. When we welcome the world with our arms open, the
world will also walk towards us with smile.
all know we still have a long way to go, but there is no doubt that the future
is bright. I am sure, one day we will have a further cooperation in technological exchange with other countries; one day, all of us will devote ourselves to protecting
the environment, leaving our offspring a world abundant in sweet air and crystal
stream; one day, china will shoulder the responsibility of
guaranteeing a steady, healthy, high–speed development to the world economy. In
a word, it is sooner or later that we will give the whole world a big hug!
you !
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