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Zap Channel Module ConfigurationThe Zap channel

module permits Asterisk to communicate with the Zaptel device driver, used to access Zaptel

telephony interface cards. You configure Asterisk's Zap channel module in the zapata.conf file.
Zap channel模块允许Asterisk与zaptel驱动程序之间通讯。通过配置zapata.conf文件实现

You will need the Zaptel kernel module device driver installed. See:

Zaptel Installation

Although TDMoE

is not directly related to Zapata hardware, it uses a pseudo-TDM engine, and gets configured here.

Using MySQL For Zap Channel ConfigurationIt is possible to store
configuration settings for the Zap channel driver in a MySQL table,
rather than editing the zapata.conf text file. You will have to compile
a version of Asterisk with this support built in. See:
可以把zap channel而配置存储在mysql表中,而不是zapatap.conf中,这需要版本支持

Configuring Asterisk from a Database

The rest of this page assumes you are editing the zapata.conf file by hand.

Creating ChannelsT
he format of the zapata.conf file is unfortunately
not as simple as it could be. Most keywords do not do anything by
themselves; they merely set up the parameters of any channel
definitions that follow. The channel keyword actually creates the
channel, using the settings specified before it. For example, you might
create two channels like this:




    channel => 1




    channel => 2

This creates channel 1 with a default language code "en" and a context
"reception". Channel 2 has a default language code "fr" and context

This is important, if you put something like echocancel=no before the
channel definition, it will effect all channels unless you turn it on
later with echocancel=yes. It progresses downward, but the definition
must be above the channel=> statement.

Available Settings

Signalling TypeThe signalling type to use with your interface is the
only mandatory setting. You must set a signalling type before
allocating a channel. If you are connecting analog telephone equipment,
note that analog phone signalling can be a source of some confusion.
FXS channels are signalled with FXO signalling, and vice versa.
Asterisk 'talks' to internal devices as the opposite side. An FXO
interface card is signalled with FXS signalling by Asterisk, and should
be configured as such.

: Sets the channel signaling type. These parameters should match the Zaptel driver configuration

The setting to use depends partly on which interface card you have.
Asterisk will fail to start if a channel signaling definition is
incorrect or unworkable, if the statements do not match the Zaptel
driver configuration, or if the device is not present or properly
configured. The correct setting to use is almost certainly one of the
following four: fxs_ks, fxo_ks, pri_cpe or pri_net. This setting has no
default value; you must set a value before allocating a channel.
Asterisk supports the following signalling types:
,fxs_ks, fxo_ks, pri_cpe or pri_net。该设置没有缺省值,必须在分配通道前设置信令值,下面是Asterisk支持的信令类型。

em: E & M Immediate Start

em_w: E & M Wink Start

em_e1: E & M CAS signalling for E1 lines

featd: Feature Group D (The fake, Adtran style, DTMF)

featdmf_ta: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US)) through a Tandem Access point

fgccama Feature Group C-CAMA (DP DNIS, MF ANI)

fgccamamf Feature Group C-CAMA MF (MF DNIS, MF ANI)

featdmf: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US))

featb: Feature Group B (MF (domestic, US))

fxs_ls: FXS (Loop Start)

fxs_gs: FXS (Ground Start)

fxs_ks: FXS (Kewl Start)

fxo_ls: FXO (Loop Start)

fxo_gs: FXO (Ground Start)

fxo_ks: FXO (Kewl Start)

pri_cpe: PRI signalling, CPE side

pri_net: PRI signalling, Network side (for instance, side that provides the dialtone)

sf: SF (Inband Tone) Signalling

sf_w: SF Wink

sf_featd: SF Feature Group D (The fake, Adtran style, DTMF)

sf_featdmf: SF Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US))

sf_featb: SF Feature Group B (MF (domestic, US))

E911 (MF) style signalling. Originating switch goes off-hook, far-end
winks, originating sends KP-911-ST, far-end gives answer supervision,
Originating-end sends KP-0-ANI-ST

