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2010-04-21 09:44 507 查看

vim DrawIt.vba.gz

:so %



了 DrawIt.vba.gz后,按照这个说法没有办法实现画图功能,使用/di也进不了画图模式。郁闷了一阵,后来想是不是用解压后的文件,解压后是 DrawIt.vba,直接用VIM7.0打开,然后用:so %,解开了好几个scripts,退出后再次打开就可以了。


<left>       move and draw left

   <right>      move and draw right, inserting lines/space as

   <up>         move and draw up, inserting lines/space as

   <down>       move and draw down, inserting lines/space as

   <s-left>     move left

   <s-right>    move right, inserting lines/space as needed

   <s-up>       move up, inserting lines/space as needed

   <s-down>     move down, inserting lines/space as needed

   <space>      toggle into and out of erase mode

   >            draw -> arrow

   <            draw <- arrow

   ^            draw ^  arrow

   v            draw v  arrow

   <pgdn>       replace with a /, move down and right, and
insert a /

   <end>        replace with a /, move down and left,  and
insert a /

   <pgup>       replace with a /, move up   and right, and
insert a /

   <home>       replace with a /, move up   and left,  and
insert a /

   />           draw fat -> arrow

   /<           draw fat <- arrow

   /^           draw fat ^  arrow

   /v           draw fat v  arrow

   /a           draw arrow based on corners of visual-block

   /b           draw box using visual-block selected region

   /e           draw an ellipse inside visual-block

   /f           fill a figure with some character

   /h           create a canvas for /a /b /e /l

   /l           draw line based on corners of visual block

   /s           adds spaces to canvas

   <leftmouse>  select visual block

<s-leftmouse>  drag and draw with current brush (register)

   /ra ... /rz  replace text with given brush/register

   /pa ...      like /ra ... /rz, except that blanks are considered

                to be transparent
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