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SG 2 Establish a Test Approach

SG 2 建立测试方法

A test approach, based on identified product risks, is established and agreed upon.


SP 2.1 Identify items and features to be tested

SP 2.1 确定要测试的功能和项目

The items and features to be tested, and not to be tested, are identified based on the product risks.


Typical work products

1. List of items to be tested and not to be tested

2. List of features to be tested and not to be tested


1. 需要和不需要测试的项目清单

2. 需要和不需要测试的功能清单


1. Breakdown the prioritized product risks into items to be tested and not to be tested

2. Document the risk level and source documentation (test basis) for each identified item to be tested

3. Breakdown the prioritized product risks into features to be tested and not to be tested

4. Document the risk level and source documentation (test basis) for each identified feature to be


5. Review the list of item and feature to be tested, and not to be tested with stakeholders


1. 细分产品风险优先级到每个需要和不需要测试的项目

2. 为每个确定要测试的项目记录风险级别和源文件(测试基础)

3. 细分产品风险优先级到每个需要和不需要测试的功能

4. 为每个确定要测试的功能记录风险级别和源文件(测试基础)

5. 与相关人员评审需要和不需要测试的项目和功能清单

SP 2.2 Define the test approach

SP 2.2 定义测试方法

The test approach is defined to mitigate the identified and prioritized product risks.


Typical work products

1. Test approach

2. The approach, e.g. selected set of test design techniques, should be described in sufficient detail

to support at a later stage identification of major test tasks and estimation of the time required to

do each one.


1. 测试方法

2. 其他方法,如,选择一套测试设计技术,应该被详细描述以支持后来主要测试任务的确定,并评估做每一项任务所需要的时间。



1. Select the test design techniques to be used; multiple test design techniques are defined to vary in

test coverage based on the defined product risks

1. 选择要使用的测试设计技术;在已定义的产品风险基础上多个测试设计技术被定义。

Criteria for selecting a test design technique include the following:

? Type of system

? Regulatory standards

? Customer or contractual requirements

? Level of risk

? Type of risk,

? Documentation available,

? Knowledge of the testers,

? Time and budget,

? Development lifecycle,

? Previous experience of types of defects found












2. Define the approach to review test work products

3. Define the approach for re-testing

2. 定义评审工作产品的方法

3. 定义重新测试的方法

Examples of an approach for re-testing include the following:

? For all high risk test items a full re-test will take place re-executing the full test


? For all low risk test items the incidents are re-tested in isolation tools




4. Define the approach for regression testing

4. 定义回归测试的方法

Examples of elements of a regression test approach include the following:

? Focus of the regression testing, e.g. which items and/or features

? Test case to be selected and executed

? Type of testing to be performed

? Manual testing or using test automation tools






5. Identify the supporting test tools to be used

6. Identify significant constraints regarding the test approach

5. 确定将要被使用的支持性测试工具6. 确定有关测试方法的重大限制

Examples of constraints regarding the test approach include the following:

? Test resources availability

? Test environment features

? Project deadlines





7. Align the test approach with the defined organization-wide or program-wide test strategy

8. Identify any non-compliances to the test strategy and its rationale

9. Review the test approach with stakeholders

10. Revise the test approach as appropriate

7. 测试方法与已定义的组织范围或者产品范围的测试策略保持一致

8. 明确不遵守测试策略的部分,并说明理由

9. 与相关人员评审测试方法

10. 适当的时候修订测试方法

Examples of when the test approach may need to be revised include the following:

? New or changed priority level of product risks

? Lessons learned on applying the test approach in the project




SP 2.3 Define entry criteria

SP 2.3 定义进入标准

The entry criteria for testing are defined to prevent testing from starting under conditions that do not

allow for a thorough test process.


Typical work products


1. Entry criteria

1. 进入标准



1. Define a set of entry criteria related to the test process

Examples of entry criteria related to the test process include the following:

? The availability of a test summary report from the previous test level

? The availability of a test environment according to requirements

? The availability of documentation, e.g. test release note, user manual, installation

manual, etc

1. 定义一套测试过程相关的进入标准





2. Define a set of entry criteria related to product quality

Examples of entry criteria related to product quality include the following:

? A successful intake test

? No outstanding defects (of priority level X)

? All outstanding defects have at least the status analyzed

2. 定义一套有关产品质量的进入标准


 一个成功的摄入量测试 没有突出的(X级优先级的)缺陷 所有悬而未决的缺陷至少要有状态分析

3. Review the entry criteria with stakeholders, especially those responsible for meeting the entry


3. 与相关人员评审进入标准,特别是那些负责会议的进入标准

SP 2.4 Define exit criteria

SP 2.4 定义退出标准

The exit criteria for testing are defined to plan when to stop testing.


Typical work products


1. Exit criteria

1. 退出标准



1. Define a set of exit criteria related to the test process

Examples of exit criteria related to the test process include the following:

? Percentage of tests prepared that have been executed (successfully)

? Percentage of coverage for each test item, e.g. code coverage or requirements


? The availability of an approved test summary report

1. 定义一套有关测试过程的退出标准





2. Define a set of exit criteria related to product quality

Examples of exit criteria related to product quality include the following:

? All high priority product risks mitigated

? Defect detection rate falls below a threshold

? Number of outstanding defects (by priority level)

? Percentage of software modules supported by an inspected design

2. 定义一套有关产品质量的退出标准






3. Review the exit criteria with stakeholders

Note that the exit criteria of a test level should be aligned with the entry criteria of a subsequent test


3. 与相关人员评审退出标准


SP 2.5 Define suspension and resumption criteria

SP 2.5 定义暂停和恢复标准

Criteria are defined used to suspend all or a portion of the test tasks on the test items and/or features.


Typical work products

1. Suspension criteria

2. Resumption criteria


1. 暂停标准

2. 恢复标准



1. Specify the suspension criteria used to suspend all or a portion of the test tasks on the test items

and/or features

1. 指定用于暂停所有或部分测试项目和/或功能的测试任务的暂停标准

Examples of suspension criteria include the following:

? Number of critical defects

? Number of non reproducible defects

? Issues with test execution due to the test environments





2. Specify the resumption criteria used to specify the test tasks that must be repeated

2. 指定用于必须被重复的测试任务的恢复标准
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