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TFS Project error in SQL Server 2005 after installing SQL Server 2008

2010-03-15 22:12 561 查看
The SQL server 2005 and 2008 are supported to work separately in one OS. If you don’t have any TFS Projects of SQL Server, it should be true.
But if you want to open TFS Project in SQL Server 2005 environment after installing SQL Server 2008, you will get this error message:
The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Sometime, you could catch a different message. That doesn’t matter. The first thing you need to do is to run CMD.
And go to installed folder of 2005 to find out sqlwb.exe file. Then run it with /setup /selfreg parameter.

cd C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/90/Tools/Binn/VSShell/Common7/IDE
sqlwb.exe/setup /selfreg

Please not, there is not a space before “/setup”.

If that solution does not resolve your problem, the ultimate way is to uninstall SQL Server 2008 and reinstall it again. The TFS Project works magically. That was I did in my computer.
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