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批量生成SecureCRT的Session文件 推荐

2010-04-11 18:14 375 查看
因为在工作中,批量的上架服务器,一次几十上百台,如果手动一台一台的在SecureCRT中添加过于麻烦,于是自己编写了一个Perl脚本批量创建,好 用又快速:


[test@mantis create_session]$ vim list

lan: hostname:test1





[test@mantis create_session]$ perl cre_sess.pl --port 22 --user nagios --password 8d860cf50f78af1a2833433076d288f3 --list list




[test@mantis create_session]$ ls session_dir/




#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#Batch Create SecureCRT Session

#write by luox




use strict;

use Getopt::Long;

use Cwd;

use vars qw/$port $user $password/;

my $PROGRAM_NAME = "cre_sess.pl";

my $VERSION = "0.1";

my $type = "lan";

my $port = "9922";

my $user = "root";

my $password = "ea4324f911e4210ab76cf50276d54725";

my $list_file = "list";

my $help;

my $debug = 0;

my $status = GetOptions (

"type=s" => \$type,

"port=i" => \$port,

"user=s" => \$user,

"password=s" => \$password,

"list_file=s" => \$list_file,

"help" => \$help,

"debug=i" => \$debug,


#conver decval to hexval with $port

$port = &convert_dec($port);

my $local = cwd;

chdir $local;

print "DEBUG MODE\n" if $debug;

print "\$type is: " . $type . "\n" if $debug;

print "\$port is: " . $port . "\n" if $debug;

print "\$user is: " . $user . "\n" if $debug;

print "\$password is: " . $password . "\n" if $debug;

print "\$list_file is: " . $list_file . "\n" if $debug;

if ($status == 0) {


exit 0;


if ($help) {


exit 0;


my $session_path = "$local/session_dir";

my $contents = `cat $local/source.ini`;

my $list = `cat $list_file`;

$list =~ s/^#.*\n//g;

my @list = split(/\n/,$list);

print $contents . "\n" if $debug;

if ( ! -d $session_path ) {

mkdir $session_path;

print "$session_path not found,now mkdir \n";


foreach my $line (@list) {

print $line . "\n" if $debug;

my $file_name = "";

my $hostname = "";

my $lan_ip = "";

my $wan_ip = "";

if ( $line =~ m{hostname:(\w+\d+)}i ) {

$hostname = $1;

print $hostname . "\n" if $debug;

last if $debug;


if ( $line =~ m{lan:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)}i ) {

$lan_ip = $1;


if ( $line =~ m{wan:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)}i ) {

$wan_ip = $1;



if ( $hostname =~ m{(\w+)(\d{4})}i ) {

} elsif ( $hostname =~ m{(\w+)(\d{3})}i ) {

$hostname = "$1" . "0" . "$2";

} elsif ( $hostname =~ m{(\w+)(\d{2})}i ) {

$hostname = "$1" . "00" . "$2";

} elsif ( $hostname =~ m{(\w+)(\d{1})}i ) {

$hostname = "$1" . "000" . "$2";


if ($type =~ m{^lan$}i) {

$file_name = "($hostname) " . $lan_ip . ".ini";

} elsif ($type =~ m{^wan$}i) {

$file_name = "($hostname) " . $wan_ip . ".ini";

} else {

die "type unkown please input right type: $!\n"


print $file_name . "\n" if $debug;

if ($type =~ m{^lan$}i) {

$contents =~ s/\"Hostname\"=\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/\"Hostname\"=$lan_ip/;

} elsif ($type =~ m{^wan$}i) {

$contents =~ s/\"Hostname\"=\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/\"Hostname\"=$wan_ip/;

} else {

die "type unkown please input right type: $!\n"


$contents =~ s/\[SSH2\]\s+Port\"=[\dA-Fa-f]+/\[SSH2\] Port\"=$port/;

$contents =~ s/\"Username\"=\w+/\"Username\"=$user/;

$contents =~ s/\"Password\"=\w+/\"Password\"=$password/;

chdir $session_path or die "can't change directory: $!";

open FH, "> $file_name" or die "Cant open $file_name file: $!";

printf FH ($contents);

close FH;

last if $debug;


sub print_help {

printf "\t (%s) auto create SecureCRT session files,must allocate OPTIONS list/user/port/password \n",$PROGRAM_NAME;

printf "\t VERSION is %s \n",$VERSION;

printf "\t--type setting session use lan or wan,default is lan \n";

printf "\t--port setting session use port,default is 9922 \n";

printf "\t--user setting session use user,default is root \n";

printf "\t--password setting ssession use passowrd,default is 111111 \n";

printf "\t passowrd is use secure encrypt \n";

printf "\t--list attach to list path \n";

printf "\t default list file in local directory list \n";

printf "\t--debug setting debug mode\n";

printf "\n";

printf "\t how to use Example as follows \n";

printf "\t perl cre_sess.pl --port 22 --user nagios --password 8d860cf50f78af1a2833433076d288f3 --list list \n"


sub convert_dec {

my $port = shift;

my $port_total_len = 8;

$port = sprintf("%x",$port);

my $port_len = length($port);

my $bad = $port_total_len - $port_len;

my $hex_port .= 0 x $bad . $port;

return $hex_port;


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