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Shared Assemblies and strongly named Assemblies

2010-04-22 11:02 288 查看
1. public key token is the last 8 bytes of public key which has been hashed.


2.The public key field in AssemblyDef metadata table stores the full public key.

    The public key filed in AssemblyRef metadata table stores the public key token. 


3. Whenever you build an assembly, the assembly will have references to other strongly named

     assemblies. This is true because System.Object is defined in MSCorLib.dll, which is strongly

     named. However, it’s likely that an assembly will reference types in other strongly named assemblies

     published either by Microsoft, a third party, or your own organization. In Chapter 2,

     I showed you how to use CSC.exe’s /reference compiler switch to specify the assembly file

     names you want to reference. If the file name is a full path, CSC.exe loads the specified file

     and uses its metadata information to build the assembly. As mentioned in Chapter 2, if you

     specify a file name without a path, CSC.exe attempts to find the assembly by looking in the

     following directories (in order of their presentation here):

       1)Working directory.

       2)The directory that contains the CSC.exe file itself. This directory also contains the CLR


       3) Any directories specified using the /lib compiler switch.

       4)Any directories specified using the LIB environment variable.

     So if you’re building an assembly that references Microsoft’s System.Drawing.dll, you can

     specify the /reference:System.Drawing.dll switch when invoking CSC.exe. The compiler

     will examine the directories shown earlier and will find the System.Drawing.dll file in the

     directory that contains the CSC.exe file itself, which is the same directory that contains the

     DLLs for the version of the CLR the compiler is tied to. Even though this is the directory

     where the assembly is found at compile time, this isn’t the directory where the assembly will

     be loaded from at runtime.


4. <?xml version="1.0"?>



<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">

<probing privatePath="AuxFiles;bin/subdir" />


<assemblyIdentity name="JeffTypes"

publicKeyToken="32ab4ba45e0a69a1" culture="neutral"/>


oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

<codeBase version=""

" />



<assemblyIdentity name="TypeLib"

publicKeyToken="1f2e74e897abbcfe" culture="neutral"/>


oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

<publisherPolicy apply="no" />





This XML file gives a wealth of information to the CLR. Here’s what it says:

n probing element Look in the application base directory’s AuxFiles and bin/subdir

subdirectories when trying to find a weakly named assembly. For strongly named assemblies,

the CLR looks in the GAC or in the URL specified by the codeBase element.

The CLR looks in the application’s private paths for a strongly named assembly only if

no codeBase element is specified.

n First dependentAssembly, assemblyIdentity, and bindingRedirect elements

When attempting to locate version of the culture-neutral JeffTypes assembly

published by the organization that controls the 32ab4ba45e0a69a1 public key token,

locate version of the same assembly instead.

n codeBase element When attempting to locate version of the culture-neutral

JeffTypes assembly published by the organization that controls the 32ab4ba45e0a69a1

public key token, try to find it at the following URL: www.Wintellect.com/JeffTypes.dll

Although I didn’t mention it in Chapter 2, a codeBase element can also be used with
weakly named assemblies. In this case, the assembly’s version number is ignored and

should be omitted from the XML’s



element. Also, the


URL must
refer to a directory under the application’s base directory.









, and



When attempting to locate version through version inclusive of the

culture-neutral TypeLib assembly published by the organization that controls the
1f2e74e897abbcfe public key token, locate version of the same assembly instead.






If the organization that produces the TypeLib assembly
has deployed a publisher policy file (described in the next section), the CLR should
ignore this file.
When compiling a method, the CLR determines the types and members being referenced.
Using this information, the runtime determines, by looking in the referencing assembly’s
AssemblyRef table, the assembly that was originally referenced when the calling assembly
was built. The CLR then looks up the assembly/version in the application’s configuration
file and applies any version number redirections; the CLR is now looking for this assembly/

If the






attribute is set to


—or if the element is omitted
—the CLR examines the GAC for the new assembly/version and applies any version number
redirections that the publisher of the assembly feels is necessary; the CLR is now looking for
this assembly/version. I’ll talk more about publisher policy in the next section. Finally, the CLR
looks up the new assembly/version in the machine’s Machine.config file and applies any
version number redirections there.
At this point, the CLR knows the version of the assembly that it should load, and it attempts
to load the assembly from the GAC. If the assembly isn’t in the GAC, and if there is no



element, the CLR probes for the assembly as I described in Chapter 2. If the configuration
file that performs the last redirection also contains a




element, the CLR
attempts to load the assembly from the




element’s specified URL.





If the new assembly doesn’t fix the original bug, the administrator can delete the binding

redirection lines from the configuration file, and the application will behave as it did before.

It’s important to note that the system allows the use of an assembly that doesn’t exactly

match the assembly version recorded in the metadata. This extra flexibility is very handy.

