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2010-03-31 10:55 363 查看
*  Copyright (c) 2002 Steve Slaven, All Rights Reserved.
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
*  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
*  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
*  MA 02111-1307 USA

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "debug.h"

#define IS_CMD( x, y ) strncmp( x, y, strlen( y ) ) == 0

#include "kbd.h"


[code]/* Generates an X event, like keypress/mouseclick/move/etc
like a little man in your computer.  :) */


KeyCode thing_to_keycode( Display *d, char *thing )

KeyCode kc;
KeySym ks;

ks = XStringToKeysym( thing );
if( ks == NoSymbol ){
fprintf( stderr, "Unable to resolve keysym for '%s'/n", thing );
return( thing_to_keycode( d, "space" ) );

kc = XKeysymToKeycode( d, ks );
dmsg( 1, "String '%s' maps to keysym '%d'/n", thing, ks );
dmsg( 1, "String '%s' maps to keycode '%d'/n", thing, kc );

return( kc );


void send_key( Display *d, char *thing )

int probidx;
char *wrap_key = NULL;

dmsg( 1, "Sending key '%s'/n", thing );

/* Catch some common problem characters (thanks Martin Pirker) */
probidx = 0;
while( problems[ probidx ] != NULL ) {
if( strcmp( thing, problems[ probidx ] ) == 0 ) {
wrap_key = problems[ probidx + 1 ];
thing = problems[ probidx + 2 ];
probidx += 3;

if( wrap_key != NULL )
XTestFakeKeyEvent( d, thing_to_keycode( d, wrap_key ), True, CurrentTime );
XTestFakeKeyEvent( d, thing_to_keycode( d, thing ), True, CurrentTime );
XTestFakeKeyEvent( d, thing_to_keycode( d, thing ), False, CurrentTime );
if( wrap_key != NULL )
XTestFakeKeyEvent( d, thing_to_keycode( d, wrap_key ), False, CurrentTime );


void mouse_click( Display *d, int button )

dmsg( 1, "Clicking mouse button %d/n", button );
XTestFakeButtonEvent( d, button, True, CurrentTime );
XTestFakeButtonEvent( d, button, False, CurrentTime );


void mouse_move( Display *d, int x, int y )

dmsg( 1, "Moving mouse to %d,%d/n", x, y );
XTestFakeMotionEvent( d, -1, x, y, CurrentTime );


void mouse_rel_move( Display *d, int x, int y )

dmsg( 1, "Moving mouse relatively by %d,%d/n", x, y );
/* This does not match my docs... hrm... */
XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent( d, x, y, CurrentTime );
/* Should include screen?
XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent( d, -1, x, y, CurrentTime );


void process_command( Display *d, const char *cmd )

/* Process a command */
int tmpx,tmpy;
char str[ 128 ];

bzero( str, 128 );
if( IS_CMD( cmd, "mouseclick " ) ) {
sscanf( cmd, "mouseclick %d", &tmpx );
mouse_click( d, tmpx );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "key " ) ) {
strncpy( str, &cmd[ 4 ], 128 );
send_key( d, str );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "keydown " ) ) {
strncpy( str, &cmd[ 8 ], 128 );
XTestFakeKeyEvent( d, thing_to_keycode( d, str ), True, CurrentTime );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "keyup " ) ) {
strncpy( str, &cmd[ 6 ], 128 );
XTestFakeKeyEvent( d, thing_to_keycode( d, str ), False, CurrentTime );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "mousemove " ) ) {
sscanf( cmd, "mousemove %d %d", &tmpx, &tmpy );
mouse_move( d, tmpx, tmpy );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "mousermove " ) ) {
sscanf( cmd, "mousermove %d %d", &tmpx, &tmpy );
mouse_rel_move( d, tmpx, tmpy );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "sleep " ) ) {
sscanf( cmd, "sleep %d", &tmpx );
dmsg( 1, "sleep %d/n", tmpx );
sleep( tmpx );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "usleep " ) ) {
sscanf( cmd, "usleep %d", &tmpx );
dmsg( 1, "usleep %d/n", tmpx );
usleep( tmpx );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "mousedown " ) ) {
sscanf( cmd, "mousedown %d", &tmpx );
XTestFakeButtonEvent( d, tmpx, True, CurrentTime );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "mouseup " ) ) {
sscanf( cmd, "mouseup %d", &tmpx );
XTestFakeButtonEvent( d, tmpx, False, CurrentTime );
}else if( IS_CMD( cmd, "str " ) ) {
cmd += 4;
while( cmd[ 0 ] != 0 ) {
str[ 0 ] = cmd[ 0 ];
send_key( d, str );
fprintf( stderr, "Unknown command '%s'/n", cmd );

