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Essential C++

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Chapter 1. Basic C++ Programming
In this chapter, we evolve a small program to exercise the fundamental components of the C++ language.
These components consist of the following:
1. A small set of data types: Boolean, character, integer, and floating point.
2. A set of arithmetic, relational, and logical operators to manipulate these types. These include not
only the usual suspects, such as addition, equality, less than, and assignment, but also the less
conventional increment, conditional, and compound assignment operators.
3. A set of conditional branch and looping statements, such as the if statement and while loop, to
alter the control flow of our program.
4. A small number of compound types, such as a pointer and an array. These allow us, respectively,
to refer indirectly to an existing object and to define a collection of elements of a single type.
5. A standard library of common programming abstractions, such as a string and a vector.
1.1 How to Write a C++ Program
We've been asked to write a simple program to write a message to the user's terminal asking her to type in
her name. Then we read the name she enters, store the name so that we can use it later, and, finally, greet
the user by name.
OK, so where do we start? We start in the same place every C++ program starts — in a function called
main(). main() is a user-implemented function of the following general form:
int main()
// our program code goes here
int is a C++ language keyword. Keywords are predefined names given special meaning within the
language. int represents a built-in integer data type. (I have much more to say about data types in the next
A function is an independent code sequence that performs some computation. It consists of four parts: the
return type, the function name, the parameter list, and the function body. Let's briefly look at each part in
The return type of the function usually represents the result of the computation. main() has an integer
return type. The value returned by main() indicates whether our program is successful. By convention,
main() returns 0 to indicate success. A nonzero return value indicates something went wrong.
The name of a function is chosen by the programmer and ideally should give some sense of what the
function does. min() and sort(), for example, are pretty good function names. f() and g() are not as
good. Why? Because they are less informative as to what the functions do.
main is not a language keyword. The compilation system that executes our C++ programs, however,
expects a main() function to be defined. If we forget to provide one, our program will not run.
The parameter list of a function is enclosed in parentheses and is placed after the name of the function. An
empty parameter list, such as that of main(), indicates that the function accepts no parameters.
The parameter list is typically a comma-separated list of types that the user can pass to the function when
the function is executed. (We say that the user has called, or invoked, a function.) For example, if we write
a function min() to return the smaller of two values, its parameter list would identify the types of the two
values we want to compare. A min() function to compare two integer values might be defined as follows:
int min(int val1, int val2)
// the program code goes here ...
The body of the function is enclosed in curly braces ({}). It holds the code sequence that provides the
computation of the function. The double forward slash (//) represents a comment, a programmer's
annotation on some aspect of the code. It is intended for readers of the program and is discarded during
compilation. Everything following the double forward slash to the end of the line is treated as a comment.
Our first task is to write a message to the user's terminal. Input and output are not a predefined part of the
C++ language. Rather, they are supported by an object-oriented class hierarchy implemented in C++ and
provided as part of the C++ standard library.
A class is a user-defined data type. The class mechanism is a method of adding to the data types
recognized by our program. An object-oriented class hierarchy defines a family of related class types, such
as terminal and file input, terminal and file output, and so on. (We have a lot more to say about classes and
object-oriented programming throughout this text.)
C++ predefines a small set of fundamental data types: Boolean, character, integer, and floating point.
Although these provide a foundation for all our programming, they are not the focus of our programs. A
camera, for example, must have a location in space, which is generally represented by three floating point
numbers. A camera also has a viewing orientation, which is also represented by three floating point
numbers. There is usually an aspect ratio describing the ratio of the camera viewing width to height. This
is represented by a single floating point number.
On the most primitive level, that is, a camera is represented as seven floating point numbers, six of which
form two x,y,z coordinate tuples. Programming at this low level requires that we shift our thinking back
and forth from the manipulation of the camera abstraction to the corresponding manipulation of the seven
floating point values that represent the camera in our program.
The class mechanism allows us to add layers of type abstraction to our programs. For example, we can
define a Point3d class to represent location and orientation in space. Similarly, we can define a Camera
class containing two Point3d class objects and a floating point value. We're still representing a camera by
seven floating point values. The difference is that in our programming we are now directly manipulating
the Camera class rather than seven floating point values.
The definition of a class is typically broken into two parts, each represented by a separate file: a header file
that provides a declaration of the operations supported by the class, and a program text file that contains
the implementation of those operations.
