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Specific Practices by Goals


SG 1 Establish a Test Policy

SG 1 建立测试政策

A test policy, aligned with the business (quality) policy, is established and agreed by the stakeholders.


SP 1.1 Define test goals

SP 1.1 定义测试目标

Define and maintain test goals based upon business needs and objectives.


Typical work products


1. Test goals

1. 测试目标



2. Study business needs and objectives

2. 研究企业需要及其目标

Examples of business needs and objectives to be studied include the following:

• Mission statement

• Business and user needs regarding the products

• Business drivers

• Main goals of a quality program

• Business (quality) policy

• Type of business, e.g. risk level of products being developed








3. Provide feedback for clarifying business needs and objectives as necessary

3. 为企业需要及其目标提供必要的反馈

4. Define test goals traceable to business needs and objectives

4. 为企业需要及其目标定义测试目标追溯

Examples of test goals include the following:

• Validate products for ‘fit-for-use’

• Prevent defects for occurring in operation

• Verify compliance to external standards

• Provide visibility regarding product quality

• Short test execution lead-time







5. Review the test goals with stakeholders

5. 相关人员评审测试目标

6. Revisit and revise the test goals as appropriate, e.g. on a yearly basis

6. 在适当的时候重访并修订测试目标,例如基于年度

SP 1.2 Define the test policy

SP 1.2 定义测试政策

A test policy, aligned with the business (quality) policy, is defined and agreed by the stakeholders.


Typical work products


1. Test policy

1. 测试政策



1. Define the test policy based on the defined test goals

1. 在已定义的测试目标的基础上定义测试政策

Examples of statements to be part of a test policy typically include the following:

• A definition of testing

• A definition of debugging (fault localization and repair)

• Basic view points regarding testing and the testing profession

• The objectives and added value of testing

• Quality levels to be achieved

• The level of independence of the test organization

• High level test process definition

• The key responsibilities of testing

• The organizational approach to and objectives of test process improvement








 高级水平测试 过程的定义



2. Clearly separate testing from debugging within the test policy

2. 测试政策清楚的把测试从调试中分开

3. Review the test policy with stakeholders

3. 相关人员评审测试政策

4. Define and establish ownership for test policy

4. 定义和建立测试政策的所有权

5. Revisit and revise the test policy as appropriate, e.g. on a yearly basis

5. 在适当的时候重访并修订测试政策,例如基于年度

SP 1.3 Distribute the test policy to stakeholders

SP 1.3 分配测试政策到相关人员

The test policy and test goals are presented and explained to stakeholders inside and outside testing.


Typical work products

1. Deployment plan

2. Presentation test policy




Examples of distribution mechanisms include the following:

• Documenting it in a handbook (quality system)

• Presentations in project and/or departmental meetings

• Posters on the wall

• Making it part of the departmental introduction program

• Access on a central web portal







SG 2 Establish a Test Strategy

SG 2 建立测试策略

An organization-wide or program-wide test strategy is established and deployed; identifying and

defining the test levels to be performed.


SP 2.1 Perform a generic product risk assessment

SP 2.1 执行一个通用的产品风险评估

A generic product risk assessment is performed to identify the typical critical areas for testing.


Typical work products


1. Generic product risk list, with a category and priority assigned to each risk

1. 通用产品风险清单,每级风险都标有类别和优先级


1. Identify and select stakeholders that need to contribute to the generic risk assessment

2. Identify generic product risks using input from stakeholders

3. Document the context and potential consequences of the generic product risk

4. Identify the relevant stakeholders associated for each generic product risk

5. Analyze the identified generic products risks using the predefined parameters, e.g. likelihood and


6. Categorize and group generic product risks according to the defined risk categories

7. Prioritize the generic product risks for mitigation

8. Review and obtain agreement with stakeholders on the completeness, category and priority level

of the generic product risks

9. Revise the generic product risks as appropriate


1. 识别并选择那些需要做通用风险评估的人员

2. 使用相关人员的输入来识别通用产品风险

3. 记录通用产品风险的背景和潜在的结果

4. 对各级通用产品风险确定与之关联的相关人员

5. 使用预定义的参数分析已确定的通用产品风险,例如,可能性和影响

6. 通过已定义的风险类别,给通用产品风险分类,分组

7. 区分通用产品风险缓解的优先级8. 评审和取得相关人员在一般产品风险的完整性,类别和优先级一致同意

9. 适当的修订通用产品的风险

Note that product risk categories and parameters as defined in the “Test Planning” process area (SP

1.1 “Define product risk categories and parameters”) are largely re-used within this specific practice.

Refer to SG 1 “Perform a product risk assessment” from the process area “Test Planning” for more

details on the (sub) practices for performing the generic product risk assessment.