Publisher Policy Control

In the scenario described in the previous section, the publisher of an assembly simply sent a

new version of the assembly to the administrator, who installed the assembly and manually

edited the application’s or machine’s XML configuration files. In general, when a publisher

fixes a bug in an assembly, the publisher would like an easy way to package and distribute

the new assembly to all of the users. But the publisher also needs a way to tell each user’s

CLR to use the new assembly version instead of the old assembly version. Sure, each user

could modify his or her application’s or machine’s XML configuration file, but this is terribly

inconvenient and error prone. What the publisher needs is a way to create policy information

that is installed on the user’s computer when the new assembly is installed. In this section, I’ll

show how an assembly’s publisher can create this policy information.

Let’s say that you’re a publisher of an assembly and that you’ve just created a new version

of your assembly that fixes some bugs. When you package your new assembly to send out

to all of your users, you should also create an XML configuration file. This configuration file

looks just like the configuration files we’ve been talking about. Here’s an example file (called

JeffTypes.config) for the JeffTypes.dll assembly:



<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">


<assemblyIdentity name="JeffTypes"

publicKeyToken="32ab4ba45e0a69a1" culture="neutral"/>


oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

<codeBase version=""






Of course, publishers can set policies only for the assemblies that they themselves create. In

addition, the elements shown here are the only elements that can be specified in a publisher

policy configuration file; you can’t specify the probing or publisherPolicy elements, for


This configuration file tells the CLR to load version of the JeffTypes assembly whenever

version of the assembly is referenced. Now you, the publisher, can create an assembly

that contains this publisher policy configuration file. You create the publisher policy

assembly by running AL.exe as follows:

AL.exe /out:Policy.1.0.JeffTypes.dll




Let me explain the meaning of AL.exe抯 command-line switches:

n /out This switch tells AL.exe to create a new PE file, called Policy.1.0.JeffTypes.dll,

which contains nothing but a manifest. The name of this assembly is very important.

The first part of the name, Policy, tells the CLR that this assembly contains publisher

policy information. The second and third parts of the name, 1.0, tell the CLR that this

publisher policy assembly is for any version of the JeffTypes assembly that has a major

and minor version of 1.0. Publisher policies apply to the major and minor version numbers

of an assembly only; you can抰 create a publisher policy that is specific to individual

builds or revisions of an assembly. The fourth part of the name, JeffTypes, indicates the

name of the assembly that this publisher policy corresponds to. The fifth and last part

of the name, dll, is simply the extension given to the resulting assembly file.

n /version This switch identifies the version of the publisher policy assembly; this

version number has nothing to do with the JeffTypes assembly itself. You see, publisher

policy assemblies can also be versioned. Today, the publisher might create a publisher

policy redirecting version of JeffTypes to version In the future, the publisher

might want to direct version of JeffTypes to version The CLR uses

this version number so that it knows to pick up the latest version of the publisher policy


n /keyfile This switch causes AL.exe to sign the publisher policy assembly by using

the publisher抯 public/private key pair. This key pair must also match the key pair used

for all versions of the JeffTypes assembly. After all, this is how the CLR knows that the

same publisher created both the JeffTypes assembly and this publisher policy file.

n /linkresource This switch tells AL.exe that the XML configuration file is to be

considered a separate file of the assembly. The resulting assembly consists of two files,

both of which must be packaged and deployed to the users along with the new version

of the JeffTypes assembly. By the way, you can抰 use AL.exe抯 /embedresource switch to

embed the XML configuration file into the assembly file, making a single file assembly,

because the CLR requires the XML file to be contained in its own separate file.

Once this publisher policy assembly is built, it can be packaged together with the new

JeffTypes.dll assembly file and deployed to users. The publisher policy assembly must be installed

into the GAC. Although the JeffTypes assembly can also be installed into the GAC, it

doesn’t have to be. It could be deployed into an application’s base directory or some other

directory identified by a codeBase URL.

I want to make one last point about publisher policy. Say that a publisher distributes a publisher

policy assembly, and for some reason, the new assembly introduces more bugs than

it fixes. If this happens, the administrator would like to tell the CLR to ignore the publisher

policy assembly. To have the runtime do this, the administrator can edit the application’s

configuration file and add the following publisherPolicy element:

<publisherPolicy apply="no"/>

This element can be placed as a child element of the <assemblyBinding> element in the

application’s configuration file so that it applies to all assemblies, or as a child element of the

<dependantAssembly> element in the application’s configuration file to have it apply to a

specific assembly. When the CLR processes the application’s configuration file, it will see that

the GAC shouldn’t be examined for the publisher policy assembly. So the CLR will continue to

operate using the older version of the assembly. Note, however, that the CLR will still examine

and apply any policy specified in the Machine.config file.
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