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[记在小本上] android 1.5 创建新的avd, 和使用此avd launch emulator

2010-05-04 22:05 639 查看
1. 查看当前版本支持的android target

* android list targets

Available Android targets:
id: 1
Name: Android 1.1
Type: Platform
API level: 2
Skins: HVGA (default), HVGA-L, HVGA-P, QVGA-L, QVGA-P
id: 2
Name: Android 1.5
Type: Platform
API level: 3
Skins: HVGA (default), HVGA-L, HVGA-P, QVGA-L, QVGA-P
id: 3
Name: Google APIs
Type: Add-On
Vendor: Google Inc.
Description: Android + Google APIs
Based on Android 1.5 (API level 3)
* com.google.android.maps (maps.jar)
API for Google Maps
Skins: QVGA-P, HVGA-L, HVGA (default), QVGA-L, HVGA-P

2. 基于id 为1 的target 创建一个名字为my_avk_name的avd

*android create avd --name my_avd_name --target 1

Android 1.1 is a basic Android platform.
Do you wish to create a custom hardware profile [no]y

Device ram size: The amount of physical RAM on the device, in megabytes.
hw.ramSize [96]:

Touch-screen support: Whether there is a touch screen or not on the device.
hw.touchScreen [yes]:y

Track-ball support: Whether there is a trackball on the device.
hw.trackBall [yes]:y

Keyboard support: Whether the device has a QWERTY keyboard.
hw.keyboard [yes]:y

DPad support: Whether the device has DPad keys
hw.dPad [yes]:y

GSM modem support: Whether there is a GSM modem in the device.
hw.gsmModem [yes]:y

Camera support: Whether the device has a camera.
hw.camera [no]:y

Maximum horizontal camera pixels
hw.camera.maxHorizontalPixels [640]:

Maximum vertical camera pixels
hw.camera.maxVerticalPixels [480]:

GPS support: Whether there is a GPS in the device.
hw.gps [yes]:y

Battery support: Whether the device can run on a battery.
hw.battery [yes]:

Accelerometer: Whether there is an accelerometer in the device.
hw.accelerometer [yes]:

Audio recording support: Whether the device can record audio
hw.audioInput [yes]:

Audio playback support: Whether the device can play audio
hw.audioOutput [yes]:

SD Card support: Whether the device supports insertion/removal of virtual SD Cards.
hw.sdCard [yes]:

Cache partition support: Whether we use a /cache partition on the device.
disk.cachePartition [yes]:

Cache partition size
disk.cachePartition.size [66MB]:

Created AVD 'my_avd_name' based on Android 1.1

3. 不使用avd launch emulator 会出现的问题

* emulator

emulator: ERROR: You did not provide the name of an Android Virtual Device
with the '-avd <name>' option. Read -help-avd for more information.

If you *really* want to *NOT* run an AVD, consider using '-data <file>'
to specify a data partition image file (I hope you know what you're doing).

4. create 一个size为256M的sd card.(SD card 默认大小是8M)

* mksdcard 256M mysdcard

5. 是用刚刚建立的avd 和sd card launch emulator

*emulator -avd my_avd_name -sdcard mysdcard

emulator: emulator window was out of view and was recentred

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