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[转]Android WiFi 电源管理

2010-05-26 14:54 309 查看
Android 对WiFi电源管理





WifiLock Allows an application to keep the Wi-Fi radio awake. Normally
the Wi-Fi radio may turn off when the user has not used the device in a
while. Acquiring a WifiLock will keep the radio on until the lock is
released. Multiple applications may hold WifiLocks, and the radio will
only be allowed to turn off when no WifiLocks are held in any application.

Before using a WifiLock, consider carefully if your application
requires Wi-Fi access, or could function over a mobile network, if
available. A program that needs to download large files should hold a
WifiLock to ensure that the download will complete, but a program whose
network usage is occasional or low-bandwidth should not hold a WifiLock
to avoid adversely affecting battery life.

Note that WifiLocks cannot override the user-level "Wi-Fi Enabled"
setting, nor Airplane Mode. They simply keep the radio from turning
off when Wi-Fi is already on but the device is idle.

2. API

WifiLock APIs are implemented in android.net.wifi.WifiManager.

2.1 acquire()

Locks the Wi-Fi radio on until release is called.

If this WifiLock is reference-counted, each call to acquire will
increment the reference count, and the radio will remain locked as long
as the reference count is above zero.

If this WifiLock is not reference-counted, the first call to acquire
will lock the radio, but subsequent calls will be ignored. Only one call to release will be required, regardless of the number of times that acquire is called.

2.2 release()

Unlocks the Wi-Fi radio, allowing it to turn off when the device is idle.

If this WifiLock is reference-counted, each call to release will
decrement the reference count, and the radio will be unlocked only
when the reference count reaches zero. If the reference count goes
below zero (that is, if release is called a greater number of times
than acquire), an exception is thrown.

If this WifiLock is not reference-counted, the first call to release
(after the radio was locked using acquire) will unlock the radio, and
subsequent calls will be ignored.

2.3 setReferenceCounted(boolean refCounted)

Controls whether this is a reference-counted or non-reference-counted WifiLock.

Reference-counted WifiLocks keep track of the number of calls to acquire and release, and only
allow the radio to sleep when every call to acquire has been balanced
with a call to release. Non-reference-counted WifiLocks lock the radio
whenever acquire is called and it is unlocked, and unlock the radio
whenever release is called and it is locked.

Param: refCounted true if this WifiLock should keep a reference count

2.4 isHeld()

Checks whether this WifiLock is currently held.

return true if this WifiLock is held, false otherwise


frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/LocationManagerService.java is a good example for your reference.

Our simple example is as blew.

import android.os.PowerManager;

import android.net.wifi.WifiManager;

public class WifiLockExample{

private final Context mContext;

private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock = null;

private WifiManager.WifiLock mWifiLock = null;

public WifiLockExample(Context context){

mContext = context;

// Create a wake lock

PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);

mWakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, WAKELOCK_KEY);


// Create a wifi lock

WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);

mWifiLock = wifiManager.createWifiLock(WIFILOCK_KEY);



private void acquire(){

// Acquire wake lock


// Acquire wifi lock



private void release(){

// Release wifi lock


// Release wake lock




from :http://hi.chinaunix.net/?uid-21025469-action-viewspace-itemid-32778
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