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2010-02-26 14:15 357 查看
$timeInterval = 30  #监测间隔
$record = @{"Coding" = 0; "Outlook Email" = 0; "Gmail" = 0; "Google Reader" = 0; "BBS" = 0; "Other Internet" = 0; "Documents" = 0;}
$count = 0
$date = date -format "yyyyMMdd"
#try to resume
if (test-path "d:\temp\timeRecord$date.txt") {
gc "d:\temp\timeRecord$date.txt" | % {if ($_ -match "\w+\s+\d+") {
$groups = [Regex]::Match($_, "^(\w+\s?\w+)\s+(\d+)").Groups;
$record[$groups[1].Value] = [int]::Parse($groups[2].Value);
#start to monitor
while ($true)
$titles = ps | ? {$_.MainWindowTitle} | select MainWindowTitle
$titles | % {
if ($_ -match "Google 阅读器 - Windows Internet Explorer") {$record["Google Reader"]++;}
else {if ($_ -match "Gmail - Windows Internet Explorer") {$record["Gmail"]++;}
else {if ($_ -match "Internet Explorer") {$record["Other Internet"]++;}
else {if ($_ -match "Visual Studio") {$record["Coding"]++;}
else {if ($_ -match "Microsoft Word") {$record["Documents"]++;}
else {if ($_ -match "Microsoft Office OneNote") {$record["Documents"]++;}
else {if ($_ -match "Microsoft PowerPoint") {$record["Documents"]++;}
else {if ($_ -match "Message (HTML)") {$record["Outlook Email"]++;}
else {if ($_ -match "bbs") {$record["BBS"]++;}
$count = ($count + 1) % 10 #为了防止数据丢失,每10次记录写入文件一次
if ($count -eq 0) {$record > "d:\temp\timeRecord$date.txt"}
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息