The following are used for Radio interfaces:

fxs_rx: Receive audio/COR on an FXS kewlstart interface (FXO at the channel bank)

fxs_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an FXS loopstart interface (FXO at the channel bank)

fxo_rx: Receive audio/COR on an FXO loopstart interface (FXS at the channel bank)

fxo_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an FXO groundstart interface (FXS at the channel bank)

em_rx: Receive audio/COR on an E&M interface (1-way)

em_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface (1-way)

em_txrx: Receive audio/COR AND Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface (2-way)

em_rxtx: same as em_txrx (for our dyslexic friends)

sf_rx: Receive audio/COR on an SF interface (1-way)

sf_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an SF interface (1-way)

sf_txrx: Receive audio/COR AND Transmit audio/PTT on an SF interface (2-way)

sf_rxtx: same as sf_txrx (for our dyslexic friends)

Zap Channel Module ConfigurationThe Zap channel

module permits Asterisk to communicate with the Zaptel device driver, used to access Zaptel

telephony interface cards. You configure Asterisk's Zap channel module in the zapata.conf file.
Zap channel模块允许Asterisk与zaptel驱动程序之间通讯。通过配置zapata.conf文件实现

You will need the Zaptel kernel module device driver installed. See:

Zaptel Installation

Although TDMoE

is not directly related to Zapata hardware, it uses a pseudo-TDM engine, and gets configured here.

Using MySQL For Zap Channel ConfigurationIt is possible to store
configuration settings for the Zap channel driver in a MySQL table,
rather than editing the zapata.conf text file. You will have to compile
a version of Asterisk with this support built in. See:
可以把zap channel而配置存储在mysql表中,而不是zapatap.conf中,这需要版本支持

Configuring Asterisk from a Database

The rest of this page assumes you are editing the zapata.conf file by hand.

Creating ChannelsThe format of the zapata.conf file is unfortunately
not as simple as it could be. Most keywords do not do anything by
themselves; they merely set up the parameters of any channel
definitions that follow. The channel keyword actually creates the
channel, using the settings specified before it. For example, you might
create two channels like this:




    channel => 1




    channel => 2

This creates channel 1 with a default language code "en" and a context
"reception". Channel 2 has a default language code "fr" and context

This is important, if you put something like echocancel=no before the
channel definition, it will effect all channels unless you turn it on
later with echocancel=yes. It progresses downward, but the definition
must be above the channel=> statement.

Available Settings

Signalling TypeThe signalling type to use with your interface is the
only mandatory setting. You must set a signalling type before
allocating a channel. If you are connecting analog telephone equipment,
note that analog phone signalling can be a source of some confusion.
FXS channels are signalled with FXO signalling, and vice versa.
Asterisk 'talks' to internal devices as the opposite side. An FXO
interface card is signalled with FXS signalling by Asterisk, and should
be configured as such.

: Sets the channel signaling type. These parameters should match the Zaptel driver configuration

The setting to use depends partly on which interface card you have.
Asterisk will fail to start if a channel signaling definition is
incorrect or unworkable, if the statements do not match the Zaptel
driver configuration, or if the device is not present or properly
configured. The correct setting to use is almost certainly one of the
following four: fxs_ks, fxo_ks, pri_cpe or pri_net. This setting has no
default value; you must set a value before allocating a channel.
Asterisk supports the following signalling types:
,fxs_ks, fxo_ks, pri_cpe or pri_net。该设置没有缺省值,必须在分配通道前设置信令值,下面是Asterisk支持的信令类型。

em: E & M Immediate Start

em_w: E & M Wink Start

em_e1: E & M CAS signalling for E1 lines

featd: Feature Group D (The fake, Adtran style, DTMF)

featdmf_ta: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US)) through a Tandem Access point

fgccama Feature Group C-CAMA (DP DNIS, MF ANI)

fgccamamf Feature Group C-CAMA MF (MF DNIS, MF ANI)

featdmf: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US))

featb: Feature Group B (MF (domestic, US))

fxs_ls: FXS (Loop Start)

fxs_gs: FXS (Ground Start)

fxs_ks: FXS (Kewl Start)

fxo_ls: FXO (Loop Start)

fxo_gs: FXO (Ground Start)

fxo_ks: FXO (Kewl Start)

pri_cpe: PRI signalling, CPE side

pri_net: PRI signalling, Network side (for instance, side that provides the dialtone)

sf: SF (Inband Tone) Signalling

sf_w: SF Wink

sf_featd: SF Feature Group D (The fake, Adtran style, DTMF)

sf_featdmf: SF Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US))

sf_featb: SF Feature Group B (MF (domestic, US))