XFlush( d );


int main( int argc, char *argv[] )

Display *dpy = NULL;
int cnt, tmp_i;
char *buf, *display = NULL;
int opt;

while( ( opt = getopt( argc, argv, "hd:x:" ) ) != EOF ) {
switch( opt ) {
case 'h':
printf( "xte v" VERSION "/n"
"Generates fake input using the XTest extension, more reliable than xse/n"
"Author: Steve Slaven - http://hoopajoo.net/n" "Current keyboard map: " KBDMAP "/n"
"usage: %s [-h] [-x display] [arg ..]/n"
"  -h  this help/n"
"  -x  send commands to remote X server.  Note that some commands/n"
"      may not work correctly unless the display is on the console,/n"
"      e.g. the display is currently controlled by the keyboard and/n"
"      mouse and not in the background.  This seems to be a limitation/n"
"      of the XTest extension./n"
"  arg args instructing the little man on what to do (see below)/n"
"      if no args are passed, commands are read from stdin separated/n"
"      by newlines, to allow a batch mode/n"
" Commands:/n"
"  key k          Press and release key k/n"
"  keydown k      Press key k down/n"
"  keyup k        Release key k/n"
"  str string     Do a bunch of key X events for each char in string/n"
"  mouseclick i   Click mouse button i/n"
"  mousemove x y  Move mouse to screen position x,y/n"
"  mousermove x y Move mouse relative from current location by x,y/n"
"  mousedown i    Press mouse button i down/n"
"  mouseup i      Release mouse button i/n"
"  sleep x        Sleep x seconds/n"
"  usleep x       uSleep x microseconds/n"
"Some useful keys (case sensitive)/n"
"  Home/n"
"  Left/n"
"  Up/n"
"  Right/n"
"  Down/n"
"  Page_Up/n"
"  Page_Down/n"
"  End/n"
"  Return/n"
"  Backspace/n"
"  Tab/n"
"  Escape/n"
"  Delete/n"
"  Shift_L/n"
"  Shift_R/n"
"  Control_L/n"
"  Control_R/n"
"  Meta_L/n"
"  Meta_R/n"
"  Alt_L/n"
"  Alt_R/n"
"Sample, drag from 100,100 to 200,200 using mouse1:/n"
"  xte 'mousemove 100 100' 'mousedown 1' 'mousemove 200 200' 'mouseup 1'/n"
, argv[ 0 ] );
exit( 0 );

case 'd':
sscanf( optarg, "%d", &tmp_i );
dmsg( 2, "Debug set to %d/n", tmp_i );
debug_level( tmp_i );

case 'x':
display = optarg;

case '?':
fprintf( stderr, "Unknown option '%c'/n", optopt );

fprintf( stderr, "Unhandled option '%c'/n", opt );

dpy = XOpenDisplay( display );
if( dpy == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open display '%s'/n", display == NULL ? "default" : display );
exit( 1 );

if( argc - optind >= 1 ) {
/* Arg mode */
for( cnt = optind; cnt < argc; cnt++ ) {
process_command( dpy, argv[ cnt ] );
/* STDIN mode */
buf = (char *)malloc( 128 );
while( fgets( buf, 128, stdin ) ) {
buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] = 0; /* Chop /n */
process_command( dpy, buf );

XCloseDisplay( dpy );
exit( 0 );

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