请注意,定义在“测试计划”过程域(SP1.1 定义产品风险类别和参数)的产品风险类别和参数,在这个特定的实践里被最大限度的重用。在(子)实践中执行通

用产品风险评估的更多信息请参考过程域“测试计划”中SG1 “执行产品风险评估”

SP 2.2 Define test strategy

SP 2.2 定义测试策略

The test strategy is defined, identifying the test levels and defining for each level amongst others the

objectives, responsibilities, main tasks and entry/exit criteria.


Typical work products


1. Test strategy

1. 测试策略



1. Study test policy and goals

2. Provide feedback for clarifying test policy and goals as necessary

1. 学习测试政策和目标

2. 必要时提供澄清测试政策和目标的反馈

3. Define the test strategy clearly linked with the defined test policy and goals

3. 定义测试策略并能清晰的链接到已定义的政策和目标

Examples of topics to be addressed as part of a test strategy include the following:

• Generics risks of the products being developed

• Overall test model (V-model, incremental lifecycle) as a way to mitigate the risks

• Test levels (e.g. unit, integration, system and acceptance test)

• Objectives, responsibilities and main tasks at each test level, e.g.

• for unit testing:

• verifying that the unit operates as specified in the unit design a certain level of

code coverage is achieved

• for integration testing:

• verifying that the units together operate as specified in the global design

• verifying that the interfaces operate as specified in the interface specification

• for system testing:

• verifying that the system operates as specified in the requirements


• a certain level of system requirements coverage is achieved

• for acceptance testing:

• verifying that the system satisfies acceptance criteria

• validating whether the system is ‘fit for use’

• a certain level of user requirements coverage is achieved

• Test case design techniques to be used at each test level

• Test types to be carried out at each test level

• Entry and exit criteria for each test level

• Standards that must be complied with

• Level of independence

• Environment in which the tests will be executed

• Approach to automation at each test level

• Approach to regression testing


























4. Review the test strategy with stakeholders

5. Define and establish ownership for test strategy

6. Revisit and revise the test strategy as appropriate, e.g. on a yearly basis

4. 评审测试策略

5. 定义和建立测试策略的所有权

6. 在适当的时候重访并修订测试策略,例如基于年度。

Note that the test strategy will serve as a starting point for testing to be performed in a project.

However, each project can tailor the overall strategy to its needs. Non-compliances shall be clearly

documented in the test plan.


SP 2.3 Distribute the test strategy to the stakeholders

SP 2.3 分发测试策略到相关人员

The test strategy is presented to and discussed with stakeholders inside and outside testing.


Typical work products


1. Deployment plan

2. Presentation test strategy

1. 部署计划

2. 演示测试策略

Examples of distribution mechanisms include the following:

• Documenting it in a handbook and/or quality system

• Presentations in project and/or departmental meetings

• Posters on the wall

• Making it part of the departmental introduction program

• Access on a central web portal







SG 3 Establish Test Performance Indicators

SG 3 建立测试性能指标

A set of goal oriented test process performance indicators is established and deployed


SP 3.1 Define test performance indicators

SP 3.1 定义测试性能指标

The test performance indicators are defined based upon the test policy and goals, including the

procedure for data collection, storage and analysis.


Typical work products


1. Test performance indicators

2. Data collection, storage, analysis and reporting procedure

1. 测试性能指标

2. 数据收集,存储,分析和报告程序



1. Study test policy and goals, e.g. the objectives for test process improvement

2. Provide feedback for clarifying test policy and goals as necessary

3. Define the test performance indicators traceable to the test policy and goals

1. 学习测试政策和目标,如测试过程改进的目标

2. 必要时提供澄清测试政策和目标的反馈

3. 定义测试性能指标并能链接到已定义的政策和目标

Examples of test performance indicators include the following:

• Test effort and cost

• Test lead time

• Number of defects found

• Defect detection percentage

• Test maturity level


 测试成本 测试所需的时间 缺陷的数量 缺陷检测率 测试成熟度

4. Review the performance indicators with stakeholders

5. Define and establish ownership for test performance indicators

6. Specify how performance indicators will be obtained and stored

7. Specify how performance indicators will be analyzed and reported

4. 评审性能指标

5. 定义和建立测试性能指标的所有权


SP 3.2 Deploy test performance indicators

SP 3.2 部署测试性能指标

Deploy the test performance indicators and provide measurement results, which address the identified

test performance indicators, to stakeholders.


Typical work products


1. Test performance indicators data

2. Reports on test performance indicators

1. 测试性能指标数据

2. 测试性能指标的报告



1. Obtain specified performance indicators data

2. Analyze and interpret performance indictors

3. Manage and store performance indicators data and analysis results

4. Report the performance indicators to stakeholders on a periodic basis

5. Assist stakeholders in understanding the results


Examples of actions to assist in understanding of results include the following:

• Discussing the results with relevant stakeholders

• Provide contextual information that provides background and explanation



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