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2010-05-11 14:50 141 查看
TMMi Level 2: Managed


In level 2, testing becomes a managed process and is clearly separated from debugging. The process discipline

reflected by maturity level 2 helps to ensure that existing practices are retained during times of stress. However, it

is by many stakeholders still perceived as being a project phase that follows coding. In the context of improving the

test process, a company-wide or program-wide test strategy is established. Test plan are also being developed.

Within the test plan a test approach is defined, whereby the approach is based on the level of risk. Risk

management techniques are used to identify the product risks based on documented requirements. The test plan

will define what testing is required, when, how and by whom. Commitments are established among relevant

stakeholders and revised as needed. Testing is monitored and controlled to ensure it is going according to plan and

actions can be taken if deviations occur. The status of the work products and the delivery of testing services are

visible to management. For deriving and selecting test cases from specifications test design techniques are

applied. However, testing may still start relatively late in the development lifecycle, e.g. during the design or even

during the coding phase. Testing is multi-leveled: there are unit, integration, system and acceptance test levels. For

each identified test level there are specific testing objectives defined in the organization-wide or program-wide test

strategy. The main objective of testing in a TMMi level 2 organizations is to verify that the product satisfies the

specified requirements. The purpose is also to clearly differentiate the processes of testing and debugging. Many

quality problems at this TMMi level occur because testing occurs late in the development lifecycle. Defects are

propagated from the requirements and design into code. There are no review programs as yet to address this

important issue. Post code, execution based testing is by many stakeholders still considered the primary testing




The process areas at TMMi level 2 are:

2.1 Test Policy and Strategy

2.2 Test Planning

2.3 Test Monitoring and Control

2.4 Test Design and Execution

2.5 Test Environment


2.1 测试政策和策略

2.2 测试计划

2.3 测试监控

2.4 测试设计和执行

2.5 测试环境

PA2.1 Test Policy and Strategy

PA2.1 测试政策和策略



The purpose of Test Policy and Strategy is to develop and establish a test policy and an organization-wide or

program-wide test strategy in which the test levels are unambiguously defined. To measure test performance, test

performance indicators are introduced.


Introductory Notes


When an organization wants to improve its test process, it should first clearly define a test policy. The test policy

defines the organization’s overall test objectives, goals and strategic views regarding testing. It is important that the

test policy is aligned with the overall business (quality) policy of the organization. A test policy is necessary to attain

a common view on testing between all stakeholders within an organization. This common view is indispensable to

align test (process improvement) activities. The test policy should address both new development and maintenance

testing activities. Within the test policy the objectives for test process improvement should be stated. These

objectives will subsequently be translated into a set of key test performance indicators. The test policy and the

accompanying performance indicators provide a clear direction, and a means to communicate expected and

achieved levels of test performance. The performance indicators have the objective to show the value of testing

and test process improvement to stakeholders.





Based upon the test policy a test strategy will be defined. The test strategy covers the generic test requirements for

an organization or program (one or more projects). The test strategy addresses the generic product risks and

presents a process for mitigating those risks in line with the testing policy.

The test strategy therefore starts by

performing a generic product risk assessment studying the products being developed within a program or

organization. A typical test strategy will include a description of the test levels that are to be applied, for example:

unit, integration, system and acceptance test. For each test level amongst others the objectives, responsibilities,

main tasks and entry/exit criteria are defined.

The test strategy serves as a starting point for the testing activities

within projects. The projects are set up in accordance with the organization-wide or program-wide test strategy.

When a test strategy is defined and followed, less overlap between the test levels is likely to occur leading to a

more efficient test process. Also since the test objectives and approach of the various levels is aligned fewer holes

are likely to remain leading to a more effective test process.








The process area Test Policy and Strategy involves the definition and deployment of a test policy and test strategy.

Within the test strategy, test levels are identified. For each test level, amongst other test objectives, responsibilities

and main tasks are defined. To measure test performance and the accomplishment of test (improvement) goals,

test performance indicators are defined and deployed.



Specific Goal and Practice Summary

SG1 Establish a test policy

SP 1.1 Define test goals

SP 1.2 Define test policy

SP 1.3 Distribute the test policy to stakeholders

SG2 Establish a test strategy

SP 2.1 Perform a generic product risk assessment

SP 2.2 Define test strategy

SP 2.3 Distribute the test strategy to stakeholders

SG3 Establish test performance indicators

SP 3.1 Define test performance indicators

SP 3.2 Deploy test performance indicators


SG1 建立测试政策

SP1.1 定义测试目标

SP1.2 定义测试政策

SP1.3 分配测试政策到相关人员

SG2 建立测试策略

SP2.1 执行通用产品风险管理

SP2.2 定义测试策略

SP2.3 分配测试策略到相关人员

SG3 定义测试性能指标

SP 3.1 定义测试性能指标

SP 3.2 实施测试性能指标
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