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Oracle 密码文件

2010-05-20 16:30 344 查看
--==============================-- Oracle密码文件--==============================/*一、密码文件   作用:主要进行DBA权限的身份认证   DBA用户:具有sysdba,sysoper权限的用户被称为dba用户。默认情况下sysdba角色中存在sys用户,sysoper角色中存在system用户   二、Oracle的两种认证方式;   1.使用与操作系统集成的身份验证   2.使用Oracle数据库的密码文件进行身份认证 三、密码文件的位置   Linux下的存放位置:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw$ORACLE_SID                 即:ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw<sid>   Windows下的存放位置:$ORACLE_HOME/database/PWD%ORACLE_SID%.ora    密码文件查找的顺序   --->orapw<sid>--->orapw--->Failure    两种认证方式:类似于SQL server中的windows认证和SQL server认证   决定在两个参数中   1.remote_login_passwordfile = none | exclusive |shared  位于$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile$ORACLE_SID.ora参数文件中      none : 不使用密码文件认证      exclusive :要密码文件认证,自己独占使用(默认值)      shared :要密码文件认证,不同实例dba用户可以共享密码文件         2. $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora        SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = none | all | ntf(windows)      none : 表示关闭操作系统认证,只能密码认证      all : 用于linux或unix平台,关闭本机密码文件认证,采用操作系统认证,但远程<异机>可以使用密码文件认证      nts : 用于windows平台         不同的组合     1           2   none          none      sys用户无论是本机还是远程均不可用     判断当前使用的是操作系统认证还是密码认证   四、演示:   1.在sqlnet.ora中追加SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = none */   [oracle@robinson ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba /*登陆失败*/    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Apr 9 10:41:28 2010    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.    ERROR:   ORA-01031: insufficient privileges   Enter user-name:   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [oracle@robinson ~]$ sqlplus sys/redhat as sysdba /*使用密码文件认证,登陆成功*/    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Apr 9 10:42:35 2010    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.     Connected to:   Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release Production   With the Partitioning, OLAPand Data Mining options    SQL>    --=================================================================================      2.将SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES的值改为all    [oracle@robinson admin]$ sqlplus / as sysdba /*采用本机认证可以登陆*/    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Apr 9 10:46:55 2010    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.     Connected to:   Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release Production   With the Partitioning, OLAPand Data Mining options    SQL>    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   [oracle@robinson admin]$ sqlplus sys/redhat@orclas sysdba /*使用密码文件登陆认证失败*/    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Apr 9 10:48:35 2010    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.    ERROR:   ORA-12641: Authenticationservice failed to initialize    Enter user-name:    --注:此时可以使用远程登陆。     --使用#符号将新增的SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES行注释掉恢复到缺省值    /*五、密码文件的建立:orapwd */   [oracle@robinson ~]$ orapwd   Usage: orapwd file=<fname> password=<password> entries=<users> force=<y/n>      where      file - name of password file (mand), /*密码文件的名字orapw<sid>*/      password - password for SYS (mand),  /*sys用户的密码*/      entries - maximum number of distinct DBA and /*可以有多少个sysdba,sysoper权限用户放到密码文件中去,去掉重复记录*/                                               /*注意entries中存放的个数但不是实际个数,这个是二进制数据*/        force - whether to overwrite existingfile (opt),/*10g新增的参数,默认值为n ,y表示允许覆盖*/   OPERs (opt),     There are no spaces around the equal-to(=) character.        --修改密码:   [oracle@robinson ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ ll orapworcl   -rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall 1536 Apr 7 15:50 orapworcl   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ orapwd file=orapworcl password=oracle force=y   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ sqlplus sys/oracle@orclas sysdba    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Apr 9 11:34:09 2010    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.     