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Just a quick post of a potentially useful function for LoadRunner

2010-05-17 20:58 459 查看
Just a quick post of a potentially useful function for LoadRunner.

has lr_save_int() and lr_save_string() but the float saving function is
missing so I just quickly whipped up the following code. It’s by no
means perfect when it comes to checking for errors, but it will work
>90% of the times (as long as the scripter knows what he/she is
doing).. Enjoy.


void lr_save_float(const float value, const char *param, const int decimals)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Saves a float into a lr variable, much like lr_save_int() saves an integer


// Parameters:

//   value       Float value to store

//   param       Loadrunner variable name

//   decimals    Number of decimals in the result string


// Returns:

//   N/A


// Example:

//   lr_save_float(123.456, "myVar", 2);  // myVar = 123.46 (includes rounding)


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


  char buf[64];                              // if more>63 digits -> your problem <img src="http://s.wordpress.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley">

  char formatbuf[16];                        // 16 chars should be adequate

  sprintf( formatbuf, "%%.%df", decimals);   // Build the "%?.f" format string

  sprintf( buf, formatbuf, value);           // sprintf the value

  lr_save_string( buf, param);               // store in variable

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