E911 (MF) style signalling. Originating switch goes off-hook, far-end
winks, originating sends KP-911-ST, far-end gives answer supervision,
Originating-end sends KP-0-ANI-ST

The following are used for Radio interfaces:

fxs_rx: Receive audio/COR on an FXS kewlstart interface (FXO at the channel bank)

fxs_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an FXS loopstart interface (FXO at the channel bank)

fxo_rx: Receive audio/COR on an FXO loopstart interface (FXS at the channel bank)

fxo_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an FXO groundstart interface (FXS at the channel bank)

em_rx: Receive audio/COR on an E&M interface (1-way)

em_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface (1-way)

em_txrx: Receive audio/COR AND Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface (2-way)

em_rxtx: same as em_txrx (for our dyslexic friends)

sf_rx: Receive audio/COR on an SF interface (1-way)

sf_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an SF interface (1-way)

sf_txrx: Receive audio/COR AND Transmit audio/PTT on an SF interface (2-way)

sf_rxtx: same as sf_txrx (for our dyslexic friends)


: The minimum number of unused
channels available. If there are fewer channels available, Asterisk
will not attempt to bundle any channels and give them to the data
connection. Takes an integer.

: The minimum number of idle channels to bundle
for the data link. Asterisk will keep this number of channels open for
data, rather than taking them back for voice channels when needed.
Takes an integer.

: The number to dial as the idle number. This
is typically the number to dial a Remote Access Server (RAS). Channels
being idled for data will be sent to this extension. Takes an integer
that does not conflict with any other extension in the Dialplan, and
has been defined as an idleext.
: 空闲拨号的数量,这是用于拨叫远程访问服务器最基本的一个数字,为数据预留的闲置通道被这个分机。该参数需要一个整数,与在拨号方案中定义了idleext的分机不会产生冲突。

: The extension to use as the idle
Takes a value in the form of exten@context. Typically, the extension
would be an extension to run the ZapRAS






Analog Trunk Features (模拟中继特征)usedistinctiveringdetection
Whether or not to attempt to recognize distinctive ring styles on
incoming calls. This does not require audio analyisis because rings are
simple transitions of the analog line. It's merely a matter of matching
the transition pattern.

Default: no.


, dring2
, dring3
If you set usedistinctiveringdetection=yes, then you may define up to
three different distinctive ring styles for Asterisk to attempt to
recognize. Each style is defined as a comma separated list of up to
three integers. Nobody has yet documented what these numbers mean, so
you're on your own when it comes to trying to figure out what numbers
to use for the distinctive ring syles used by your phone company in
your country. But the tip is to use the Asterisk console in verbose
mode, and apparently it reports numbers describing the ring patterns it
sees. These patterns may be a starting point:
, dring2
, dring3:





, dring2context
, dring3context
Along with setting up to three distinctive ring patterns with dring1,
dring2 and dring3, you also set corresponding contexts for incoming
calls matching those distinctive ring patterns to jump into. If an
incoming call does not match any of the distinctive ring patterns
defined, then of course it will enter Asterisk with the default context
defined for this channel.
, dring2context
, dring3context




: If enabled, Asterisk will analyze the
audio coming in on the line during a call or a dial attempt to attempt
to recognize busy signals. This is useful on analog trunk interfaces
both to detect a busy signal when dialing out, and for detecting when
the person has hung up. See also Disconnect Supervision

Be sure that you don't use this on digital interfaces like QuadBri
cards and so on. Otherwise you will run in "broken calls" problems.



: This option requires busydetect=yes.
You can specify how many busy tones to wait before hanging up. The
default is 3, but better results can be achieved if set to 6 or even 8.
The higher the number, the more time is needed to detect a disconnected
channel, but the lower the probability mistaking some other sound as
being a busy tone.