Connected to:   Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release Production   With the Partitioning, OLAPand Data Mining options    SQL>      --将密码改回原来的密码   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ orapwd file=orapworcl password=redhat    OPW-00005:File with same name exists - pleasedelete or rename   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ orapwd file=orapworcl password=redhat force=y   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ rm orapworcl  /*删除密码文件*/   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ orapwd file=orapworcl password=redhat/*重建密码文件*/    --演示将entries改为,然后将多个用户设置为sysdba或sysoper   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ orapwd file=orapworcl password=redhat entries=1   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ strings orapworcl   ]/[Z   ORACLE Remote Password file   INTERNAL   F7AC0C5E9C3C37AB   E100B964899CDDDF    --创建PL/SQL增加个新用户   SQL> begin     2  for iin 1..20 loop     3  execute immediate'create user u'||i||' identified by u'||i||'';     4  end loop;     5  end;     6  /   --将新用户赋予sysdba角色   PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.    SQL> begin     2  for iin 1..20 loop     3  execute immediate'grant sysdba to u'||i||'';     4  end loop;     5  end;     6  /   begin  /*得到和密码文件相关的错误提示*/   *   ERROR at line 1:   ORA-01996:GRANT failed: passwordfile '' is full   ORA-06512: at line 3    --再次查看orapworcl发现多出了行,即当设置为的时候多出了个用户。原因是该密码文件是二进制文件,按矩阵计算可存放多少   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ strings orapworcl   ]/[Z   ORACLE Remote Password file   INTERNAL   F7AC0C5E9C3C37AB   E100B964899CDDDF   3E81B724A296E296   668509DF9DD36B43   9CE6AF1E3F609FFC   7E19965085C9ED47     --注意不要轻易删掉密码文件,这样会将其他账户的信息也删除    /*六、导致密码文件内容修改的几种方式:   1.使用orapwd建立,修改密码文件,不建议使用   2.使用alter user sys identified by <>   3.使用grant sysdba to <>或grant sysoper to <>或revoke sysdba |sysoper from <> 七、查看密码文件内容 */    [oracle@robinson dbs]$ strings orapworcl   ]/[Z   ORACLE Remote Password file   INTERNAL   F7AC0C5E9C3C37AB   E100B964899CDDDF    --当sys密码不记得可以使用OS系统身份认证登陆到sqlplus,再使用alter user修改密码   SQL> alteruser sys identified by oracle;    User altered   --再次查看密码文件与上一次对比,已经发生变化   SQL> ho strings orapworcl   ]/[Z   ORACLE Remote Password file   INTERNAL   AB27B53EDC5FEF41   8A8F025737A9097A     --通过授予权限来修改密码,密码文件中多出了scott的信息   SQL> grant sysdbato scott;    Grant succeeded.    SQL> ho strings orapworcl   ]/[Z   ORACLE Remote Password file   INTERNAL   AB27B53EDC5FEF41   8A8F025737A9097A   SCOTT   F894844C34402B67     --注意此处中登陆后,显示的账户信息还是sys,而不是scott,但此时的scott已经具备了sys权限   [oracle@robinson dbs]$ sqlplus scott/tiger@orclas sysdba    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Apr 9 11:56:09 2010    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.     Connected to:   Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release Production   With the Partitioning, OLAPand Data Mining options    SQL> show user   USER is "SYS"    /*八、sysdba与sysoper的区别*/   SQL> select* from system_privilege_mapwhere name like '%SYS%';     PRIVILEGE NAME                                      PROPERTY   ---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------          -3 ALTER SYSTEM                                     0          -4 AUDIT SYSTEM                                     0         -83 SYSDBA                                           0         -84 SYSOPER                                          0            --下面的链接是两者不同的权限说明       http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14231/dba.htm#sthref137   The manner in which you are authorized to use these privileges depends upon the methodof authentication that you use.    When you connect with SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges, you connectwith a default schema,    not with theschema that is generally associatedwith your username.   For SYSDBA this schemais SYS; for SYSOPER the schema is PUBLIC.   --两者的schema不同   SQL> show user   USER is "SYS"   SQL> conn /as sysoper   Connected.   SQL> show user   USER is "PUBLIC"    --查看密码文件视图,可以得到哪些用户为sysdba,哪些用户为sysoper   SQL> select* from v$pwfile_users;    USERNAME                       SYSDB SYSOP   ------------------------------ ----- -----   SYS                            TRUE  TRUE   SCOTT                          TRUE  FALSE   USER1                          FALSE TRUE   --下面演示了使用不同的角色来登陆   SQL> conn scott/tiger@orclas sysdba   Connected.   SQL> conn scott/tiger@orclas sysoper  /*scott的sysop列为false*/   ERROR:   ORA-01031: insufficient privileges     Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.   SQL> conn user1/user1@orclas sysdba   ERROR:   ORA-01031: insufficient privileges     SQL> conn user1/user1as sysoper   Connected.   /*九、更多 */Oracle数据库实例启动关闭过程 Oracle 10g SGA的自动化管理 使用OEM,SQL*Plus,iSQL*Plus管理Oracle实例 Oracle实例和Oracle数据库(Oracle体系结构) SQL基础-->常用函数 SQL基础-->过滤和排序 SQL基础-->SELECT查询  
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