To use a class, we include its header file within our program. The header file makes the class known to the
program. The standard C++ input/output library is called the iostream library. It consists of a collection of
related classes supporting input and output to the user's terminal and to files. To use the iostream class
library, we must include its associated header file:
#include <iostream>
To write to the user's terminal, we use a predefined class object named cout (pronounced see out). We
direct the data we wish cout to write using the output operator (<<), as follows:
cout << "Please enter your first name: ";
This represents a C++ program statement, the smallest independent unit of a C++ program. It is analogous
to a sentence in a natural language. A statement is terminated by a semicolon. Our output statement writes
the string literal (marked by double quotation marks) onto the user's terminal. The quotation marks identify
the string; they are not displayed on the terminal. The user sees
Please enter your first name:
Our next task is to read the user's input. Before we can read the name the user types, we must define an
object in which to store the information. We define an object by specifying the data type of the object and
giving it a name. We've already seen one data type: int. That's hardly a useful way of storing someone's
name, however! A more appropriate data type in this case is the standard library string class:
string user_name;
This defines user_name as an object of the string class. The definition, oddly enough, is called a
declaration statement. This statement won't be accepted, however, unless we first make the string class
known to the program. We do this by including the string class header file:
#include <string>
To read input from the user's terminal, we use a predefined class object named cin (pronounced see in).
We use the input operator (>>) to direct cin to read data from the user's terminal into an object of the
appropriate type:
cin >> user_name;
The output and input sequence would appear as follows on the user's terminal. (The user's input is
highlighted in bold.)
Please enter your first name: anna
All we've left to do now is to greet the user by name. We want our output to look like this:
Hello, anna ... and goodbye!
I know, that's not much of a greeting. Still, this is only the first chapter. We'll get a bit more inventive
before the end of the book.
To generate our greeting , our first step is to advance the output to the next line. We do this by writing a
newline character literal to cout:
cout << '/n';
A character literal is marked by a pair of single quotation marks. There are two primary flavors of
character literals: printing characters such as the alphabet ('a', 'A', and so on), numbers, and punctuation
marks (';', '-', and so on), and nonprinting characters such as a newline ('/n') or tab ('/t'). Because
there is no literal representation of nonprinting characters, the most common instances, such as the newline
and tab, are represented by special two-character sequences.
Now that we've advanced to the next line, we want to generate our Hello:
cout << "Hello, ";
Next, we need to output the name of the user. That's stored in our string object, user_name. How do we
do that? Just the same as with the other types:
cout << user_name;
Finally, we finish our greeting by saying goodbye (notice that a string literal can be made up of both
printing and nonprinting characters):
cout << " ... and goodbye!/n";
In general, all the built-in types are output in the same way — that is, by placing the value on the righthand
side of the output operator. For example,
cout << "3 + 4 = ";
cout << 3 + 4;
cout << '/n';
generates the following output:
3 + 4 = 7
As we define new class types for use in our applications, we also provide an instance of the output operator
for each class. (We see how to do this in Chapter 4.) This allows users of our class to output individual
class objects in exactly the same way as the built-in types.
Rather than write successive output statements on separate lines, we can concatenate them into one
compound output statement:
cout << '/n'
<< "Hello, "
<< user_name
<< " ... and goodbye!/n";
Finally, we can explicitly end main() with the use of a return statement:
return 0;
return is a C++ keyword. The expression following return, in this case 0, represents the result value of
the function. Recall that a return value of 0 from main() indicates that the program has executed
successfully. [1]
[1] If we don't place an explicit return statement at the end of main(), a return 0; statement is
inserted automatically. In the program examples in this book, I do not place an explicit return statement.
Putting the pieces together, here is our first complete C++ program:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std; // haven't explained this yet ...
int main()
string user_name;
cout << "Please enter your first name: ";
cin >> user_name;
cout << '/n'
<< "Hello, "
<< user_name
<< " ... and goodbye!/n";
return 0;
When compiled and executed, this code produces the following output (my input is highlighted in bold):
Please enter your first name: anna
Hello, anna ... and goodbye!
There is one statement I haven't explained:
using namespace std;
Let's see if I can explain this without scaring you off. (A deep breath is recommended at this point!) Both
using and namespace are C++ keywords. std is the name of the standard library namespace.
Everything provided within the standard library (such as the string class and the iostream class objects
cout and cin) is encapsulated within the std namespace. Of course, your next question is, what is a
A namespace is a method of packaging library names so that they can be introduced within a user's
program environment without also introducing name clashes. (A name clash occurs when there are two
entities that have the same name in an application so that the program cannot distinguish between the two.
When this happens, the program cannot run until the name clash is resolved.) Namespaces are a way of
fencing in the visibility of names.
To use the string class and the iostream class objects cin and cout within our program, we must not only
include the string and iostream header files but also make the names within the std namespace visible.
The using directive
using namespace std;
is the simplest method of making names within a namespace visible. (To read about namespaces in more
detail, check out either Section 8.5 of [LIPPMAN98] or Section 8.2 of [STROUSTRUP97].)
Exercise 1.1
Enter the main() program, shown earlier. Either type it in directly or download the program; see the
Preface for how to acquire the source programs and solutions to exercises. Compile and execute the
program on your system.
Exercise 1.2
Comment out the string header file:
// #include <string>
Now recompile the program. What happens? Now restore the string header and comment out
//using namespace std;
What happens?
Exercise 1.3
Change the name of main() to my_main() and recompile the program. What happens?
Exercise 1.4
Try to extend the program: (1) Ask the user to enter both a first and last name and (2) modify the output to
write out both names.
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