: Asterisk can attempt to monitor the
state of the call to listen for a ringing tone, busy tone, congestion
tone, and sounds indicating that the line has been answered. It appears
that this feature is independent of the busydetect feature; it seems
that both can run in parallel, and both will independently attempt to
recognize a busy tone. The callprogress feature is highly experimental
and can easily detect false answers, so don't count on it being very
accurate. Also, it is currently configured only for standard U.S. phone
tones. Default: no.


   callprogress = yes

: The standard installation of Asterisk does not
permit you to specify that a Zaptel device use pulse dialing, even
though the Zaptel driver supports pulse dialing. But you can apply a
patch file to enable you to specify pulse dialing with the pulse
keyword. See Pulse Dialing on Zap Channels

for the patch.


Analog Handset Features 模拟电话特征adsi
: If your
handset has ADSI (Analog Display Services Interface) capability, set
set adsi=yes. The ADSI specification is system similar to Caller ID to
pass encoded information to an analog handset. It allows the creation
of interactive visual menus on a multiline display, offering access to
services such as voicemail through a text interface.
:如果手持设备支持ADSI(模拟显示服务接口),设置set adsi=yes,ADSI类似来电显示功能,传递编码信息到手持设备。它可以在多行显示的手持设备上创建交互式可视化菜单,通过文本接口提供类似语音邮件的访问服务。

: Normally (i.e. with immediate set to 'no',
the default), when you lift an FXS handset, the Zaptel driver provides
you a dialtone and listens for digits that you dial, passing them on to
Asterisk. Asterisk waits until the number you've dialed matches an
extension, and then begins executing the first command on the matching
extension. If you set immediate=yes, then Asterisk will instruct the
Zaptel driver to not generate a dialtone when you lift a handset,
instead passing control immediately to Asterisk. Asterisk will start
executing the commands for this channel's "s" extension

. This is sometimes referred to as "batphone mode". Default: no.
Asterisk等到接收到extension匹配号码时,就会开始执行相应的命令,如果设置 immediate=yes,Asterisk会命令
extension。这通常应用于batphone 模式(蝙蝠电话?),缺省No


: If enabled, Asterisk will generate "call
waiting pips" when you are already in a conversation on your FXS
handset when someone tries to call you. If the channel has call waiting
by default, you can temporarily disable it by lifting the handset and
dialing *70, whereupon you will get a dialrecall tone and may then dial
the intended number. There is no corresponding way to temporarily
enable call waiting for channels that have it off by default. Default:


: Sets whether Asterisk will send
Caller ID data to the handset during call waiting indication. Requires
also setting callwaiting=yes. Default: no.


: If enabled, you can place a call on
hold by pressing a hook flash, whereupon you get a dialrecall tone and
can make another call. Default: no.


: This option has effect only when
threewaycalling=yes. If threewaycalling=yes and transfer=yes, then once
you've placed a call on hold with a hook flash, you can transfer that
call to another extension by dialing the extension and hanging up.
Default: no.


: If enabled, you may activate "call
forwarding immediate" by dialing *72 (whereupon you get a dialrecall
tone) followed by the extension number you wish to forward your calls
to. If someone dials your extension, the call will be redirected to the
forwarding number. You may disable the call forwarding by dialing *73.
Default: no.


: If enabled, you may dial *69 to have
Asterisk read to you the caller ID of the last person to call. You will
hear the dialrecall tone if there is no record of a last caller.
Default: no.


: A channel may belong to zero or more
callgroups. Callgroups specify who may answer this phone when it is
ringing. If this channel is ringing, then any other channel whose
pickupgroups include one of this channel's callgroups may answer the
call by dialing *8#
. This feature is supported by
Zap, SIP, Skinny and MGCP channels. Group numbers can range from 0 to
31. The default value is an empty string, i.e. no groups.



: A channel may belong to zero or more
pickupgroups. Pickupgroups specify whose phones you may answer. If
another channel is ringing, and this channel's pickupgroups include one
of the ringing channel's callgroups, then this channel may answer the
call by dialing *8#
. Group numbers can range from 0 to 31. The default value is an empty string, i.e. no groups.


See more about Channels and Groups

If you dial *8#
when there is more than one
channel whose calls you are eligible to answer, then it just answers
the "first ringing channel", i.e. you have no control which one you
pick up.


: If you set this
option (Use Incoming Caller ID On Zap Transfer) to 'yes', then when you
transfer a call to another phone, the original caller's Caller ID will
get forwarded on too. Default: no.

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