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OIPF 规范翻译(DAE)-----3

2010-05-12 21:20 429 查看
3 Terminology and conventions
3.1 Conventions

All sections and annexes, except “Scope” and “Introduction”, are normative, unless they are explicitly indicated to be

“RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

In sections of the present document whose presence is indicated by one of the capabilities defined in section 9.3, use of
the [RFC2119] terms “MUST”, “SHALL” or “REQUIRED” applies only when the capability is made available to DAE
applications. They do not have the effect of making that section mandatory.

In this document, “application” means “declarative application” (browser based application) throughout the DAE
platform specification, as opposed to the “procedural applications” (Java based applications) defined in the PAE platform

In the documente APIs JavaScript attributes are read-write unless otherwise specified.

The type “ Integer ” is not a valid Javascript type as is. It is used as a short hand notation for a subset of type “ Number ”
which includes only the numbers that can be written without a fractional or decimal component.
3 术语和约定
3.1 约定

3.2 Definitions 定义

Audio from memory ,Audible notifications and audio clips intended to be played from memory.

Audio from memory ,内存中准备播放的通知声(估计是音效)和音频剪辑;

Broadcast related application :相关的广播程序(引用)?
Interactive application associated with a television or radio channel, with part of a television channel (e.g.
a particular program or show) or other television content. Often referred to as “red button” applications in
the industry, regardless of how they are actually started by the end user.

Broadcast independent application :独立的广播程序(应用)?

Interactive application not related to any TV channel or TV content or to the currently selected service


Embedded object :嵌入式对象(应该不用翻译,应该指的是浏览器嵌入Netscape Plugins或ActiveX控件的方法类似的东西)

A software module that extends the capabilities of the OITF browser. Features provided by an embedded
object are made available to DAE applications through the methods and properties of a specific javascript
用来作为扩展OITF浏览器能力的模块。通过embedded object提供的机制,DAE 应用程序可以获得Javascript对象的方法和属性。

HTML document :
An XHTML document and associated style and script files conforming to the restrictions and extensions defined in the present document.


Key Event Event :sent to a DAE application in response to input from the end-user. This input is typically generated

in response to the end-user pressing a button on a conventional remote control. It may also be generated by some other mechanism on alternative input devices such as game controllers, touch screens, wands or drastically reduced remote controls.


Mandatory :The feature is an absolute requirement of the specification (a “MUST” as defined by RFC 2119).
Non-visual embedded object :

A non-visual embedded object is an embedded object that has no visible representation and cannot get input focus
Optional :The feature is truly optional (a “MAY” as defined by RFC 2119)

Remote UI :The display of a UI from one device on a second (remote) device across a network.

Service provider related application :

Interactive application related to the service provider selected through the service provider selection process.

Trick Mode :Facility to allow the User to control the playback of Content, such as pause, fast and slow playback, reverse playback, instant access, replay, forward and reverse skipping.


3.3 Abbreviations 缩略语

AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
CSS Cascading style sheets
DOM Document object model
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
HE-AAC High Efficiency AAC
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
PNG Portable Network Graphics
PSI Public Service Identifier
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
WAVE Waveform audio format
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